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Oct. 18, 2024

A Case for Internet Journalism

This week, it's a mix of internet-sleuthing from Jann, Caitlin & Sarah.

This week, it's a mix of internet-sleuthing from Jann, Caitlin & Sarah. They discuss the P. Diddy accusations and connections between celebrities, they touch on a disturbing animal cruelty case, highlighting the need for compassion and justice for animals, and the rise of automation in the fast food industry, and AI on the internet. They also delve into JD Vance's views on anti-child sentiment, the implications of political discourse on parenting choices, and the chaotic nature of Trump's rallies.

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Jann Arden  0:07  
Music. Welcome to the Jann Arden podcast and show. I'm here with Caitlin green and Sarah Burke. It is a beautiful fall. I've had such a lovely few weeks. How are you ladies?

Caitlin Green  0:15  
I've also had a really lovely few weeks. Great. Tell me all about it. Like beautiful weather. Oh, my God, we have had beautiful weather. Yeah, and they do this, and I always, I don't know if you guys find this as frustrating as I do, but why do I even check a weather app? Because they were calling for, like, a full day of rain this weekend. We had, like, a couple of showers in Toronto, and that was really

Sarah Burke  0:35  
it. I would love to say I've had a beautiful few weeks, but I've been so sick I can't get over this goddamn cold.

Jann Arden  0:42  
You both had this I'm better. I feel a lot better. I'm

Sarah Burke  0:45  
loaded up on a lot of meds today. Like to sound normal, because if you watch the YouTube the last few weeks, I'm like, constantly just trying not to die.

Jann Arden  0:56  
Well, I feel bad, because I feel like I gave it to you the night of the live. Yeah, I was just at the very beginning of it, so I feel like I was, like, very toxic.

Sarah Burke  1:04  
You said you're still not 100%

Jann Arden  1:06  
right now a I'm gonna say I'm I'm 90.

Sarah Burke  1:10  
I look forward to the 90. It's so odd. I don't know if anyone, any of our listeners, have had this. It's like, I wake up yesterday. I'm like, Oh, I think I'm on the other side of it. I wake up today. I'm like, No, we're regressing. We're back.

Jann Arden  1:22  
Yeah, you said that. I

Caitlin Green  1:23  
thought I was getting it, and then I shook it, I think. But I did have a few days where I randomly napped in the morning, which I haven't done since I stopped working morning radio, where I slept for like, a full two hours, and it was like, I couldn't I couldn't do anything else. It was like, you don't have other options. Now you must sleep, and I mostly go to bed really early, so and I take a lot of supplements, like I take an inordinate amount of supplements. So hopefully based, yeah, Jan, you are too, and hopefully based on the amount of money I'm spending on them, that is contributing to why I didn't catch this. But yeah, I just got the dreaded alert that any parent is familiar with from their daycare center, saying that a gastrobug is going around our daycare, and we go, I know, and that's what I said. And I got this, and like the the fear that broke out through my body after what I experienced last spring when I was in New York because I caught my son's Norwalk. And so they've, in the email they send out, they say that they've alerted Toronto Public Health, which they have to do. But you're also kind of like, maybe when you see that, it's the scariest thing you could possibly imagine, like, we've alerted public health, you're like, Holy hell.

Jann Arden  2:31  
Would you rather have a chest colder or Norwalk?

Caitlin Green  2:33  
A chest cold anything, but Norwalk anything,

Jann Arden  2:37  
I think I'm gonna go chest cold as well. It's one of those. Would you rather be blind or deaf? Like I always pick I'd rather be deaf. I know that's terrible, because I love music so much, but yeah, I've heard the Norwalk. The gastro stuff is difficult. I mean, when you're just shitting yourself sideways and throwing up, I hate throwing up. I will do anything

Caitlin Green  2:55  
not to throw up. I lost 10 pounds in three days. Not the

Jann Arden  2:59  
kind of diet you want

Sarah Burke  3:00  
to go on? Does Noom have a field for that? Nor will. They

Caitlin Green  3:03  
don't. And I should have, actually, we thought of it after the fact, but I should have worn my husband's whoop while I was sick, because I would have been really interested to see the desperate biometric data that I was putting out there into the world. Because it was I thought I was going to die. I did, like I've said, I think I thought I was going to have to go to go to the hospital in New York City.

Sarah Burke  3:23  
I was so sick. What is a whoop? I'm

Caitlin Green  3:24  
sorry. Whoop is like a fitness band that you wear around your wrist, similar to our aura. Yeah, I think, I think the metrics are similar to what you would get from an aura ring and and he loves it. And it's it does when you don't have a good night's sleep and your recovery is low. The image that pops up is a skeleton head with a big crack through the skull. And it's like you're at 1% recovery, like, if you're really hungover. Yeah. Well, these,

Sarah Burke  3:48  
these trackers, are so interesting because, like, it tells me my body temperature is either really low or really high when something's off. And like, I have woken up in a sweat, like, the last three mornings, you know, just you can tell your body is fighting it off, and anyway, we're, we're hoping for tomorrow to be better. It's sort of my everyday mission.

Jann Arden  4:09  
Well, it is a drag, but you're, you're a trooper doing this. Leave us some voice notes. Tell us how sick you are. Tell us what's going on your neighborhood. We'd love to hear from you. I don't know if there's any old wives tales. I have to thank Danny kind for sending me a huge box of these little shot things that are in they look like little juice bags for kids that you kind of squeeze out pureed plums or something. I believe they're called good life. I could be completely wrong here, but she sent me a box of these things, and I have been doing two a day, and I think it's ginger, Echinacea and cayenne.

