Nov. 29, 2024

A Wicked Review, Love Goggles & a Failed Driver's Test

Jann, Caitlin, and Sarah discuss the new Wicked movie, a study about single women, Caitlin's G1 test and more!

Jann, Caitlin, and Sarah start the show with a tour update and all of the excitement surrounding the new Wicked movie. They briefly discuss the 'Swift Effect', the role of AI in the workforce, and Jann brings in an intersting study about why women choose to remain single.

They also get into the holiday spirit with a light-hearted discussion about holiday traditions and the joy of food. Jann may or may not give away her nuts and bolts holiday recipe!

Caitlin also shares her recent experience taking her G1 driving test a few times and her desire to learn to ride a bike for young Will!

Thank you for leaving us voicenotes - send us some holiday stories at, the good, the bad, and the weird!

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Music. Welcome to the Jan Arden podcast and Show. I'm your host, Jan Arden, I'm here with Caitlin green and Sarah Burke. I'm home for 36 hours just being able to come here. Reboot my suitcase, chuck everything in the washing machine, redo my travel clothes, because after two weeks, you're so sick of your clothes you want to burn them all. Yeah,

oh God, that would be stressful, picking out outfits for two weeks of stage.

Oh no, the stage is locked and loaded. That's not a problem. That never changes that that's good to go. But I understand what you're saying. I, however, do not. I've got like, four or five different things that just they can switch. They can be different pieces. A skirt can go with this jacket. Or it's day to day clothes. It's bras, underpants, socks that you never want to see again, the

bra I would so deeply relate to there. When I get home from a trip and I see those Bras? I'm like, no, these have to go to the back of the bra drawer, and I have to cycle a bunch that I do not regularly wear to the front, because I just can't. If I've been away for like, two weeks, it's the worst. And when and you've been in hotels. So it's not like you're doing, like, sometimes, if you're staying with family or you rent a house, you can do laundry on the go, but if you're really just, like, reworking that suitcase and getting a couple done at the hotels, it's like, and I brought

too much stuff. Story

of all of our lives, I'm sure. So I had Poppy's bed,

which which can squish down. I've got his food. I've got pee pads for the hotels. I've got his toys. Caitlin traveling with a child. I can really feel for parents that are traveling with a newborn or a two year old like you have, I don't know how you do it with their car seats and all their stuff, like all their clothes.

It is no joke, especially, too, if you're traveling with like baby formula and you're trying to time things around naps and, like feedings, it's a whole it's a whole set of logistics that means everything else kind of gets pushed to the side. And if you make it with your own phone charger and, like, one pair of underwear, you're thrilled because you've spent so much time focusing on how to make sure that they sleep while you're away. And now the contraptions they have for sleep, like I travel with a white noise machine. There's this giant blackout tent that you put over their pack and play called the slumber pod. And like these things are not cheap. Does

it come an adult?

It should. It should. I would love it. But I saw a Tiktok the other day of this family, and they were documenting the fact that they were going away for a couple of nights with their son, and he will only sleep in a bed. He won't sleep in a pack and play, and he's probably three years old. So they brought his single bed in their car, like they brought his his like physical bed with them, and then they kid, Queen Elizabeth, no. And I just thought everyone who doesn't have kids gonna be like, You guys are insane, and parents are like, whatever we have to do to make the kids sleep. I guess I will shove a single bed in the back of my SUV and then wedge it next to the hotel bed like that is a commitment. Travel is not for the faint hearted,

well, especially when little people. But you know, I'm glad to have Poppy along. He wasn't happy this time. He just was like, I'm over this. But anyway, Lorelei, Chris's dog is also traveling, so we talked about this briefly last time, but it's great. I think I'm going to bring him on the one more leg, and then I think we're just going to babysit here and be with my friend here, because it's a lot for me, and I never really relax. Like, how do you relax with your child.

Oh, you're not relaxing like you don't.

You don't really, truly, ever disengage. When I'm on stage, I'm thinking about, Oh God, I hope that gates still up, and I hope that one door is locked, because what if someone can come in backstage and, oh my God, I'll be in the middle of good mother going, what if someone kidnaps our dogs? And I'm like, what first Am I on? Like, the shit that's going through my mind. It's not a it's not at all what you think I'm thinking of when I'm standing there. It's very abstract. So I think I just need a break. Chris is at least off stage. He runs the teleprompter. I mean, he does a million things. I don't know how that guy does his job anyway. Enough of me. Let's get out of this travel. Because I could talk about being in airports forever. And we are going to touch on Patreon today about holiday travel, because this is touted to be the busiest Thanksgiving in the United States. Of course, travel weekend ever. I've been reading a bunch of articles, so we're going to get that if you're if you're a Patreon member, look forward to that, and also look forward to poo. Anyway. We moving on. Wicked came out. Guess who saw it on Friday? Me and Chris, we had the day off. Did you like it? This is last, last Friday it came out, and Chris and I went to theater in Kelowna. Didn't you

guys? Dress up as Glinda and someone lost Halloween. We

might have Fauci we were Glinda and Elphaba. I don't know the characters. Chris was Elphaba, I was Glinda. Anyway. Wicked is wicked. I can't give anyway. Spoiler alerts, but

are you normally like a musical person? No.


I'm not a musical theater person. I wasn't a musical theater kid. And Judge me, if you want to, I'm not a huge fan of musical theater singing, the type of singing that they do in musical theater, and I'm kind of a pop purist. I guess I don't know. It's just it never appealed to me. Although if I'm sitting in the seat, I absolutely love it, and I'm always blown away by how wonderful and talented these people are. So I'm not making light of that. I just was never into musical

theater. Yeah, I think good musical theater is so good, and so I am, like, blown away by it. But when I've gone to maybe musical theater that just didn't connect with me for whatever reason. It is energetically depleting to watch for a period of hours. So when you're when you're in it, it's like you better really like it, did you? And so you guys really liked it? Did you feel like it was a good adaptation of the play? Yeah,

I've seen the play a couple of times, and I was very lucky to see Christian channel with and Idina mazell or whatever. What does John Travolta Call? Call her Adele dazeen, Adele dazine.

Please welcome the wickedly talented one and only Adele dazine. Ladies

and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage my very dear friend. Glom gezingo. You.

I deserve that. I deserve that. But you, you my darling, my beautiful, my wickedly talented. Adina Menzel, is that?

Right? That was funny, but, yeah, just seeing that in New York on Broadway, like you said, it was so spectacular and so wonderful, and the production was amazing, but the movie, it took my breath away. The way it was directed. Same director as this escapes me. Now.

