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July 5, 2024

Jeff vs. Doug, Tree Forts and Passion Rash

Jann, Caitlin & Sarah discuss their experiences with summer camps, roadside attractions, summer romances and more!

Jann, Caitlin & Sarah discuss their experiences with summer camps, roadside attractions, and summer romances. They share stories of their own summer flings and reminisce about innocent and charming experiences. They also discuss their views on public displays of affection, the humane treatment of animals, and a brief mention of the Biden-Trump debate. They close with a discussion about the benefits of swearing, the joy of Pride celebrations, and the excitement of Jann finishing a new album.

This week’s episode is brought to you by the home and auto insurance brand Canadians trust most, Intact Insurance.


(00:00) Introduction and Summer Camp Memories

(07:06) Day Camps and Roadside Attractions

(19:09) Glamping and Expensive Travel

(21:31) Memories of Summer Romances

(23:19) Tree Forts and Childhood Adventures

(23:38) Summer Romances and Childhood Memories

(33:13) Saving a Bumblebee and Showing Kindness to Animals

(36:10) The Impact of the Celine Dion Documentary

(38:42) Disappointment in the Biden-Trump Debate

(44:30) Choosing Candidates and Galvanizing the Population

(46:16) Age and Term Limits for Leaders

(51:11) The Benefits of Swearing

(57:20) Finding Joy Amidst the Chaos

(01:00:01) Nostalgia for the 90s and Simpler Times


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Listen, if you're coming into the show mid laugh we are we're having a chuckle because when I sign in, it's Jann Arden. By the way, this is the Jann Arden podcast. Thank you for listening. I'm here with Sarah Burke. Caitlin green is also with us today. And she is She's feisty today as soon as Caitlyn came on. I'm like, there is some feisty shit going on. But they were laughing because when I sign into Riverside, which is where we record, I hit two M's instead of two ends. So my name is Jam, which is my summer name. Okay, I'm going with jam for the Summer

Jam in the fummer.

I like that. It's like your it's your hot girl summer moniker.

Right out of the gate. I want to tell Caitlin in particular that I signed up for whatever you sent me. What did you say you Hey, you. Okay, okay. So Caitlin has provided for me a three month free, something or other on Hey, you so I had a code that she sent me. Is this from the AU people? Are they trying to? Yes,

yes. I told them that I wanted to convert you. And so they thought you know what, let's give her a little taster and see if she's into it. So

damn funny. So I'm signed up. And I watched below deck Mediterranean. I watched two episodes of that. Okay. I know, I don't really know what's going on because I'm joining it midstream. But I'm gonna hang in there so that you and I can have some kind of a discussion at some point about people being drunk. And just from my first couple of episodes. What? Morons, the guests on the ships are? Yeah, we're on the yachts. Yeah, these are horrible. privileged, entitled people very often. And I, I can't stand watching them. And I hope that I'm never that person. Like, I hope if I ever get a chance to go on a yacht, which I haven't so far, that I don't turn into one of those people.

It's your hot girl summer, it's

coming. You get some really solid gas sometimes. And then you say to yourself, oh my God, thank God, we're getting a normal gas for like a nice family comes on. I mean, that's rare. The producers probably hand select people that will deliver the drama and make everyone at home watch and go, Oh my god, I can't stand these people. And there are returned charter guests too, because they know they'll continue like a bit of a storyline. Whether somebody gets to boozy, someone goes swimming at night when they're not supposed to. Even if the captain says don't do it. That's me. Yeah. So it's like it's a classic like upstairs, downstairs kind of drama between, you know, the working class that man's these charter yachts, and then the very wealthy people who charter them. The thing I find so funny. And I thought this from the moment I started watching the show, is that the master cabin never quite felt like a true master cabin. To me on this yacht. Like I was like, this can't be the only good room. And then the other rooms all have like single beds and stuff. They actually take over the production crew take over the real master cabin. And that's their home base. That's their control room where they can see everything going on on the ship space, and they need the space. But I just thought to myself, it's so funny that in on these, like charter yachts, they're missing out on the best room possible because it's it's jammed full of like probably 20, sweaty, miserable producers who've been awake for 24 hours a