Sarah Burke  4:49  
Did you like the shot I made you when you were in town? I really did. I've been just making those every day. Yeah, that's all you can do. That's a good recipe I could put in. A Patreon, because it's, like, supplements your body can only absorb so much so, like, the more raw

Jann Arden  5:05  
food, yeah, you piss out the stuff that you're not using, right? Yeah? So, well, listen, we've got a lot of really zany things to talk about today, and I'm going to throw this over to Caitlin, because you have a take on Kanye going down with P Diddy stuff, and I'm like, I'm not overhearing about it. I'm I'm always wanting to hear more about what's happening and what's unfolding, because it's so god awful. So talk about that, Kanye. What? What about him? So

Caitlin Green  5:32  
Kanye is now being sued by a former personal assistant for many issues, but among them is that she's accusing him of sexual assault, drugging her and then sexually assaulting her while he was at a recording session with Diddy. So she's invited to the recording studio with him, or is accompanying him, and when they are all there, someone supplies them with drinks, and apparently some women who were there were sexually assaulted. This is what she's alleging. But then a former artist sort of turned, I want to say, content creator, and sort of like internet personality. She's like a very beautiful woman. She did an Instagram Live talking about how she was at the same studio session, and she witnessed all of the women start to seem like they were under the impact of like a drugged drink, and that she managed to get out of there, and that there were other men in the recording studio. One of them was Kanye West's cousin, and one was actually like a record label executive who didn't do anything to stop the assaults that she didn't consume the drink that she was given because she thought that she was going there as an artist to work with him in the studio, and wasn't comfortable like drinking, or she just was not into a party atmosphere for that situation. And so she corroborates everything that this woman is accusing Kanye West of, and Kanye West now has another person who was in charge of his security, who is suing him as well, who there are parents who were at this school that he started, the Donda school for children that are accusing him of, you know, threatening them and aggressive behavior. And he also was supposed to be tailing like he was like, stalking the Kardashian family with his security detail that he was having them followed. He was having his now ex wife, Bianca's and Sori followed. I mean, this is a very unwell person. I think everyone's known that and seen that quite publicly displayed for a long time. But also you have to wonder what's happening with some of these women in his life, behind closed doors, and to hear him in the studio session with Diddy, where now multiple women are accusing them of sexual assault. I think that there's probably, like, tip of the iceberg situation.

Jann Arden  7:48  
Yeah, sounds like a real mess for a lot of people. I keep reading things about, you know, Justin Bieber that he's trying to stay as far away from this stuff as he possibly can. He's not made any comment. I'm sure he's being dogged by the press and the paparazzi. You know, what do you think of Diddy? Blah, blah, blah? Well, I don't think about him, actually, but,

Caitlin Green  8:09  
or he tries not to.

Jann Arden  8:10  
Yeah, it's anyway, it's going to be interesting. I don't I can't stand Kanye either. And I think, you know, the black male community suffers so much from bad press. Like, right across the board, they're constantly being accused of not being great dads. You know, they haven't enough, but these guys just cast a very long shadow on how black men make their way through the entertainment business. Well, I

Caitlin Green  8:37  
think the entertainment business in general sort of do for that reckoning, like, like, the me too. Thing happened a bit in Hollywood for actors, but the take that certain artists, you know, Kesha, being one of them, had said, was that this really is a long time coming for music, and I think that that is just going to continue to snowball off of all of these allegations against Diddy. I mean, I forget how many accusers he has now, but it's in the hundreds. It's in the hundreds, I mean, and so just statistically speaking, if his allegation like, if his legal case against his accusers is going to be they're coming at him for money and fame, which never happens. No one remembers the name of the Cosby accusers. Everybody like that's just such a misnomer, and it's such a failed attempt by their legal counsel to try to point a finger back on their accuser. But there's just statistically no chance that every single one of these people are lying, and some of the legal complaints being brought against him are the people are underage, like, you know, and they want to stay anonymous. They're not trying to do this for, you know, a massive payday and a whole bunch of fame. Like they're they're young men and young women who want to remain anonymous because this is going to ruin their lives they fear

Sarah Burke  9:51  
and online, if you watch one video, I don't know about you guys, but you watch one video, and then you're served up like 20 more. And then before, you know, it's like, how many? Of these internet personalities talking about the Diddy case, are we going to watch in one week? Right now, it's ridiculous. But the message, overwhelmingly, I find, like saying, you know, kind of what Jan was getting at is, like, how is this going to hurt hip hop and music as well? Because it's casting a shadow on the genre as well. Yeah,

Caitlin Green  10:21  
yeah. You have to wonder, though, like in my, in my thinking on this, the women who were in the studio alleged that, you know, his cousin's there who was working with him in some sort of a management capacity, someone else from the record label was there, right? You've got R Kelly before this. Now, R Kelly's daughter has come out and said that she was molested by him when she was a child. You have his quote, unquote, marriage to Aaliyah. And you know, further to that, you have now allegations linking like notorious, big who's passed away. You have so many people in the music industry, and not just hip hop, but obviously, there's a lot of artists right now in hip hop who are in trouble because of Diddy just being such a prominent figure in that industry. Like, I kind of am like, well, I don't know, you do the crime. I think you should do the time. Oh, of course, of course. Like, maybe your behavior as an industry needs to be re examined. Maybe this really does need to get fixed, so that the artists who aren't problematic in 10 years don't have to, like, deal with this all over again. Because I just, I can't help but think that it's like kind of a sick space altogether, and

Sarah Burke  11:23  
who will be connected that was just there, yeah.

Jann Arden  11:27  
How does this go on so long? How did this go on for so many years, decades, even, how

Sarah Burke  11:31  
it was intentional, intentional that he had video cameras set up because it was a way for him to keep it quiet this entire time. And

Caitlin Green  11:39  
don't forget, like all, a lot of the people who are being connected with him, in these cases themselves, wanted to party with with Diddy. They wanted to party with him. They wanted to drink and do drugs. They wanted to be part of his inner circle. They wanted that proximity to the power and the money and the fame and all the promises that he made, and they were willing to look the other way when it came to abusing women and in some cases, allegedly underage. You know, minors, and they didn't care. And some of them probably were into it themselves, like, that's the other part where I'm like, You're you're there too. Like you really can't plead the fifth and say, Oh, what was me? I just wanted my record deal. Well, if you want a record deal so badly that you're willing to look the other way when people are violated and taken advantage of, go to jail and like, certainly don't have a career anymore. Yeah,

Jann Arden  12:34  
it's like what Sarah was saying some of these Tiktok rabbit holes you go down. There was a one girl on there. I didn't see her name, but she was talking about she was, I think, 16 or 17, so clearly underage. And one of her jobs at these freak parties was to lie on a glass kind of a table, and she had sushi on her. So the clients, the party goers, would come in and they would eat sushi off her and literally, like, either put their mouth down and just take it right off her torso or or her, you know, pelvis, or whatever. And that was, and she said, You know, I got money. I got paid money for it. But she said, I just witnessed horrific things, and I just never, I don't know. I didn't say anything. Yeah,