I know his name is John Chu, but I'm trying to remember what else he's done, Crazy Rich Asians. Okay, okay. Oh, and that was like a very beautiful spectacle film too.

You guys will love it. Anyone going to this movie, I'm now infatuated. I might even have a giant crush on Cynthia, who plays Elphaba. I just was mesmerized by everything she did. And Ariana Grande is there was one critic that said she understood the assignment, and I thought that was really cute, because she just nails the cynicism of being spoiled always getting her way. And listen when you can sing next to miss Grande and seem like you're the better singer. That is a feat. It's so good. It's so fun. I can't wait for part two, which is a year away. I

know I was just gonna say that. I know that they've already, like they've already got the sequel planned, and it seems like the studio is really committed to this, like they know that it's quite good, and they know that Arya and Cynthia have devoted so much time into figuring out these characters and these performances. And the press tour for this thing is never ending. The press tour for wicked is like a US presidential run. It's like, I feel like I've been seeing them together, doing interviews for two years, and they're super cute. They're so cute, they're so cute, and they have a great relationship with one another. Yeah, a lot of the moments of them doing promo for this film have gone viral because, like, they do have this very intimate dynamic, and I think it's done really, really well at the box office. And I'm so excited to think about especially, like, this is another thing where there's a huge we talked about this in relation to Taylor Swift, but there's a real fandom around wicked. And I always love when you see people like getting dressed up to go to the movies, going with all their friends. They know all the lyrics to the songs, like that part of it's really sweet to me, because, like liking something that much is very wholesome. It's

movies like this that, like, save the theater experience, right? Gladiator too. Like both of these films like everyone is talking about them and going to them. I really want to see Gladiator. 114

million was the opening box office for wicked. Gladiator was almost exactly at half at 55 point 5 million. Wicked was the let's see what they say, third biggest domestic debut of the year, certainly the best opening ever for a Broadway adaptation. But ARIBO, Cynthia ARIBO is is her name, but just go see it for the costumes the sets, apparently they worked on they built these beautiful sets, and I really had Harry Potter vibes throw back, oh yeah, to the school uniforms and some of. The camaraderie and the dances and, of course, the the B characters that are the supporting Friends of the two main girls, but just the whole thing, the music is the star, which I think is fantastic. And if you don't even like musical theater, just go to hear those two women sing. Just go if you're familiar with the soundtrack, or if you're not familiar with the soundtrack, but yeah, I just loved it. Two and a half hours, it went by in five minutes. I was so just, I'm like, No, this isn't ending, but I think the second film is shot already. It's in the can. So it was done at the same time. The cost of doing this couldn't be split up. And plus, you have people, young people that age quite rapidly, to have these people age out over the course of a couple, not age out, but to have a real, definite, visible change in their faces. Cynthia Rivo, she's absolutely remarkably beautiful,

I think, and I think she's in a relationship with Lena wath. I don't know who that is. She's a writer. She wrote on, and she was in Master of None that show with Aziz Ansari, kind of about, like modern love and dating. And I know she's like, a pretty prominent writer in in Hollywood, and I do, I think the two of them are together. And I heard, I actually heard Cynthia Revo on an episode of armchair expert. And I really enjoyed listening to her. I really enjoyed hearing about her her life, sort of like coming up in East London as as an artist, and really loving, like musical theater, and just being such a definition of a performer, like a like could not have done anything else. She is meant to be an actress. She is meant to be on the screen, on the stage. And she's very, very fun to listen to. I got a real charge of listening to that episode.

I'm also interested in something that you pointed out to me called the Swift effect. So once again, keeping with these young women that are literally taking the world by storm, looks like a some kind of a series, like a four part series on peacock about the Swift effect. What's that all about?

Yeah. So there, each episode of these four episodes is going to focus on a different aspect of her impact on pop culture. And we've heard about this before. You know, they take classes on Taylor Swift at certain universities and many major publications now have a designated Taylor Swift correspondent because there's so much news around her. So one episode will be around the fight with Scooter Braun for her master recordings. Another one will be bringing a new audience to the NFL because of her relationship with Travis Kelsey. And then the economic impact of the eras tour. So how much money this brings to every city that it comes to how much money it brings in terms of the people who work on it, and then also her empowering influence, I think probably mostly for, like women in music and kind of what she's done for women as a business as well. She is no slouch legally, man. She owns everything. She owns so many trademarks, and if you try to sort of infringe on on her name or anything that she owns, I mean, she will get litigious. I

tried calling myself Taylor Swift. It didn't do it you gotta. I had a cease and desist. Yeah, it happened in about eight seconds going through Cranbrook, yeah, tried to, he tried mini arrows to her. It just, it didn't go anywhere. Well, listen, it's women have to stand up for themselves. You can't just, I think many years ago, not that long ago, you heard so many nightmare stories about these legal battles the artists weren't winning. Oh yeah, they were literally the big labels were winning. Big management was winning. And so to see her come along, having a triumph, and having a moment where the good guy wins, and we talked about the good guys and the bad guys a little bit last week, when it concerned. Did he? It's unbelievable. They talked today. I sent you guys this little clip about what he'll be getting for dinner in the detention center. Did

he's dinner? It's so depressing. Peanut

butter jelly tub.

Well, apparently they do have a choice of tofu or turkey for their Thanksgiving lunch. But do I care anymore? Like I just want him to just and his trial is not even till May. You

always with these types of people in this sort of dark story, you want to temper how much information you take in around it, because it is genuinely a huge bummer, but I think we talked about this before, I kind of care, because I want to follow along and see that justice is served, because he just seems so obviously guilty. What do you think is going to happen? I don't see a world in which he does not serve jail time, because there are just so many accusers. There's these. I hope you're right, this mountain of evidence, and then, like the video footage of him with Cassie, like, my god, I don't know how a jury or a judge would see all of this and think to themselves, Oh well, he's, he's innocent on all these charges. Like, I just, I don't, I can't imagine it feels impossible. Yeah, it does actually

feel impossible. I think he doesn't think he did. Anything wrong.