day. Yeah, who would actually sign up and go? Yeah, I want to be filmed for the week holiday that we have. So I'm wondering if there's a price break, like there's a discount so so it's like people want to go on this yacht. They're like, Okay, you're gonna be on reality TV. And in this climate in the world right now, I would imagine that 99% of the people signing up would be like we're in we want to be on TV. This is great. And plus, we'll get $40,000 off the regular $100,000 price tag. Anyway, the most impressive thing for me is and I'm such a foodie is the food is so beautiful. And the drinks look so good. And it does look like a life that not very many people ever experience anyway. Hey, you. Thank you for my 90 days. I'm gonna hang in there. It is the Mediterranean Downton Abbey 2024 I don't I'm so overwhelmed by opening up the app because there's so much programming. There's the Real Housewives series. There's the I can't believe how many franchises there is of the Real Housewives of everywhere. We need one Real Housewives of Calgary. I think there's some there's got to be some assholes here that can sign up for that. There

was one there was an iconic to season run in Vancouver, Toronto, we had a kick at the can as well did not pan out. I think Vancouver was like more part of the housewives canon sort of historically now like Toronto really was just a blip on the radar. But I do think you could recast it like we're missing some Canadian housewife representation but there's there's everything under the sun on hey you like I

mean, we do Real Housewives Thunder Bay,

I would love it. I would love nothing more. I mean, I could build out so many franchises in my dreams of what to do. But like it is just it's great summer viewing this is perfect summer viewing for you, Jan because it's light, it doesn't matter. And for below deck, it's very travel oriented, you get to, you know, see Greece or Italy or wherever they are the one that I think you also would really like is sailing yacht, because there's actually quite a bit of drama around the boat itself, because sailing is so much more complicated and difficult. And the boat will like completely tilt, I mean, talk about how hard it is to cook on a super yacht. Imagine cooking on one of these sailing yachts, partway through your meal prep all the dishes fly off the shelf, because they've decided that they're just going to take a hard, right. I'm

not there yet, but I'm looking forward to it. So I think hey, you should sponsor us because I'm trying they should. And I'm giving up precious archeological dig time. So anyway, moving on, I just wanted to ask you guys a few things. I mean, we're in the middle of summer, but I was curious. I don't know a lot about you guys growing up with summer camps. And like if you're my dad drove us to Woods Lake, which is in BC. It's about a seven hour drive every summer. That's where we went for a week and we begged begged, begged to have him stop at the roadside attractions. There was like this fantasy thing. And there was a Fred Flintstone park, there was miniature land, miniature land. Oh my gosh, he never took us. Like we never. We just had a bottle of beer between his legs. We were being hotbox he was he had a cigarette going. Darrell crack the window. Those kids are gonna all end up with cancer. So just how long we'll like it was and there was no when you did air in those cars back in the day. Like it was cool and hot. But it wasn't it wasn't cold air. It was it was hot air blowing in. So I'm just wondering if you guys had ever a been to a summer camp. And then I guess my Part B is Did your parents ever let you go to a roadside attraction because I want to do that still, as a grown ass adult. I want to go stop at roadside attractions one year, that's you

taking care of your inner child, Jan. I wasn't an overnight summer camp girl. It wasn't for me. I didn't like the rules that it sounded like they all had to live by because I felt like summer was a time to not have the rules that you do during the school year. So this whole notion that you are going to get in there and sleep in a big giant room that didn't have air conditioning with bunk beds, and then someone rings a bell and you wake up at 7am and have to jump in a lake and then rush to a mess hall. Like I was like a mass haul. I'm not this is not for me. Like I'm not consuming food and some place called a mess hall. Like that's not happening. So I said no to this. But I did do day camps. I tried my hand at