Caitlin Green  13:19  
it's, it's, it's hard to know, and to put yourself in the position of the people who were there initially for for money, and then maybe saw worse things or had worse things happen to them. But you know, his trial is going to be set for May 25 of next year, and that's a long time like to wait and continue to have more and more of this stuff sort of come out, but I hope that we do get to see a little bit of a musical comeback from, you know, Cassie, for example, like some of the women who I think they had their careers really sidelined by him intentionally, because they were either victimized by him or he shut their career down if they weren't sort of agreeing to go along with part of his stuff. So I think that that would be a nice little bow on the chapter of his crappiness, because she had a real like I remember Cassie when I was growing up, like she had a real career starting and and then it sort of all got shut down as he was clearly becoming more and more abusive to her, and she's thrived like she has a wonderful husband and a family. And so it's just been so amazing to see how her life has gone after she got away from him, but, like, I want the album now. Yeah, I think that'd be great.

Jann Arden  14:27  
No, I think it's gonna be really interesting to see this unfold and to see what kind of charges are laid, and to see what kind of time he actually ends up doing, and just all the witnesses they're gonna call. I mean, I haven't really seen this kind of a media frenzy over a legal case with a black man since OJ Simpson and

Caitlin Green  14:44  
R Kelly. R Kelly was up there, but yeah, you're this is this just seems

Jann Arden  14:49  
so much more wide reaching than R Kelly. R Kelly was just kind of the creepy guy. But it wasn't. It wasn't so you see new lists every day, like Oprah's been on these party lists. Um. You know, Halle Berry's been on these party lists, like, all these people, I

Caitlin Green  15:03  
mean, and I'm not gonna say, like, just because a lot of these famous people went to his parties, they're like, in trouble, like a lot of, I mean, just about everyone under the sun went to Diddy's Hampton parties. He started the white party, like he started those things. So I think attending the party is not going to be necessarily, you being guilty, but I think that, being the people who were always at the parties for years and helped knew what it was, yeah, like, if you went to every single one for 10 years, you probably, like, got into some stuff. Did you

Sarah Burke  15:34  
probably the Ellen clip? No, there's a clip circulating. He's on Ellen's show, and Ellen makes reference to the party, and jokes about, oh, I know what happens at your parties. And then they carry on. It's on daytime television back in the day. So and

Caitlin Green  15:50  
like, 30 rock used to joke about, like, not specifically Diddy, but you know, they would, they would talk about Harvey Weinstein, like they would talk about, they would joke about these things that were whispered through the industry, of people being a creep for a long time, and the type of men that you would warn young women and young artists against because you knew something was off. So think he's like that. Think Diddy's a bit like that.

Jann Arden  16:13  
Poppy just wanted to weigh in. He doesn't like anybody. Next topic, I think we've given Yeah, please, these guys, enough of our time and attention, but we will keep talking about it, because it's so it's like going driving by a huge, like, Fireball accident. You just like rubbernecking to see what's going on. And I want

Caitlin Green  16:33  
them all to go to jail. Yeah,

Jann Arden  16:34  
let's get them. Yeah. I think we'll see that. Caitlin, I really do. The dog that was tied up to a tree along the hurricane Milton escape route, he was a little black and white dog, and they've actually found him the owner of the guy that tied him up, because I guess a peace officer, like a patrol car came by, saw this dog standing up to his neck in water in a ditch, tied to this post, the police officer risked life and limb to run across this ditch to get this dog, like in the height of the hurricane, and this dog was so freaking relieved. Anyway, they found the owner of this dog, and he may be looking at five years in jail, even the governor, our friendly governor, of Florida is just saying it was a beyond evil act, and we're gonna go after this guy with with every bit of the law that we can. So I was really glad to hear that they they found him and how stupid this guy was that tied his dog up and left him.

Caitlin Green  17:35  
Well, I always wonder, with people who express that kind of cruelty towards animals, like I'm like, can we just go to their house on the basis of doing this and just do a little cursory search through their browser history? Like you just want to, like, there's just something really wrong with someone like that who does that to an animal's

Sarah Burke  17:52  
dog for 10 days, and the thought of even leaving her home alone for five hours is like, I could cry tying your dog to a tree, no,

Caitlin Green  18:00  
like, you're trying to kill them and you're doing it. It's, it's like, that's like, la cult. What it is he can't just be like, Oh, I forgot it, and had to go to the market. Like, that's not what happened here. So it's like, and people who do that to animals, sums up, yeah, I'm like, Let's get his backstory. Yeah,

Jann Arden  18:14  
you should see this dog's cute little face. The the officer got him in his car and just said, you're okay, buddy, you're okay. And obviously it's I can't wait to see him get go to jail, and I hope he never is able to own a pet again in his life, as long as he lives. Just pathetic. I mean, I can't imagine either. I can't imagine getting in a car and I'll just leave Poppy in the house because I don't really have enough dog food for him, and he'll be fine, and he can ride it out. There was dogs on I mean, I just, I have no sympathy, empathy, all those things for people that leave pets behind. I don't understand it. I don't give a shit. Pack them in the car, put them on your kid's lap, put them in a fucking cardboard box in the trunk, get them out of there. Inexcusable. A horse is one thing. Yeah,

Caitlin Green  19:04  
and you don't have to have pets. Everyone, like, just don't have a pet then, like, you don't have to have pets. You can just not have them and then not have this problem. But if you do have a pet, that's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. The shelters will take them in. You can't claim that there's a shelter. They change those policies many hotels when you know, in and around hurricanes will also waylay their no pet policy and let you go and stay with your pets. So you can't really say that either. I mean, did they did the internet find out who that guy is? Like, yeah, so his like, picture and stuff is

Jann Arden  19:35  
out there. I'm pretty sure they've, they've published his name. I don't have it in front of me here, but they've named him, they've shamed him, and I can't wait to hear all the excuses that come out of that. But did you