I don't even want him to have a dinner choice. I know you get crackers. Try not to die. Yeah,

another celebrity moron, if you could call him that. It's hard to think of a president of the United States being a celebrity, but really, that's what he is. Yeah, he's a guy that was the star of The Apprentice, you know, the reality show many, many years ago, and a terrible businessman, and now he's about to become the president. But there was this big thing with Gibson guitars that not only has he done Bibles and packs of steaks and the sneakers, the gold sneakers that he was touting for a while, he's had so many products. Go look it up. It'll like, literally turn your toenails yellow. But he's now doing the Trump guitar, Oh, God. And it is in the shape of a Les Paul guitar, which is a patented, one of the most famous guitars in the world, from a very famous, wonderful guitar player named Les Paul. He created it. And Trump is trying to sign these guitars for an exorbitant amount of money. And he's actually being asked to stop by Gibson right now, but I'm just thinking, what is the correlation with Donald Trump and an electric guitar like I tried to skim through the article, and I didn't understand why he was even doing it. So if you guys listeners, please, if you have any previous knowledge or any idea of why Trump is selling guitars. It's moronic.

His campaign headquarters would frequently have merch stores in them, and they made a lot of money for their campaign headquarters and for running them, running their operations. And people have bought into this as a brand, like as a movement. And so I bet they just thought, oh, you know, like a bunch of dudes are gonna love getting their hands on a Trump guitar, like it feels like Truck Nuts should be shortly thereafter.

Are they gonna play them with their wieners?

I mean, one can only hope. I don't

know, but there's so many political guys that are doing weird things. Yesterday, I wake up to the news that Matt Gaetz is now in cameo. So he popped up on cameo, the app that I do, along with 1000s and 1000s of other people in music, dance, the arts. A lot of people do it for charity. A lot of people just make money. It's a cash cow. 5000 US for a, I think, a 22nd message from Matt. So he stepped down from being Attorney General, obviously, because that was so problematic. So now he's appeared at cameo. Let me ask you, girls, would you order a cameo for yourself or anyone else to have a message from a young Matt? Can you imagine, maybe to your young 16 year old daughter? Hey, Matt, can you wish our 16 year old a happy birthday? Who is going to be get ordering a cameo? If I pull the app up right now, he is on there. Picture is on there. To

me, this is, like, right in line with what I would assume, like he would do, because he left, like, he stepped away from his position to become the Ag nominee, and then they it was clear that he wasn't going to get confirmed. So now he's kind of back in the, like, political wilderness, which is where he deserves to be. He's he's more of a notorious figure than he is really, like a career politician. And so I'm not surprised that he's on cameo and people who like him and think he's or people who just have, like, a sick sense of humor and think that he's like, you know, he's famous for this reason, and for being kind of notorious and awful they might want him to, like, wish their buddy a happy birthday or something as, like, a dark joke. I

can't imagine the thing that's going to be interesting you guys. You can go onto the CAMEO app and you can see the actual videos that they make you better believe I'm going to be checking this week. Oh yeah, to see what Matt Gaetz what his videos look like, what he's saying and what people are getting for 5000 US dollars, five grand. Geez, just for perspective, mine are $99 US. I just think it's fair. I mean, I usually do three or four minutes. I sing like I said. I've broken up with people, I've asked people to get married. I've done it all. But I just was like, Ah, shit. Cameo, really. Ah, just like, ah, for $5,000 for $5,000 oh, you should see what some people are charging. Now, anyway, you don't have to look very far to see what motivates people. I mean, this is a politician that would actually put himself on an app like this, like, really, what is your motivation for doing this kind of a job? To me that screams notoriety, some kind of profile, money, being famous. So I think when people are going into politics for fame, and you cannot tell me that Trump is not in it to be famous. He wants to be, well, he probably is the most famous person in the world who would be more famous than him. He's

right up there now, honestly, like he really is, I would

hope, Nelson Mandela, but,

but you're never mother, Teresa. Nelson Mandela, you're never gonna have people like that that are infamous. So infamy has a whole other task. Tag to it. And it's people that do terrible things and people that are deviants, really, at the end of the day, they just, they don't do anything positive for the planet. And

he's just, he's, he is a brand, you know, he's turned himself into a brand, and that's kind of what he's always done fairly well. And whether or not all those brands are financially successful, or if they have to declare bankruptcy, you know, remains to be seen. But he he does this quite well, and he figured out who his base was, and they rode hard for him. And you know, now they want to buy his guitar, or one day, maybe they'll buy a cameo from former President Donald Trump.

I don't know that we got to the end of that story that Gibson sent a cease and desist. Well, that

was it. I mean, I kind of tried to dig around for a little more information, Sarah, and it was just, I guess I couldn't get past him making a Trump guitar. I have never seen the man make musical references, with the exception of the bizarre behavior. You know, 1516, weeks ago, when he was showing up at these rallies, two hours late, standing there in his trench coat playing Ave Maria over the loudspeaker.

We know he loves YMCA, but

he was standing there playing music and doing that weird dance that he does, and almost like he was singing it. It's memes everywhere of him standing in the trench coat. He looks like the penguin. But musical, does he play guitar? Like, am I missing something here? I

don't know. I think it's just that they think he has fans who would want a guitar with his name on it. I

was just gonna say, like, the only music associations I can even see happening are the songs that he's been told to stop using. That's true. That's the only musical

Association Bruce Springsteen is like stop walking out to Born in the USA. Yeah, yeah.

Well, moving on. Thank you very much. Goodbye, Dawn. I hope you get sued by Gibson. Single women answer why they intentionally choose to remain out of relationships, and it's quite eye opening. The reason this caught my eye is you guys, know, well, Sarah, you're single too. It's not just me, yeah, yeah, you're single because I think you hold yourself in high regard, yay. I think you are looking for something, don't you? Am I wrong? Here? You just gave me the

well, finish your thought, and then

we'll get it. Okay, yeah, what I mean that not snobby, not not better than please. Let me back that up, because that's I mean, that you are worthwhile and that you have confidence and that you believe in yourself, and you're not gonna, you're not gonna date somebody that doesn't have a job and is kind of, did I apologize? No,

no, it's fair. It's fair. But I also want that in the other person. I want them to be ambitious. I don't want them to steal and suck energy from me. I want them to compliment

Well, I am definitely a by choice single person. Yeah, me too. I think if I put my mind to it, I could date like a goddamn maniac. I could be out there with the lasso and the gold boots. And, I mean, I could be dating if I if I made the slightest attempt, or if I let somebody know that I was the least but interested, I think I would do all right. And I'm not tooting my own horn. It's being a public person. It's a whole bunch of things, plus, I'm super cute, but I digress. So single women answer why they intentionally choose to remain out of relationships. This was interesting, and I want your comments. You guys. Okay, so the first one was, they're at peace. Finally, yeah. Thoughts, yep,

it's so true. And every relationship that I've left have been like, it's not that I want someone else. I want my peace.