those once a day camp for those of us who so you just

go during the day and then you like because your parents are working

and stuff like are you outdoors or you are downtown Toronto leaking? Potterhead

Yeah, you could it's like anything under the sun as possible. There was a really sweet little day camp that they ran on Toronto Island that I think was quite popular. I did like a five nighter as a part of my grade six program there. And they it was really, really cute and nice. And so I like that. No, but I went to de Kamp the one that I remember the most vividly was harbourfront circus camp. This is a Toronto sort of institution. And it was run down harbourfront near like the like Queens Key Center. And it was really fun. You got to specialize in whatever you could learn to tightrope walk. You could use the German wheel you could become a juggler you could do that it was just it was very different and very fun. So I think I did that for a couple of weeks at a gymnastics camp. I didn't really like that. I did some like parks and rec camps but no I wasn't I didn't like it I don't really like camps like what

did you want to do for the summer like you like you said you wanted to hang out with your friends so like bike ride? Yes, just go to the seven lab have a Slurpee go to somebody's house Exactly.

Watch it. five cent candies. I want to walk along Queen Street. I want to go to Kitt like Canada's Wonderland. I want to go walk around the island go to Canada's Wonderland. Okay, I want to go have some funnel cake, right, a roller coaster. Like I was like, these are the best days of our lives. I'm not spending them like, you know, throwing a beanbag through a couple holes and like a park. This is not for me. Like I was like we have a whole city to see. I wanted walk around the mall. Like the notion that you could walk around the Eaton center for a whole day. unencumbered and just like try stuff on and stop for an Orange Julius and a muffin. Listen to a bunch of stuff at HIV. Yeah, like that's what I wanted to do. So that's what

I did. How about you, Sarah?

I was a product of the day camp circuit as well, in Richmond hills, so just north of the city. And there were different like themed camps you could do. You could do sports camp, I went to a precious one called creative expressions, which was an arts camp. So you would Do you like a play at the end of the two weeks? And you know, oh, that's

so fun. Oh, I

like that.

There was a fashion walk down an aisle at some point I'm trying to remember. Yeah. And

what do you mean rep modeling? Yeah,

there was I know the song from the 90s I like to move it move it like I remember walking a cat walk to that song in like my spice mice shirt from Northern getaway so amazing. That was it was fun. And then like, they would do outings like Oh, today we're going to a farm. Today we're going to Pioneer Village today we're going like once a week, there was an outing there were swim out swim outings, like two swimming pools, like the wave pool and Richmond Hill. And I was invited by my mother like she tried to make me go to sleep over camp, but I declined her invite because she had grown up she went to sleepaway camp. And there's a lot of those like Jewish sleepover camps up north in like Halliburton area,

I suppose. Which one did you go to?

Oh, I can't even remember it might have been Winnebago. Okay, but I was afraid because my school like friends at public school. Were telling me how you all like shower together. And I was like, I have three hairs in my armpit. And if anyone finds out that I have those three hairs, I will have no friends. I was conscious.

Didn't your mom. Get you like a little razor to nick them off? Like, puberty? Shit.

It was the worst in the summer. She wasn't allowing me to shave yet. At that point. It was a Nerr Nerr situation which oh my god, think about that. Now that's terrible. Here's chemicals to burn it off. This will be better.