Caitlin Green  19:47  
guys see the thing that happened was going viral this weekend, where after a football game, I know one of the teams was the Baltimore Ravens, a fan of the winning team went around after the game, looking for fans wearing jerseys of the opposing. Team, and he's obviously very, very drunk, and he's looking to fight them, even though his team won. He's going up. And he goes up to and he's a really big guy, and he's really clearly aggressive and drunk and mentally unstable, and he goes up to these guys and he's like, Who are you guys? Like, fans of this, and they're in the jerseys, and they're kind of like, yeah, and they're like, not, they're not ready for a fight, nor have they done anything wrong, and he just sucker punches them, and he knocks one of them out. He could have given them a concussion, and he was going around and doing this the fast work of the internet and finding out who this guy was. They have his face everywhere. They have his they find his employer. He loses his job. Love it. They find his his former schools like his, his former university. Then they find out all the other allegations that were against him over the course of his life for similar issues. And I just thought to myself, sometimes the internet sleuths do actually like some good in finding these people a case for Internet journalism. It is like it doesn't happen often. The internet's usually a dumpster fire. But when I saw that happen, I was like, good for you guys,

Jann Arden  21:08  
the internet is a magical place, and it is solving crimes as we sit here talking a little bit more on those robots that you guys brought, like a couple weeks ago, the I don't know if it's Elon Musk that has done those walking robots that look so freaky. There's a new one that's been made by another Japanese company that is programmed to do French fries in fast food restaurants. They had 1000 of them for sale. I sent you guys a little clip on that news buzz thing that I get pretty much every morning. It's so the morning brew, the morning brew. I really love getting it, but they sold out 1000 of these things. White Castle is now going to order a whole bunch of them just to stand at their fry station, because a they can't get anyone to work there. It's like they can't get anyone to work in dish pits anymore, like in restaurants dishwashers. It's really hard to do, and because the kids want, you know, they want to enter an entry level that's like the vice president of a company. That's what people want to walk into these positions. They don't want to work their way up. But I just thought, oh my God, how cool would it be to walk into, I don't know, McDonald's freaking Popeyes or whatever, and just see this big white thing dipping his metal arm into a deep fryer and pulling out french fries, like they're actually hiring these things, hiring buying them, and they think they'll pay for themselves in like two years, and that they will never staff those positions again. So thoughts on that

Sarah Burke  22:34  
wouldn't like the heat of the oil, like short circuit the goddamn thing eventually anyway. I mean,

Caitlin Green  22:40  
you assume it's designed to not have that happen.

Sarah Burke  22:44  
You would, you would think, but like, once you put what you created in different environments with different heats and different, you know, I think that there'll be funny things that come out of that also, you know, not funny things that would be scary.

Jann Arden  22:57  
I don't know they're going to be replacing all kinds of jobs. I

Caitlin Green  23:00  
don't want one in my house. I'll tell you that the ones that are supposed to be in your house. I was like, this thing is horrifying. This thing is horrifying. And so I don't know. P some people might want it, and they're they're trying to say, you know, there could be good uses for people who need the additional help, like lifting things around the house, or child care. Hell, no, no,

Jann Arden  23:21  
I know. But can you imagine?

Caitlin Green  23:22  
Well, yes, I can, because I'm like, people are gonna and like, look, I have a low estimation of many people in the world. And so do I think that the home robot's called Neo beta? And so do I believe that Neo beta is possibly better than, like, the lowest 20% of humans, absolutely, like, without question. But does it scare the living crap out of me? Yeah, and they gave it really giant hands, because it's supposed to be able to help you, like, lift stuff around the house. So we can include some footage of this Neo beta thing in our show notes this week, because its hands are massive and super scary to me. And it's a faceless humanoid Android, and so it has this dark screen head that just fills me with the most cosmic horror I could possibly imagine, like that looks like the last thing I'm gonna see before I leave this earth. It's so scary. So I just, I don't know, do

Jann Arden  24:18  
you remember seeing AI years ago with that little kid, Haley Joe Osmond. Yes, Haley Joe Osmond and this mother had her husband get a little droid for her that was, you know, a carbon copy of her son and to kind of keep her company, to get her through the grieving process, because this little boy had passed away. Well, I just remember the last scene was so creepy, I left the theater thinking, this is the most depressing thing I've ever seen in my life, because this boy, this little boy, fell in love with the mother and wanted, he was programmed to want the affectionate Well, the last scene is him. They finally got rid of him. They could not get rid of this, this robot. It kept coming back. The last scene is Haley at the bottom of the ocean, like just. Calling for his mother still, like, still going, like, has a battery life of 100,000 years at the bottom of the ocean. Anyway, I don't know how I feel about AI every time I do a WhatsApp message now, I am prompted to see if I would like to improve my message with AI. Would you like a different option to what you've just sent back is, like, fucking call me later, you asshole. I'm I don't want to talk to you on the phone. Would you like help with AI to construct a better sentence than what you've come up with? Have you guys been prompted with that at all the

Caitlin Green  25:30  
time? Have you tried it? I

Jann Arden  25:33  
haven't even put hit that button. No. What's my other option? Like, what's my other option to talk to you later? Sorry. Is that not good enough.

Caitlin Green  25:40  
They just they they're just trying to prompt you to play with them, because what they need, and what they're going to rely on, is user input data so they they need, in order to become in order for the machines to become better, they need you to engage with them so that they can learn how to communicate and what type of communication style you want, and I use chat GPT. And chat GPT if it will eventually, like once you create an account and you use it frequently, it will understand your tone, it will understand your interest, and you can ask for it to do things for you and write things for you in your style. And it's creepy how effective this is. And now a lot of University Professors are saying that their job was once to go through ideas and to critique ideas and and now, really, all they're doing is trying to protect against people just using AI to build all of their papers and there. And how

Jann Arden  26:40  
can you tell otherwise? Like, how do you scrutinize and vet those papers that are coming? Use AI

Caitlin Green  26:48  
to vet another AI program to identify if this person used AI paper. And it's like, I just think I really do worry, like, there are parts of there are parts of everyone's job that probably AI would be better suited to do, and it would be helpful for you to have it do that, and it would actually be useful. And then there's parts of it where I just think, you know, it's going to continue to erode everyone's creativity and thought process. It has

Sarah Burke  27:15  
been prompting, I think it was on Instagram that I saw it prompts you to say, if you've used AI in the content you're posting, oh, like, you

Caitlin Green  27:26  
have to identify if this was like, yeah, yeah. I don't think

Sarah Burke  27:29  
it's mandatory. I think it's like, it's been suggested, like, it's a prompt, like, hey, please let us know, even though,

Caitlin Green  27:36  
well, for images, I know it will be soon, yeah, it'll be required. And if it's not already a requirement, and I've started noticing that on my explorer, my Explore page, I now get AI images intermixed with like other regular content. So it identifies that, you know, items I save a lot might be nice hairstyles or nails or an interior design shot, or, you know, shots of nature, like landscapes. Well, now accounts that just create these images using AI are popping up all over Instagram, and so I have to go through and be like, not interested. Not interested because I'm trying to send the message to the algorithm that, like, I don't want to look at a Windows Home Page. I don't want to see a home screen from like. I want to actually look at a place I can reasonably visit or plan a trip to I don't want AI images of mountains.