Well, that was the thing they said, that for the first time in a long time, they were focusing on themselves. There's

so many women that jump from relationship to relationship, boyfriend to boyfriend, and I mean, I have friends that I can say that about, and I wonder, how are you just on your own? You know? But

a lot of people, and I'm guilty of this, went from one thing to the next thing with very little, yeah, there was a sketchy, sketchy amount of time in between my shifting of relationships. But your 20s and your 30s, come on. I mean, I got to cut myself a little bit of slack. I didn't always have, like, a three month buffer,

I found that I would say to myself, I'm gonna be like, solo now, when I would go through a breakup and I found myself in a relationship again, fairly quickly, very often, it's sort of like it just sort of kept happening. And it was also, I think, time of life like now, I think if I was single, it might be a little more challenging, because I was in a lot of social settings all the time where there were so many single people, because you're out and you're young, you're in your early 20s or your mid 20s, and you're at bars and parties and cottage weekends, and you just wind up meeting a lot of people that you like can connect with.

We're much more social when we're younger. Agree. Oh yeah, 100% yes. In group settings. Yeah, it's not like, we're you're not 20 going, let's meet at Earl's, the three of us for calamari and a glass of wine. You're like, there's 40 of us going to the Yeah. Well anyway, they were like, We were relieved that I'm only worrying about myself nice, not to worry about another person's feelings or opinions and and know that the goals that I'm working towards can't be derailed by somebody else. Yeah, and you guys can speak to that better than me. Have you ever had partners that try and derail your your goals?

Well, I don't think they do it intentionally, but it's a result of their own things, you know, like, I'll give you an example at the end of my last relationship. And this ties in with one of the other things on that list, which was exhaustion. I think it was the second and third one on the list. You know, if I'm spending perhaps more energy on keeping you happy in this relationship than, like, my own mental health, my own physical health, again, like that energy suck thing, like, I have to be good and at a solid level to want something else in my life. Second

one was better. Mental health is always a win. So we can see the connectors here. So what does that mean to you guys? I know what it means to me, self

awareness, maybe, yeah, I

think also too, maybe it depends on the last relationship that you were in and how it ended. And so I know from past relationships, not the one that I'm in now, thank God. But when I left, I was like, Oh, I was so exhausted. And it was like a lot of like conflict and and managing someone else's expectations of you and managing time with them and their life and time in your life. And it just felt like I remember getting to the point relationships where I was like, absolutely nothing is easy. Like, none of this is easy anymore, and it's, it all feels like work, and I'm just don't want to do it anymore, and it's not

supposed to feel like that. Like, how do we get to that point where you wake up one day and you feel like, holy shit, this is a lot of work. Yeah, and just happened, it was like a nurse. A lot of these women said that they felt much more lonesome in the relationship than outside of the relationship, which I think is so sad feeling lonely when you're lying in bed by somebody. I remember being going to bed in my last relationship, and they would be passed out from drinking or taking pills or whatever. Why does this sound familiar? And I mean this with love in my heart, because I'm guilty of all these things. I'm sure someone laid beside me fucking feeling the same way, but I would have tears because I was just trying to stay still, and I'm like, I got to get out of this. And then it went three years later, tears rolling down and going into my ear. The ear tear. It's the worst feeling, and you can hear them going, if you're just joining us, it's not Wendy in the studio. Those were my tears falling down my face and into my ear canals. So the feeling of abject loneliness being beside a person and then thinking about, I've got to get up and do this all over again. Yeah, was hellish. Anyway, our next one is feeling exhausted, which you guys touched upon. So why I'm so interested in this? Because it's so

I can add to what Caitlin was saying really easily. This is an easy concept to understand, long distance, right? You're if you're in a long distance relationship, and for me, it was only two hours, but it takes extra work. And I think every relationship has an element of work, but in this case, it's like additional work, absolutely. Sarah, and if it's going to take four hours of my weekend, which I mean, I hardly have a weekend right now, I'm working like a dog, then I'm going to ask myself, What do I need more if the relationship isn't that complimentary right now, even you can still care for a person and love a person and know that it's not going to be the choice you make. One

commenter said, I guess you could say it's purposeful, because I don't want to be with just anyone. I'm looking for someone I'm really excited about and compatible with, which is all fine and well to say, because it always starts out exciting and but the love goggles on

people are very hopeful, you know, and and by like, our very nature, I think, and so a lot of times you get into a relationship and you see so much potential. And I feel like, you like, I have stuck around because I'm like, this could potentially be really great. I see all these good things. I think it could improve like you start to think, like,

I'll give it another chance. I

could make this better in some way. There's really something here, and you have to truly get to a place of exhaustion and tired of it all before you say, no, actually no, I'm gonna stop being quite so optimistic about how this could go and just accept that. Just accept the fact that maybe we're going to break up and that that's fine. Every breakup gets a bit easier. I at least for me, I was like my high school breakup. I still think was like my saddest one. I'm opposite. It's getting harder.

Oh, it isn't easy, but it's not easy to stay either. No, I. Maybe

it's the investment, even, right? Like, as you get older, you're not you're doing a different type of investment into your relationship of time and energy. So like, if you've put a really good amount of investment in, then it's harder to walk away. Or, yeah,

I'm not completely closed off to it. How many I sound like a parrot on this podcast, because I do talk about being on my own, but I'll tell you what, when I walked in the store yesterday, late, after being tired, flying, touring, and I walked in the store with a dog, and I was just like the feeling of elation 40 hours. I'll take it, it's just a chance to regroup. But I think, coupled with that, was not walking into someone having a conversation, feeling like you needed to visit, like I really am at an age where the solitude, the stillness, all my stuff is exactly where I left it. I'm not saying to someone, could you not have unpacked the dishwasher you knew I was coming home? You haven't changed the sheets on the bed, like you've been sleeping in here. I bet you've been sleeping in these sheets for two weeks, since I've been away. You haven't done them like all those things that may or may not be true. I'm making them up in my mind. Maybe it's somebody who cleans the sheets, who has everything done, who has dinner on the table and a lemonade and the fire is going like there's another side of that. Jen Butler would probably tell me, Oh, I know exactly why you're saying this stuff, because I'm setting up the doomsday scenario where on the other side of the coin, maybe my brain doesn't want to entertain the fact that, no, it could be really sweet. You could be really missing out on but it's easier for me to play it out that way, right? I