The smell of Nair I can recall it now. It's still living. I know. It's just disgusting. But

that's why I didn't go to sleep over camp. And I really I do regret it. But you know what I do think they're kind of culty like friends that I have that went to sleep over camp still to this day. Go have these reunions at the camp. And I'm like, what, like, you're 37 years old. Tell me like, like, 30

years later, they're going through a reunion. Oh my god, get over it. Well, you know what? But Sarah, come on. Don't be so cynical. Maybe I'm just jealous. People want to go back in time, and enjoy themselves and maybe revisit their childhood getting back to their race or my dad would like lose his shit. He had a razor that I would Nick like in his neck myself. But I would steal from your mom because he'd be at work. And I go up our bathroom, a kid's bathroom was downstairs, my parents bathroom was upstairs. And I would go up and get I don't recall my mom having a razor. But this was the kind of razor so let's think back to the time. So this was the 70s When I started, like I'm shaving my legs. I'm not going to have little hairy armpits and I had really fair hair anyway, it wasn't that bad. But my dad's razor you guys not might not remember this. It would flip open the top and you'd get the actual fucking razor blade and set it in. And then screw the top down. So you just had a one blade on each side. That man used? Well, I remember taking a strip trigger warning here. Oh my I was doing my legs. And I remember taking this strip that was about two inches long. That was like an accordion rolled up inside of this razor. It was the first and last time I ever used a razor. God sounds so painful. Well, I had to like, take it apart and get the strip skin out because I thought if my dad ever sees this, I mean it wasn't that bad. Please don't watch it or anything. It was like a little. I mean, I had a little I did cut it a bit. But for those ladies and gentlemen, razor blades are really sharp. But I love summer camp. The only time I went to an actual official one was in fifth grade. And I still have pictures from my little Kodak camera that my mom sent with me and she said no, don't just take pictures of rocks. I remember her saying this to me. Make sure there's people in there. It's the people that you want. Don't take pictures of buildings like I remember these instructions as I went out the door with my duffel bag and it was a little place called I think it was Kameyama Niska or something and it was it was in southern Alberta here about 40 minutes out of Calgary. I was so excited. I thought about that trip for years afterwards I was in a bunk with six other girls like there was six of us all together three little bunk beds on each side and I just remember us talking into the night and hearing the crickets and the and the noises outside and and it was our teachers it was our actual like third and fourth grade teachers that were the chaperones that had gone with us on this trip and was kind of education weird camp counselor but I'm I was so scared of water that I didn't I didn't do the canoeing and stuff like that. I couldn't. Couldn't get past that. I don't I know I keep thinking about my like 11 year old self going why wouldn't you get in a canoe? I mean, they had life jackets and everything. But

when you think about it, did you ever have to think where they would roll the canoe or roll the kayak and they tried to get you to like learn how to roll it around. out of your mind.

I've seen that but I couldn't. I just couldn't I couldn't get my head around doing anything like that, but I have seen them in controlled environments whether that Be in a swimming pool that's five feet deep and you've got people standing around you is doing that role is using the momentum of your body to upright yourself if you're doing a few

Yeah, I remember watching people get so thrilled when they did it after like inhaling a liter of water I would be like, on the side of the lake watching them being like what like I am made of different stuff than you. I want to go on. I want to go see electric circus. I'm gonna stand there and I'm gonna go and record myself at speakers corner. I want to go vintage shopping. I do not want to like cough up lake water and maybe get a beaver fever. Oh,

I can't imagine. I do wonder how it impacts later in life, though. You were asking us if we if we can. Like camping I did not. Until I was dating a guy that wanted to go camping in my adult life. I and I was so scared for the first time because we didn't do any of that stuff. I did, I did actually I found it very peaceful. And you know, just being in the middle of the woods. I still feel like I would have trouble pitching my own tent. I might need another go at learning that. But I did learn how to like if you just go snap and

the whole frickin thing just flies out of a little bag and you don't have the sticks or anything. They have some pretty clever chance. Now I have to I really do have to say,

We joked we were like, This is our first home.

I love a cottage. I feel like I grew up in a lot of cottages. But I mean, I just I will always in life appreciate walls and a toilet. And that's what's where I'm at.