Jann Arden  28:22  
I loved your article, by the way. I just loved it. Caitlyn did an article about where her and Kyle went up into what where is it? Where is it? Caitlin, where did you go? Hudson Valley. Hudson Valley, New York. But it looked beautiful. The photographs were beautiful. It just looked it looked like something that I'd be like, I'm gonna click onto this and I'm gonna F and go, yeah, so good job on that. Thank

Caitlin Green  28:44  
you. I'm so well, congrat you're such a talented writer. So that, like, means a lot, because I it's,

Jann Arden  28:49  
you're fantastic. It was so fantastic. It was whimsical, it was factual, but it was fun. And it didn't sound elitist. It sounded like, this isn't just for you can bring your child. You can bring. You can go and have a great time. And there's lots of different things for every level of your adventure spirit. There's something that you can do. If you want to sit and read a book in front of a fireplace, have adder. If you want to go pick if you want to go pick Apple somewhere that's and I cut you off, Sarah, so what we were going to say, sorry, oh, I'm

Sarah Burke  29:18  
not going to go back there. I was just going to say, I don't even trust my Roomba, and I lose it in my own one bedroom condo all the time. So that was my wrap on AI, but Caitlin's article, I also read in great job. Question, did you use chat GPT to, like, start some ideas rolling? Because that's also a great use of chat GPT,

Caitlin Green  29:36  
I know, and I didn't, because I sort of because, when I was on the trip, I had formulated already my own like notes and how I wanted to, like present, this the property. But then my husband, after I had done like, I'd already had the framework for what I wanted to say. And then my husband, who uses it for his job, was like, oh, like, you should have it come up with some ideas and, like, some and I was like, what I didn't even i. But I'm like, feel so old now that I'm like, I don't think to use it right. So I have to have someone else tell me to use it. What I was frequently using it for was like, I would ask it questions for like strategies regarding social media or like marketing strategies, or also to like, I like the way that it explains things like, so if I want it to explain like the concept of interest rates, which recently happened,

Sarah Burke  30:25  
or the inflation thing that you mentioned last week, yeah, precisely so,

Caitlin Green  30:28  
exactly that on that same topic. So I like chat GPT to do things like that, but I should be using it more for that

Sarah Burke  30:36  
someone who would be like writing an article for any magazine, any publication, let's say like so it, let's say you had your framework written out of what you wanted to do you could essentially, and I know a lot of content creators do this, dump that into chatgpt and say, give me like, five takeaways from my experience. And then it just like, reformats it in, like a list, which is sometimes more digestible for people. So, you know, it can be useful in just reframing things that is your intellectual real property and thoughts.

Caitlin Green  31:07  
And I can tell, I can tell when people are using it in those in that Concourse, and it is a lot of those, like listicle type things, and that's what everyone clicks on. So, yeah, well, it was really great. And I'm going to do a guide to Hudson Valley, because that was, like, specific to the perfect hell in us. But I'm going to do another one that's

Jann Arden  31:23  
like, let's put that article in our show notes. Okay, so, so people can click on either on our Patreon or on the January Patreon with

Sarah Burke  31:31  
some of your behind the scenes photos. Yeah.

Caitlin Green  31:33  
Well, I'll share, I'll share it on Patreon. I also recently did a list on Patreon for people of like, cozy recommendations for the Fall Yeah, other people, other only Jans are sharing theirs. So if you're already subscribing, get on there.

Sarah Burke  31:47  
I smell a transition to a cozy fall playlist. Yes,

Jann Arden  31:51  
we need to work on our playlist. Guys, we are going to do one. We're going to do a fall playlist, and we would be remiss not to a Christmas playlist as well. So let's Yeah, we're

Sarah Burke  32:01  
gonna start creating one now. Yes. I mean, I know we're late on getting it published for the first day of fall, but better late than never. And I think what's so funny about our summer playlist, I'm still listening to it. We all still have, like, different tastes in music, and there were different vibes. Like, you know, you could have a different vibe at a summer campfire or on the dock, as you would like if you're going out in the summer. So I think our fall vibe is going to be a little more cozy, like we have a

Jann Arden  32:27  
are you giving us directions so that we don't stray off into secure it? Let's

Sarah Burke  32:35  
call it like, let's call it like sweater weather or something like that. Like, be cozy and like, you know, those vibes that are like, we're slowing down, we're getting ready to hibernate. You know, we're all black bears, and that

Caitlin Green  32:49  
can, but that could mean anything to anyone. But it's like, I already have a playlist that I like that this sort of serves the purpose of so I've got my songs all ready to go. Okay, okay, okay. Just also

Jann Arden  33:00  
a fall bear update. He came careening through the yard about three nights ago. He tipped over my rain barrel. He bent my drain pipe like up. It was like pointing up. It looked like a UFO had tried to take metal out of my yard. He flipped over all the little logs that I have sort of out there that I put third seed on, and he ate one of the pumpkins. So I bought three pumpkins from superstore. They were $3.79 each, and I put them at his fall decor, you know, just at the end of my my walkway. Well, one he ate. It's in its entirety. Just the bottom little nub is there, and then the top nub, so he's left the lid in the bottom. But I thought, wow, that's healthy. He made really, oh no. I mean, pumpkin must have been awesome. Didn't cross my mind that he would eat a full pumpkin?