truly feel very, very lucky, because I think we have a very good relationship. Kyle and I rob that from the moment we got together, we felt kind of like that feeling of like someone you feel like you've known for your whole life. Yeah, that ease, that everything just was so easy for us. But even that, even with that great base, sometimes you've each just had a different day or a different series of days, and then you come together in the house, and you're just coming at things from a different, energetic place, like one of us is chatty and bubbly and wants to hear everything the other person is like, I have talked for 10 hours today. I am tired, or you didn't, you don't even know necessarily what the other person's dealing with. Like, maybe they have some stuff going on with their family or their friends. Maybe they just had a big snafu at work. And so it is just like, the combining of the two lives together all the time. To just do that can be really challenging. So I think, like, for me, at least, I'm like, I will always end up in a relationship with someone who can make me laugh. Because I think if you can, like, have a good law about how challenging those differences can be, you're you're well set up, but oh god, yeah, it's not easy coming home to a house where you're like, I don't know what kind of mood this person's in. I hope they've had a great time. I hope they've had a great day. And the same thing could be said about me, like I could be sitting on the couch in a funk, and Kyle comes home like he's had the best day. And I'm like, I gotta turn it around. Now. I can't just sit here and watch House files. I'm

like, Well, speaking of you know, good relationships, Sarah, her parents, your parents, are celebrating an anniversary. So how long have they been together? And tell me and Caitlin a little bit and our listeners, of course, you guys are also allowed to listen to this conversation. What's their secret?

Honestly, I don't know. I look at my parents and how many years I'm gonna cry if I talk about this, because I think they're so sweet. I was thinking, how

many years? How many years 40/40 anniversary today, on the day of recording? Yeah,

and like to do something with someone for 40 years. I mean, first of all, to me, it seems unimaginable. I'm like, what? Right? They just like, Jive so well, flow back and forth together. They're the cutest. And they truly are like a role model relationship. Do you know that I've never seen them like, I've seen them fight a little bit, but I've, I've never seen anything but like respect and honor, yeah, between them,

wow. And usually kids can be submitted to some really hellish scenarios. I think a lot of people grow up with parents fighting to the point where it is an absolute crime of what they are subjecting children to. So to hear you say you just haven't experienced that. That wasn't my experience.

I know I feel very lucky.

That reminds me of one of my best friends in high school. Had parents who were like, high school sweethearts had been together for years, had this really great loving relationship. And then when we got older, she said to me, when she was single, she was like, it's really hard for me to find someone, because I am constantly measuring my relationships against my parents, yeah, and so she did say, like, there is that other side of the coin where you're like, you're I put

that in the card. I literally put that in the card. This morning, I said, there's a reason I'm single, and it's because you guys show me what an actually great relationship should look like. You're gonna make me cry. Okay, guys, we're just having a sappy afternoon here, but

I'm also full of cold medication. But

yeah, by the way, I have to tell you, the nose whistle is so funny.

Is it happening now?

It has been happening. Caitlin, I told her, like, a few weekends ago. I was like, Oh my God, when I was editing you, I

haven't heard it. Caitlin, I'm not hearing a nose whistle.

I edit the show up. Yeah, right. And she's like, next time you have to send it to me for Kyle, yeah, talking about love, I

want Kyle to hear it, because it's the kind of thing that's like, funny. We've been, our household has been sick with this daycare virus 9000 for like, two weeks, and it is somehow getting worse anyway. So I'm sure you'll have lots of special noises to edit this week.

I'm really happy for your parents. So to Sarah's parents from the Jan Arden podcast, we wish you the greatest anniversary, and I'm gonna sing you an anniversary song now. Oh, it's your anniversary, and you've probably heard each other, fart a lot of times, and I'm wondering if that's a deal breaker. I doubt it is, because you've been together 40 years, and you probably might still have sex. But this is a show where we can't talk about it. But Happy Anniversary anyway, cause Sarah loves you so much, and also your sisters. Well, listen, I'm still working on it. I didn't know what rhymed with fart, so I changed midstream, but that's no charge. Okay? I just, thank you, Sarah, no, just, please tell them. No charge for me, it's probably one of the better cameo songs that I've done. I was just gonna say, and normally, like I said, that's $99 get Matt gates, maybe do them a little anniversary something. Matt, can you wish my mom? Oh, my God, if I had $5,000 just to fucking Matt, can you tell yourself to stick your head up your ass on tape for me, because I just want to keep playing it on a loop.

I just want to see him try to relax his eyebrows for $5,000 I don't think he's able to do it anymore. That sounded

like a game show question. Eyebrows for 5000 the

amount of Botox, like whoever, whatever injector nurse is seeing him, I think secretly hates him, because there's no way you're doing that to someone's face. Who you like?

It like dramatically changed shape if you go, Oh, it's beside wild. It's funny, and

it makes him look like a Harry Potter villain, like he looks like a wicked, evil wizard or something. Anyways, for five grand, you can see it.

I would be remiss if we don't talk a little bit about the Amazon thing. I think this is such an interesting story. Caitlin, so you're telling me the Amazon robots are struggling to keep up. So apparently there's 750,000 robots working in warehouses all over Amazon. So tell us about this story and why human beings are still prevailing over the AI workforce.

They're really just these. Robots are really, really simple. I mean, the complex robots that we're all scared about taking our jobs and lives and skin, probably that is not these. So these are like picking robots. And they say that they're really good at doing things like picking up a heavy container off the top of a shelf or something like that, but they can't effectively select things.

So these things, 750,000 of them, are running in Amazon warehouses all across the world. Yeah. And so when you put your order in the robot, like a lipstick, a pan, a fucking whatever it is, Jodi Picoult book, they can go grab it. Yes,

okay, but what they can't do is pick through a whole pile of stuff. What the thing that they need is they're really bad at selecting it. So as much as these are the these are the jobs, like warehouse jobs. Are the jobs that I think many people first thought would probably go to AI, but, like, AI still isn't really there, and they actually need human workers in a lot of these warehouses. And I mean, that's obviously good for jobs. They're not the kind of jobs. I don't think that, like, people really, like, love doing but you still need them. The only thing I will say is, I would like, or I would hope that that robots in warehouses might be able to make things safer, because there's a lot of heavy lifting and there's machines going around. I