They call it glamping. Now going

on, I've seen glamping too, but I just I feel that the price point on glamping shouldn't come close to that of a actually very nice hotel. And so they've gotten that part wrong for me, because let's be honest, it's not giving room service. So I don't Yeah, I there is a yeah, there's a pricing issue on hotels. We discussed it on another episode where someone had wrote in to us and said, What the hell's going on with the price of travel right now? How's anyone able to afford it? And it is it is very carried away in glamping I'm pointing my nail at you because it's way too much money to go glamping i

Yeah, WestJet a screwed up a lot of holiday stuff. It's It's so unfortunate, you know, just all that, you know, striking people wanting to be paid fairly and all that stuff. I get it. But there's got to be a different way. When you're going into the summer. They know it's peak period. They know they're really going to disrupt, you know, 150,000 travelers. I don't know if I'm all into that. I don't agree with that kind of thing. There's got to be a different way than then people walking off the job. It sucks. I had friends that were scrambling to get to Mexico. Yeah, a friend of mine that I well I work with in my office, and they drove to Seattle and caught a whole new flight from there got like had to pay for tickets again so that they could get down there together. Oh, wow. Any who's we've talked about so many interesting things. And now I'm going to ask you this summer romances. I harken back to Greece and Sandy and what's his name? John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. Falling those.

I'll keep my day job.

I hope that hurt you as much as it hurt me.

I want the listeners to know that I didn't partake in that. I've had a summer romance.

Oh thing that is when I went into it. This was probably my 20s I knew this is good enough for now for the summer. Because I ain't doing this going into fall.

But I did summer back to school. I will not. I'm not doing

it. I'm not talking to you. But I really don't think there's another time to get away with that kind of stuff. Like you don't have a winter romance. I've never you break up with people in the winter, basically. But yeah, I would be like in like Flynn, like in June. And then come the end of August. Bing Bong. Bye bye. I'm a terrible person.

See later, Grey Cup noise?

Well, it's like kinda like the turkey dump to a lot of people who like oh, yeah, the turkey dump going into university that summer. I had like this romance. And then I broke up with him by Thanksgiving. That's

because you've already been like seeing all the like hot new guys at school and you're like, well, let's be honest. We're not getting married. And so really, what am I doing here?

But summer stuff is so fun. It's just like it's so easy and especially as a teenager, it's just like, you know, it's not the person that you're going to have any kind of sometimes you're like, I don't have anything in common with this guy or this girl. I have nothing. And you just do it anyway because summertime lends itself to just make it out. You know kissing somebody until literally your jaw might lock off and you have Pash rash.

Tell us about that. Jann,

we are just going to take a real quick break. We're gonna be right back. Don't go away. You're listening to the Jann Arden podcast.

What's pass rush pass rash. You literally have a red ring around your mouth from kissing somebody. She

was kissing lumberjack.

Oh like isn't passion rash? Yes. Oh my god. Second, I was like, Wait, is this like an actual because this Latin This is a medical condition

I heard patch. I was like beard patch the patch

rash? Oh my gosh. Okay, welcome. You heard it here first Yeah,

I remember this guy his name was Jeff. And I don't know if his dad or his older brother but somebody worked at a and w. You're welcome and W and he gave me an a and w route bear like back in the day used to be able to buy the little bears. I don't know if aw is still selling their bears. But I have a picture. Oh my god, I think his name was Doug. I'm so sorry. It wasn't Jeff it was Doug doesn't even matter. We like we were making out in this tree fort that everyone had built. There was like this huge, huge for it. And there was me and Doug and my friend Michelle and her boyfriend. And I remember it was like late like 910 o'clock at night. I was 15 years old. And I knew I was already going to be in trouble. But he said to me, can you tell those guys we did lots more than kissing. And I'm like Doug,

I just said, I didn't even specify, he wasn't like, let's keep it specific. He just said lots more.

And this is with my NW route bear under my arm. And he's like, let's tell those guys we did lots more. I remember saying to him. No, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that Doug. I'm just not. I'm not going to say like he went up on me or he went down on me. Well, no, I don't mean down on me down on me. Or whatever that

means. Wait, and we're you guys like you're in a tree fort. Wait a minute, can you see each other?