Welcome back to the Jan Arden podcast and show. I don't know what that ad was, but it was something good. And whatever that ad was that you just listened to, I would appreciate it if you went out and bought it, supported it. Did it, talked about it. What was it? It could have been anything. It could have been the the Diva Cup. Have we tried our Diva Cup? Caitlin,

Sarah Burke  34:15  
no, if I may, read the message in the group, not yesterday was something to the effect of I am certain that I'm good with this being for end of days. Did I get that right? Yeah,

Caitlin Green  34:25  
my diva cup is for End Times. And so when the global supply chain falls off the rails and no one can get their hands on feminine hygiene products anymore, that's when I will be really relieved to have my diva cup. Here's

Sarah Burke  34:36  
the quote, I feel resolute in my belief that the Diva Cup is an apocalyptic hygiene option only for me. Done. Okay, but I think I will buy. I think I'm going to try the new like flatter one, and I will report back. Okay,

Jann Arden  34:49  
we've talked about Kanye, we've talked about Diddy, we have talked about a lot of different things. We've talked about, you know, we're going to, we want to talk about the election, because. I think the robots leads us into elections and the 36

Sarah Burke  35:04  
messages in the group chat that I came back to yesterday. Okay, give

Jann Arden  35:08  
us a break. We were passionate about what we were talking about because Caitlin sent me a link to JD Vance being in, being on the Washington Post podcast or something. It was the, it was the New York Times does a thing called, okay, see, I know nothing the New York Times, okay, same thing. Okay. What is it?

Caitlin Green  35:25  
It's so the New York Times does a podcast called the interview, and it'll be like with a specific person. And so one of the recent episodes with was with JD Vance, so, and I'm familiar with him. I'm one of the few people in Canada who read his friggin book in 2016 Hillbilly Elegy. Hillbilly Elegy movie was apparently unwatchable. I did not see

Sarah Burke  35:44  
it when I watched it. Did you? Yeah? With my dad, yeah? Oh, good lord, okay. And we were about just like, yeah,

Caitlin Green  35:50  
yeah. So I don't, I wouldn't have read that book and thought this is a movie. But anyways, um, so, but I was listening to him on this interview, and look, factually, he gets a lot of stuff wrong, and I don't, I don't subscribe to much of what he says. However, I was like, not me having something that I agree with. JD Vance on like, what

Jann Arden  36:12  
are you gonna find that with everybody? Right? You do find things that you agree with. Yeah.

Caitlin Green  36:18  
So he was, he was describing the feeling of how society, and he cites US society, but I would say in Canada too, that it's become pathologically anti child. And I was like, as he started explaining it and talking about what he meant, I was like, damn it, you're putting into words something I already felt, and I and it's because it was reminded me of the conversation that we had weeks ago on the show where Jan cited a woman who, for the

Jann Arden  36:47  
love of God, yeah, said, because a baby was crying, because

Caitlin Green  36:51  
a baby is crying on the on a plane, because a baby is crying, it was embarrassing. Wow, that woman is messed up. Yeah, my heart, but it's the way that society it's become. It started out as like, you know, it was funny. It was edgy to joke about not liking kids. It was edgy and cool to say you don't want them on planes or I don't like them in restaurants, but to slowly, like eek away at the the notion that, like, children can take up space in the world, and families can take up space in the world. And that, like the sound of a kid laughing or crying or having fun or running around is like, actually, that you're hearing the sound of life everyone. And so what he hits on is that, you know, and he was talking about how he got rigged over the coals for the, you know, the childless cat lady comment, which he owned, as being a disaster, like a out of touch thing to say. But what he was trying to talk about was this, like anti child sentiment that he feels is pervasive in North American society. So, and I was like, damn it, I actually kind of agreed with him on some of that, because he was saying how he watched a woman when he was younger, before he was even in politics, got on a train, and he said she he would have regarded her as being 21 or 22 and she had kids with her, and they were being really noisy and loud. They're being kids, three kids, and everyone on the train starts huffing and puffing about this woman having children with her. And he said, I was I noticed her because the kids were being children. And he said, and she was so patient with these kids. And I just thought, what a patient mom with her children right now, even though everyone else on the plane who doesn't have to deal with the kids so they have it leaps and bounds easier, is trying to make it known to her that it's uncomfortable for them to have to hear it. And I just thought this is so bang on. And I really he, he tapped into something that frustrates me and and he also talked about how, you know, there is, like, this political thing that gets espoused lots of the time recently, about how, like, well, I don't want to have kids because of climate change. And he was saying how he feels, like, that's unwell. Jan's, Jan's cleaning her computer screen right now, for everyone,

Jann Arden  38:54  
it was really blurry,

Caitlin Green  38:57  
but and, and he was like, I don't get that either. And I was like, Yeah. And he's like, it's okay to be worried about climate change. Everyone's worried about climate change, but to say I'm not going to have kids because of climate change, I

Jann Arden  39:09  
did not not have kids because of climate change. Yeah. And he was like, it's fine. You

Caitlin Green  39:13  
don't want to have kids, don't have kids. Do whatever you want, but, like, don't, don't become anti child for the people who do want them. And then also don't, like, maybe say that I'm worried about, like, Hurricane Milton, so I'm not gonna have kids. Oh my god, yeah,

Jann Arden  39:25  
that's, that's, it's, it's stupid.

Sarah Burke  39:29  
I am careful in the words I'm gonna choose right now too, because it still feels like he's and I know we might think differently on this kids thing, which is also the beauty of this podcast, everybody has different opinions. Totally. Opinions totally, but it still feels like he's casting a shadow on the idea of not having kids, even in the way that you just explained that, right? And that's where I totally agree with the point you're making about the trains and the planes and kids and kids just being kids. But I. Think underneath all of that, fundamentally, he's still trying to get back

Jann Arden  40:06  
to procreate, have children, put them out into the world, pump them out there. There could very well be that underlying message. And I think he is like that. I didn't articulate very well with it, with the crazy cat lady woman, right? He, he's, he's, he's gone on to say that he regrets saying that, but yet he brings it up