was gonna say, like dropping shit, or when you're like, picking something off the top of a pile, the human error is big anyway, a fair amount of my shopping has been Amazon. I've been on the road. I'm not gonna lie, I've been sitting in the car when Chris is driving to the next place, or on the bus or whatever, and I'm tapping and I'm like, because I give people books every year, and they're a pretty good deal. I have them delivered to nay Dean's place, and then the. Other half has been really curated, people that are making things like, I'm like, Oh, this would be great, you know, this name thing, or just stuff that's more specific, yeah. So it's been about half and half, but I've really, I wanted to do like, 7525 this year, of the actual curator. I know Etsy is really good about paying the Creator. So I've done quite a bit of stuff on Etsy. I got some really cool things for Nigel and Charlie, but the Amazon stuff's been pretty pedestrian. It's nothing boutique or original. It's books. I got one of my friends some walking poles because they've been talking about, oh, I need to get myself some of those, they were $18 and they're these foldable hiking poles. She hikes constantly, so things like that are not Etsy. The Etsy stuff I bought this really cool lamp on Etsy. I'm not going to say, don't. Don't even listen to this Nigel, if you're listening, take the plugs out of your ear, and if you, if you hear this, I'm not going to give it to you. So it's a really cool it's a book. It's a book. So picture like the side of a book, the spine and out from this book. So the book goes into the shelf. There's this beautiful kind of a little mini Tiffany lamp, and it's rechargeable. It's got a USB. Oh, I love that. But it slides in between the books, and then the lamp comes out. So if you're in your library, like they have a library, you click this light on, like, over a chair on your bookshelf. I just thought it was fantastic. That was from Etsy. That's really sweet. And there's like, this couple making these things. And I'm

thinking, why didn't I think of that? Yeah,

Etsy has some amazing stuff. Maybe I'll keep it like woodworking, like furniture. There's a lot of, there's actually a lot of woodworkers from Ukraine on Etsy, that's where we've bought a lot of really beautiful sort of, see, I love, yeah, good for you, yeah, Montessori style children's furniture, and the pricing is really great, and it's handmade, and it's just wonderful. So we've, we've done a lot of that on Etsy. The other thing that kind of that stinks, and I know why they did the timing for the Canada Post strike, because it's like a reminder of how much you need the post office. But many, many small businesses use Canada Post to send their goods, and so now you're kind of forcing people to go to Amazon and go to these things because, like, we're working with a deadline here, it's Christmas, and sometimes you can't make it into a store and you want to buy online. Should we

take this opportunity to do a quick note on shipping? Oh, sure. So just as a pickup

from last Listen, nothing but segues on this show, nothing but segways. Well, we

saw a few questions come in over the weekend on Patreon. And yeah, so our only Jans T shirts and totes are now on sale. You can find the link on our website, and so we're set up through our friends at cut loose merch. They're Canadian brand, and they are shipping from here in Ontario. Now this was sort of your incentive to be one of the first 50, because we absorbed the shipping costs on those but, oh, great.

Tell me that now I'm sending the lamp back. Apparently

we have lamps on there. Now I didn't approve that order, no. So yeah, they're weighing all the options of what's happening, but they are likely still giving you the Canada Post option, but maybe with a disclaimer, once you hit checkout, if you've chosen Canada Post, it's

been two weeks on that now, by the time this airs, it'll be three weeks. They say they're not any closer to having this solved. I'm a little concerned about it.

Oh no, they're not. They're not right.

But there are other shipping options when you go so you think of it this way, if you use Canada Post and you're not worried about it being delayed, great, but if you want it by a certain point, or you're giving it to someone for a gift, then you might want to do one of the other options. Anyway, that's the update there. Well, thank

you for that. Listen the hat. I want you to pick a Patreon you guys pick a Patreon person, because the Jurassic Park hat is ready to be delivered, and I'll even FedEx the damn thing. We don't have to worry about that. So we are choosing a Patreon person that's going to receive my Mart. It's, we can't decide if it's Walmart, Kmart, Zoom Mart. Caitlin just said it's a mart. You got it from a mart of some kind. So I've only worn it maybe a half a dozen times. It probably has a bit of sweat in the band that might be of extra value to somebody who's really got a fetish for that much a huge sweater. But it's right. It's ready to find a new home post. It's ready to be put in one of those boxes, those those little frame boxes that you might never want to put it on your head. You might want to just save it in a special place in your home. What are you guys? Is gonna get that?

Okay, we can sort of get into more of the details about it on the Patreon. Okay,

don't get mad at me, but as we're approaching the holidays, okay, there's, it's, it's, uh, it's just three and a half weeks away from Christmas or Hanukkah, that's coming up too. So. Kwanzaa. All these things happen around the same time, which is very interesting, no matter what your religious disposition, a lot of this celebratory stuff. So when you're thinking about who's God is bigger than who's God, it all kind of happens around the same time. It seems a little suspect to me, but I digress. What are you looking forward to eating with reckless abandon, with not giving it a thought, like just that you will sit down. You'll eating and drinking. That's how I want to end the show. I want to know your favorite stuff that you're looking forward to, eating drinking. Making, like, what are you guys doing for Hanukkah? Sarah, like, what? What are you looking forward to?

It's latkes hands down, or as some nickname them, latkes the potato pancakes. Yes,

yeah, what

do you dip them into apple sauce or sour cream, both.

I'm a both girl. I put both on the plate, yeah, and

get some chives on there. Are

they crispy? Yes,

they are crispy. Okay. And your mama makes those. My mom makes them from scratch. My dad has to leave the house because he doesn't like the smell that's left over in the house. See,

that's what's kept them together. Marriage. I'm making lunch. Go, honey, go have a beer with your friends. That's how it works.

Yeah. Caitlin, for me, it's cookies. It's always what kind of cookie they're just there's always so many cookies around. There's, like, chocolate chips, there's short breads. And then when we go to Halifax, see

this bites? Yes, I made them like

this. This is the stuff I just like, it's the stuff that's just around all the time. What do

you put on them? Jen butter,

yeah, what are what's awesome. Vegan butter.

It's ready. SMR, on Amazon, I ordered cheese nips. Don't come after me. These are not vegan. There's some kind of dairy in this. Forgive me, I'm sorry. I bought fucking bugles when I was in Montana for this purpose, I said, Theresa, we have to go to a target, or we have to go to one of the Marts. I'm just gonna start calling it the Marts, yeah, because I need bugles for my bits and bytes or nuts and bolts. Okay. What

spices do you put on them?

I do cayenne. I do garlic powder, onion powder, a bit of cumin. I do a little tiny bit of celery salt. Some people don't. I do a little bit of cumin. There's just something about the cumin that's really good. I do a tiny little bit of cinnamon. Oh, and you don't know what it is, you're like, What the f is going on with these? We

need this recipe. We're gonna put it in Patreon this week. I mean, we have to, okay, okay. And how long in the oven at what temperature?

I do it for an hour at 250 degrees, and I turn them every 15 minutes. And I'm also looking forward to mixed nuts with the Nutcracker sitting in front of my fire. I've got really good Christmas socks that I love. I only wear them at Christmas. And my dad's old Nutcracker, which sucks. It's the worst Nutcracker ever, but it reminds me of him, walnuts till the cows come home. Love doing that crack nuts. I am having some kind of a reaction to my traumatic childhood. I put all the walnut shells back into the thing. My dad used to lose his shit when I put the shells back in the nut dish. Jesus Christ. Who's putting a God damn you don't put the shells in the so I'm doing that. I just put them right back in there. I don't give a crap.

Caitlin, did you not just tell us you got your was it your G or your g1 today? What

is that my

g1 Well, congratulations.

It's the first one. So the g1 is part of the graduated licensing system in Ontario, and it's literally just the written exam. So I go and do the written exam because I'm a licenseless individual and but I want to start my process, so I go and do it. And I wrote all the I did all the practice tests online. Do you not

drive. No, okay, I

feel like you knew this. I forgot. Go

now, Jen's all in. She's like, okay, tell us more. Jen's

like, My mind is blown. So it is I go in. I do the written test, and I failed it

twice. Oh, my goodness. Like now or previously,

no, now that time. Oh, so the way the test works. As you go in, you pay your like, 150 bucks or whatever, and then you do the test, and if you fail it, you can just go right back and keep redoing it until you pass. And every time you do it, it's 16 bucks. So that happens to me twice. I'm like, whatever I see it happening to other people. So I'm like, guessing this is normal. The questions were

actually on the same day. You go in, on the same you go out

the door, you go in the door. This part's multiple choice, correct? Yeah, multiple

choice. And it got it was like, how many demerit points will you get if the blood alcohol level of your passenger with your g1 is above? And I was like, Ah, so those were the ones that, like, kind of confused me. And anyways, so I did it twice. I finally got it. But I. Did say to the guy when I came back, I was like, Hello, it's me again. Thank you. So I came back, and I said, How many times? What's the most someone's failed this driving test? And he said, with me, 26 oh. And then he said, someone else at that location spent $1,260 on their test, 416 for the 26 fails. Okay, so then imagine someone who spent $1,260 rewriting this test in one day. You're there

all day. Well, listen, congratulations that that's really amazing. If I failed this

more than five times, I think I'd call it and be like, I'm not ready. I've got to come back. But I do realize you've gone through the trouble of like, driving to hell and gone to do it and all that, but I wouldn't

pass a written test.

I don't know Caitlin, I

would not pass a written test. I don't know zones for this and that I'd probably be saying 40 when it's 30. I don't know. Most of us guess playground stuff. I don't know any of that stuff. Yeah, it's amazing that I they let me drive around. Okay, 616 you're

allowed to get your g1 like, why is was there a resistance? I'm so curious. No,

I had it. I've had it twice, but it expired, and then I just sort of was, like, at the point where I was Ubering predominantly, or I was at the point in my life where I didn't have access, it's expensive. I didn't have access to a car. Anyways, for a bunch of those years, it wasn't like I had a car sitting in the driveway and I, like, wasn't driving it. But now we do, like, now I'm like, we Okay, own a car. I have a son. He can't have a mom who's, like, not driving. So I just kind of got sick of it, and was like, I need to drive. This

is Yeah, and you know how to drive, right? Like, you'll pick it back up, yeah,

yeah, yeah. I'm not too worried. Yeah.

Okay, there we go. You let me know if you need me to take you around the block. Okay, well, for you that that really is amazing, you guys

have to teach me how to ride a bike. Let's

not forget about that. What? Why? Calm, stop. Now,

I'm allergic to wheels. This is my joke that I have. I'm allergic to wheels.

Have you never ridden a bicycle? Nope, and

get ready. Get ready for the world's saddest violin. But my parents were both, like, kind of physically sick when I was growing up. So my mom had some health issues, and my dad had a really, really serious, rare health condition that caused hip to he was on crutches for like, a huge portion of my life. He's on his third hip replacement. So, like, the whole like, dad runs behind you on the road with it like that didn't happen for me again. Don't forget, I'm like, I'm a city slicker, like I wasn't riding around. You know, the like suburban

a bicycle is a city vehicle. Oh, no, for sure. Now, gonna see people riding down my gravel road out here. I've always think, Oh, I'll get a bike. I have nowhere I can ride.

Now it is a bigger deal. The cows just going by, the cows with poppy on your front basket. I'm

so sorry that you don't ride a bike. I will help teach you. I will run behind you. Love it. Wait. Can I run? I will run behind you. Training

wheels, whatever you need. You're gonna teach will

so this is the thing. So I'm like, this was gonna happen. I'm gonna have to keep learning things the same rate as my own child as an adult, because you're

gonna wanna ride a bike with him and Kyle, oh, you're just gonna wanna ride bikes somewhere. Caitlin, it's so easy. Oh, once you get up there, you'll go, Oh, I get this. I'll pick it up. I know I will. This is the cutest Christmas story ever. So all I want for Christmas is to ride a bike. To ride? No,

I just gonna make a suggestion for holiday gifts, like, what do people actually need this time of the year? Well, if you need tires, and I know Caitlin, you were saying you and Kyle do need some winter tires, we have someone for you. You know this, Kate at fountain tire. You get $225 off a set of four tires up until December 14, plus, you say $50 more on any service of at least $150

and don't wait until the snow storm happens, and then you're like, starting all over the road, like, do it now. Yeah.

Have you seen where I'm living right now? There's 18 inches of snow here. Is

there really?

My neighbor's son came yesterday, day before, because I said I can't get in my drive. No, yesterday, look, it's white behind her. He came yesterday morning and he cleared out my whole driveway. It took him three hours. Like, I don't know what he's gonna charge me, but I said, Thank you so much, Matt, but I might Yeah, fountain tire, if you need tires and you need to get tires put on, or if you need other services, is that still a thing? You get $50 off of a $150

at least 150 so

if you're getting tires balanced, or if you're getting any kind of service in your car, and if that is, like, $162 you get 50 bucks off of that.

This is a great Kyle gift to Caitlin to get her g2 Ah,

so the g2 is, what is that the next step in the in the driver's license? Yeah.