Caitlin Green  40:23  
a lot. Well, the interviewer, in this instance, did bring it up. The interviewer did, yeah, the interviewer brought it up. So he's and he it, he is asked about it a lot because it was such a huge sound bites. It was a sound it was a sound bite. And he, he talks a little bit about that. And I have an issue with him, and I have an issue with Trump on the fact that they just say things that are so factually untrue, and they don't put the proper context on a lot of their talking points that like, that's what frustrates me. But like, people can have their own like, feelings on things. But, you know, he talked about like, the effect that, like, insist, trying to insist, that three year olds wear masks during, like, the kind of more tyrannical portions of lockdowns. And so he talks about that, and like, how that really has set children back with language like it, it's not up for debate. It has, like, there's facts, yeah, there's facts. Like this isn't and so he's just, he's just really talking about how, like, and parents during all these lockdowns were just expected to go to work and also raise your kids and have them at home, but also if they could not be on this call and not making any noise in the background. Oh, and if she's gonna take time off to have a kid, and now her kid's gonna be in the back of the Zoom call. But also she has to homeschool them. And like, he was just saying, how everything has become so like, there's no support, and there's no like, and that point is fair, and there's no feeling of, like, allowing, you know, things to be difficult, without them saying, Don't do it. Like, it's he. So there was a whole bunch of things with him, like that, I was surprised to agree on. And then he, of course, goes into things like, like, abortion, and I'm, like, totally everywhere, turning it up. And also we're, we could not be more oppositional there. But like, yeah. It was interesting,

Sarah Burke  42:01  
because we've talked about this podcast before. Do you you listen to the daily Yeah? From okay. Did you listen to the episode called, she used to be friends with JD Vance, no, in August,

Caitlin Green  42:13  
and this year, Sophia, his former friend.

Sarah Burke  42:17  
What is her name? It's right here, law school friend, Sophia Nelson, yes, yeah, okay. I'll put it in the show notes if anyone wants to check this episode out. But I found like there was, you know, some really ick feelings that came out of him from that interview, because that's like a former really good friend of his from his formative years when he was in law school, and the fallout from that, and like, how she's like, I don't understand who this person is. Now, really interesting perspective. If you want to check it out, it'll be in the show notes.

Caitlin Green  42:45  
It was interesting, because I do feel that you know who he likely was back when he wrote this book and back when he had these relationships with other people, has changed. And it sounded to me, again, my interpretation of this, and I'm just being an armchair expert here, but it sounded to me like part of what radicalized him was having children, and part of what changed him a lot in his outlook on the world and and the way he sees things has been like through experiencing the pandemic, how he felt about the pandemic, how he felt about some of the rules and where we were, and also about the fact that he now has three kids. And I was like, you know, and it does really change you as a person, but I just don't know if it makes you, like decide you're going to be Trump's running mate, but,

Sarah Burke  43:25  
but how about just on the political topic? How about Kamala Harris writing? Is he okay? Oh, my ghost,

Jann Arden  43:32  
when you go to a rally, yeah? And you've got a host standing there, this very beautifully well dressed woman that's going to be hosting an event. He comes out there in his very large box, by the way, not JD van Trump, sorry, sorry, sorry, yeah, at a Trump rally, and he plays 30 minutes of unlicensed music. He plays Ave Maria. He has his eyes shut. He's swaying back and forth. He's got his hand. It's like he's putting on a concert. He's very proudly curating these songs to play to people that express who he is. As a man like you can just see him taking in this, I am a the Son of God and I anyway, people are sitting there with their Mega hats and their signs and their fucking flag T shirts on. They have no idea what to do. She's and then YMCA comes on, not licensed. He hasn't asked any of these artists permission. This goes on for 30 minutes without him saying a word at this rally. So this is where Kamala has literally put up this thing like, are you okay? Because he didn't say anything, and then he said a few things that were jumbled, misinterpreted. This poor girl's trying to do her job, asking him a few questions. He rambles. He's like, doing the weave, doing the weave, like I started saying something about, you know this. And then I go to the Spanish wall, and then, and then I talk about, he doesn't make any sense. And then he. He comes back with another song, President Trump, he wanted to play another song. Yes, I do. And then everyone sat there, and that was the end of the rally, and that was good mother. I would fucking, I would actually sell my house to get a lawyer.

Caitlin Green  45:13  
Yeah, because he's trying, someone I saw said that it was like he's had five light beers, and he gets, like, he gets control of the playlist at like, his friend's Park, where he just, like, you were just watching him, like, he just wanted to vibe out. He wanted to be a DJ. He's wanted to vibe out to Ave Maria. But you're like, you're in front of a lot of people right now, and they have no idea what's going on. And that's where Kamala had hooked him in the debate too, where she said, you know, if you go to his rallies, people are gonna leave early because they go on forever. There's really no structure. He doesn't say much. He rambles on. He doesn't talk about any issues that matter to you, and you get bored. And then he was like, that will trigger him. And so he kind of, that's when he went off, off the rails, because she brought up the rallies. But like the footage I'd seen. I've watched a lot of footage of his rallies. But I was like, oh

Jann Arden  46:01  
my god, it's just getting better. Yeah, our playlist will be better, but we will have Ave Maria on there, just

Caitlin Green  46:08  
a great song,

Sarah Burke  46:09  
okay, um,

Caitlin Green  46:10  
I mean, I don't dislike the songs. I just was like, why is he standing there swaying around on stage? Like someone get a kept the old hook out and say, like, come on, that show's over. Our show's

Jann Arden  46:20  
over too, but we're gonna play some from voice notes. That's what we're gonna do. I mean, it is a zany time. I cannot help it's like we were talking about earlier. You guys about I can't help but see what's going on with P Diddy and the whole train wreck that's going on. Like, I don't want to know, but I do want to know. Like, I open my phone up in the morning and I'm like, where are we now? And I do the same thing with Trump. I'm like, Where was he last night? What little town was he in? What has he done? And it has, it's just, he is riding shotgun down the avalanche. He is just,

Unknown Speaker  46:53  
it is,

Jann Arden  46:55  
it's just, it's, there's a wall of snow behind him. He's on a toboggan in his suit and his tie is flapping in the wind, and he's listening to Ave Maria, and he's headed towards the rocks. He's headed

Caitlin Green  47:07  
towards something. I mean, we're all headed towards something, dang it. But like, the election is coming up. It's, it's, it's very soon,

Jann Arden  47:14  
20 days away, or 19 days away, or some goddamn thing, isn't it? November The sixth?

Caitlin Green  47:19  
I think so.