So the g2 is my, like, my driving exam, and so I can, earliest I can get that is eight months, if I do, like, a course, or whatever, which I will so I can get that in eight months. And if I don't do a course, then it would be 12 months. And they just, they want you to, like, get experience on the road. So well, that's

fantastic. Maybe fountain tire. Do you have a guy, a technician, that could take Caitlyn out once in a while in the car? Maybe. Fountain tire will do that for us. I'll

just come along with you for deliveries. Yeah, and teach her how to, like to change your tire. Get a real prepared road.

But whatever your favorite tires are as well. Fountain tire will sort you out for what your budget is and assess what you're driving and where you're driving, how much you drive, what roads you're on. Like, these guys know everything. A lot of people are like, Well, I just go from the house to my work or whatever. Or, you know, our family does a lot of traveling. They will know they have people that are professionals. Trust me on this.

But I know Caitlin has to go pick up our little will with her feet right now, not with her wheels. That's

right, I'm on foot.

You could get a tricycle. I could he has

a little tricycle. I could just use his. I

mean, there's nothing wrong with training wheels. No, listen, we're gonna say goodbye now anyway, because we're gonna listen to some voice notes. That's what we're gonna do. Okay? And Caitlin, you can just listen to it on the other side. Gracious

Good day to you all. As Jan would say, gracious goodbye. Okay, bye.

So we have some voice notes this week, and I really missed them last week. I have to tell you,

I know. Okay, so we're gonna take it back to the election first. Hi

Jan Caitlin and Sarah. My name is Kim calling from Sudbury, Ontario. I just wanted to comment on the US election. I was extremely gutted at the result of the election, but listening to your podcast today made me see a small light at the end of the tunnel. I hope there are good things that happen in the next four years, and it's not just a shit show. Fingers crossed for the future. I so enjoy your podcast, and am a Patreon member, and love the extra content. I love listening to intelligent women and different points of view that make me think. Keep up the good work, ladies and I look forward each week watching you on YouTube and in Patreon. Totally do. Oh,

sweet. Thank you so much. Thank you for that. We really appreciate it. Yes, there's lots of light, you know, there's a lot of things in place that are not going to allow any party, you know, just to run off into the sunset, you know, shooting their guns in the air. I think there will be checks and balances. And thanks for your note. We really appreciate it. And

thanks for subscribing to our Patreon. Okay, here's another Yes, absolutely.

Hi, Jen. My name is Jennifer. I am also from Alberta, but I am now living in the South Okanagan. I just wanted to say very much, enjoy your podcast, and I'm looking forward to the hearing and seeing more.

Hey, short and sweet, we appreciate it. Hi

Jan Caitlin and Sarah. My name is Christine, and I live in Ottawa. Thank you so much for creating this podcast. I've enjoyed it for quite a while, and I've had some great, well needed belly laughs. I've read two of your books, Jan, I love the biddlemores and especially feeding my mother. My mother bought this book to read, but unfortunately she lost interest in reading. She developed dementia and pastoring COVID. It was a horrible shit show for her. It was like you were writing my thoughts and experiences that I had with my own mother. Our journey was so similar. My sister hasn't been able to read it yet. I feel dementia is the absolute worst. I'm a community visit nurse and consent is so important, especially in healthcare, and you seem to lose it with dementia. Your book helped me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and your mom sounds like a beautiful soul. I appreciated the post election support discussion. I listened to it a few days after the initial shock, I had vented the same thoughts to my husband. I was also disgusted and fearful. I don't understand how someone with this history who's even able to run I truly hope that he finds some way to provide some much needed support, or has a decent advisor. I absolutely have to find a way to accept this and try to emulate hope for my own sanity. I've always stated laughter is the best medicine. The discussion you guys had about tampons was hilarious. I recall my thoughts when I first saw this OB tampon, like, what the fuck am I gonna do with that? I had visions of it falling out during the best, inopportune moment. Thank God, I don't need them anymore. Thanks again for all you do, girls. The joy you spread is palpable, and I wish you all the very best. Take care. Thanks

for your note. We really appreciate it. We really do enjoy having these conversations, and we love the fact that our listenership is going up constantly, that our Patreon is growing, and that, you know, we're able to really look forward to 2025 for some live events that we're definitely going to be doing. So I hope that you can join us at one of those. But thanks for listening. We appreciate it more than you know. Okay,

here's another Hi girls.

Hi girls. It's Morag and Lee. We just wanted to hop on here and say, Jan, we just saw you last night in Duncan. Duncan, BC, and it was a great concert. We had front row seats. We were waving at you and the boys, yep, fabulous concert. And I loved your dress, by the way. Oh yeah. Super large, beautiful, super beautiful. And did you notice any posters or love notes on

stage afterwards?

I was gonna hold it up, but that didn't work, so just chucked it on the stage and Graham picked it. Up. Yeah, I hope you

got to see it. Moray put her heart and soul into

that. This must be about the 20th time I've seen you. Anyway. Yeah, we're Jan Arden groupies. We try to get to your concerts when you're in Victoria and Duncan. So you'll be seeing us again as long as you come up here again. And I'm going to make Lee and only Jan fan soon. Bye. Girls. Have a lovely day.

Thank you.

That was our first notes from Graham.

I have, I have, yeah, we've never had a duo on here before. There's a first time for everything. I will find out. You know, those notes are traveling with us because anything on the stage Adam collects it. So when I see him tomorrow, I'm going to make sure that I ask for any notes, because I know I have a bag with some letters in it and some cards, and I will definitely, definitely be be seeing it, because none of that stuff gets thrown away at all, goes on to the truck with us and travels with us. And I just sometimes we leave right after the show, and I don't get a chance to see it. But thanks for coming to Duncan. It was a great time. Well, there you go.

I think we'll leave it at that for Thank you, but keep them coming. Well, listen, stick

around Patreon. We're going to talk about holiday travel. It makes me tired even thinking about it, but we're going to be talking about that, and we're going to be talking about a colonoscopy that Sarah is going to be preparing for. So you're not going to want to miss it. You've been listening to the Jan Arden podcast with Caitlin green, Sarah Burke. You can give us a review on any of your favorite platforms. Give us some stars. It helps people find the show. And of course, you can stream us anywhere I heart, you know, Amazon, Spotify, Apple, I could name them all, but you can find us everywhere, week after week after week, 52 weeks a year. Leave us some Christmas notes. What are you going to be eating? What are you going to be drinking? Who are you going to be seeing? What's some funny Christmas stories that you have, we'd love to get your notes, and we'd love to play them on the show next week. So don't forget to drop us a note, and don't forget to go to fountain tire you need your tires on now, folks, anyway, thanks for listening. We'll see you next time to lead you.

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