Sarah Burke  47:20  
Should we fact check? Hold on, yeah, US election. I

Jann Arden  47:24  
love how I just throw these facts out

Sarah Burke  47:25  
there. Tuesday, November, 5, fifth,

Jann Arden  47:30  
people are are pre voting and doing early voting in unprecedented numbers. This is a good sign. I think. Yeah, they're voting in absentia, like from other countries. You know that they're not here, all the expats that are all over the world, they're voting like, fucking mad, and he doesn't want them to count. Like, oh my God, he's still going on about that. Anyway, he doesn't want to be fact checked. So let's, let's just keep that

Sarah Burke  47:57  
in mind. Okay, just fact check the election date. Okay,

Jann Arden  47:59  
we fact check here all the time. So here's some voice notes. We love this. We don't know what people are going to be saying, so we put ourselves in great peril every week.

Speaker 1  48:08  
Here we go. Hi, ladies. This is Janice from Surrey. BC, I was inquiring about the crocs that you mentioned in last week's podcast. Jan, would those perhaps been blanches crocs from the movie bandits. It was quite funny. Thanks, ladies. Keep up the good work.

Jann Arden  48:27  
They were they are my vandits crocs. So Janice, I have a feel. I have a feeling. No, I have a feeling. You are the costume designer from bandits, a very funny movie that I was in

Caitlin Green  48:41  
anyway, like bandits, but in a van, bandits,

Jann Arden  48:44  
yeah, it's super fun of that. Go, go look it up. I play a woman named Blanche, and I hit people over the head with frying pan. I think I'm murdered in the end with with a nail gun. Oh, my God, so that was good, but I do have crocs on with the in sport mode. So take that to the bank.

Sarah Burke  49:01  
Yeah. All right, here's our next one.

Speaker 2  49:04  
Hi. Jen Caitlin, Sarah, this is Suzanne, a cross border listener from Buffalo, New York. I want to thank you all because I just drove from Buffalo to Calgary and back for the Wynonna Earp convention, what weekend, and I listened to lots of podcasts from you guys across the Great Plains, and it was a joy to relive the summer with you. I also want to thank Jan for I guess, always making me uncomfortable when I order food. I was on the river cruise in Portugal last year, and at your town hall, you said that every meatless meal we have makes a difference, and your words ring in my ears, and I find myself more and more making me less choices, sometimes vegan choices, and I've had a lot of great meals that I don't think I would have chosen otherwise. I actually travel with a vegan friend who always thanks me for going to vegan restaurants with him, and I tell him all the time, vegan food is still food, so Jan, I'm not. Mental Health, place where I could sustain a big left turn, but because of you and your posts, I I guess I might end up as like a sneaky vegan, where I don't identify as vegan, but I just keep having vegan meals. So sneaky vegan. Jan Caitlin, Sarah, thanks for you. Happy Thanksgiving, Jan, don't look at the polls. Polls only tell us what. People with landlines who answer calls from unknown numbers and don't hang up on pollsters or thinking and they're not representative. Totally new.

Caitlin Green  50:32  
Good point I've said that for years. Totally

Sarah Burke  50:35  
do also a call out for American listeners. Voice, notice your thoughts on the election? Oh,

Caitlin Green  50:39  
please do we're just up here, but tell us, okay, thank you

Jann Arden  50:43  
for making us feel better about the polls. People who have landlines that don't hang up on pollsters. Jesus, that doesn't that's a fucking sad group of people that's left still

Caitlin Green  50:53  
other ways to get polls now. But anyways, okay,

Sarah Burke  50:56  
okay, last one for the for the week. Okay,

Speaker 3  50:58  
hello, Jan. Sarah and Caitlin. Happy Thanksgiving weekend from Karen and Halifax, blessings to everyone. Wanted to tell you a little Thanksgiving story. Our first Thanksgiving after we were married, we were hosting our very first dinner gathering in our new home with new in laws and family. I was checking on my baking apple pie using oven mitts. I pulled it out that it needed a few more minutes, but I did not realize I had left the oven mitts in the oven with the pie. A few minutes later, smoke is pouring into the oven, and smoke detectors were wailing. Chaos ensued. All ended up okay, though, except for my Eagle. By the way, this was in 1976 and our first house cost $37,000 at Bayview in Eglinton in Toronto. Gosh, in hindsight, we should have went on to it. Loving the podcast with you lovelies as always. And my Patreon access is so amazing. Take care there. Bye, now bye.

Jann Arden  51:50  
Thank you so much. Oven mitts in the oven with the pie. That makes sense. You put the pie in, you take your hands out of the mitts, and

Sarah Burke  51:59  
yeah, sounds like an ADHD thing to do,

Caitlin Green  52:02  
relatable, but also Halifax so she can do no wrong, in my

Jann Arden  52:06  
eyes. Ah, you can do no wrong. Well, listen, we'd like to send you a pair of oven mitts for being our Patreon.

Sarah Burke  52:14  
We don't have that merch yet. Yeah, and

Jann Arden  52:17  
we still have a Patreon. Folks, you can go to Jan Arden. There's the links in the in our bio, and just

Caitlin Green  52:24  
honestly, anytime just you want something, just Google it. Google Jarden podcast, Patreon will be like, the first results are

Jann Arden  52:29  
like search engine, and it's five bucks a month. It's less than a coffee and we have lots of fun things going on. We have extra content all the time. We have

Caitlin Green  52:37  
extra content was 40 minutes. It was its own dang full episode.

Jann Arden  52:40  
Yeah. So it really is fun. We had we had to shut up. We finally had to say, we've got to hang up. Now we're calling it hanging up because we feel like we're on the phone with friends. We as you anyway, thank you. We as me. We as me, and the mouse in my pocket on on the show today for our bonus content, I do want to talk about a quandary that I have with the girls, and it concerns an ex manager from many, many years ago, and a reconnect that is happening recently, and I'm I'm perplexed by it, so I'm going to be looking for some help from my teammates here anyway, thanks for listening. We're on all your favorite streaming platforms, and we just really value your participation every week. And you can leave us a voice note, and you can be on Patreon, and you can just, you can just, just keep being you. That's all I'm saying. Caitlin green, Sarah Burke, Sarah, get better. Sarah's been a snot plug for fucking two weeks now. Plug okay? And it's, it's time for you. You can't kiss that long time when you're all so not plugged like you can't make out.

Sarah Burke  53:47  
You just can't You can't breathe. Yeah, luckily, no date, no dates right now, well, I was

Jann Arden  53:52  
gonna mention something else, but I'm gonna say goodbye now. Okay, so thanks for listening. We'll see you next time. Totally, dude, you

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