No, there was kind of like these different rooms a tree fort was huge. It spanned like 10 tree tops, and it had ladders and and we had like trap doors and the kids had built on this thing for years. And up until about 25 years ago, I remember going with for a walk with my mom down this old road before the city basically took over where my parents used to live. And Mom and I walked by these planks of wood and an old ladder that was still there. It was the remnants of the fort. And I was so nostalgic. I was so emotional seeing this frame like it had either fallen apart or been dismantled. And I said to Mom, do you remember us coming here? And I did. I told her that I said we used to come down here and like kiss for our I knew you're up to something

that was for cash rash was for plush rush.

But I do remember those summers and, and I just remember making out and it was innocent and it's not like and Doug, if you're out there or Jeff, whatever your name was. I'm pretty sure it was Doug. I think that the root beer gives it away. He'll know who he is. But just that it was so simple. Like he never was any more than that. It was just what it was. It was so fun just making out and then holding hands walking down the street. Like it really was very charming and very, I want to say wholesome, is that

you're working on your night moves. So

shit when I got home,

I want to hear everyone summer romance. Okay.

I'm like, I don't know that I had a specific summer like one. Yeah, okay, fine. So I had one summer boyfriend, but that was in university. So it still counts. Okay. I had boyfriends in the summer. But other than this one, I can't really remember anyone, specifically, and then he wanted to get back together awkwardly when we weren't like he broke up with me. And I was very like, How dare you? And then and then he wanted to get back together. And I was like, No, it's now November not getting back together with you in November.

You can't get together in November. I'm going to go home

for Christmas break. Like I might get back together with my ex boyfriend there. So leave me alone.

I love how your your breakup line is. How dare you.

I really did feel like that. Like it happened with the first week but not the week before we went back to school and I was like, Excuse me? Because you think you're gonna find someone hotter than me during frosh week? I don't think so. Where

I went to school and Sarah, I want to hear about yours. But where I went to school and Springbank Community High School. And of course you you have the summer off. Did you ever have like little romances in the summertime with people from school that you would no longer talk to at school? Like, I just remember I don't want to name names because I came from such a fucking small school. But this guy that I sort of hung out with for at least six weeks in the summer. Like we were hanging out all the time. And when I got back to school the day I got back to school, I didn't talk to him. I didn't even I didn't even look at him. I didn't you're

like embarrassed Yeah, yeah, just like not necessarily of him because he was like, not good. I just more mean like yeah, no, that's like word that's like the light like your relationship that existed in its own little fantasyland had now entered the real world and you couldn't make it work. Yeah. It's

different when it's like tucked over there. And then it's like suddenly in front of a person was I

like I have I shudder at the thought I wish I could find him. Tell him how sorry I am.

You just apologized on your podcast, more than most people get. I

would liken that I wonder if there's workplace stuff like that happens now or you see your work meet, like after work or before work or you go away on weekends. And then when you get to the office, like I have no nothing to compare it to. Because I've never worked in an office. I've never worked with a group of people. I'm, I'm in a band on the road, like, that's my life. But I would imagine that would get very, very tricky. Like, I'm not saying married. I'm not saying you're with a married guy. I'm just saying, as a single person. Yeah.

So after I broke up with the last fellow, you all remember that at an industry event where my voice was the voice of God for the gala. You know, I had to look at this guy sitting two tables over because we were kind of colleagues in the industry while my voice was going through the roof, like awkward, but Dairy Queen. Can I tell you guys Dairy Queen. I liked every guy working on dairy track and flipping the burgers. Of course I did. I was kind of boy crazy at this time of my life. But imagine being in charge of a Dairy Queen at I'm gonna say 14 or 15 years old they gave me and another guy a key like you are irresponsible, sir. I don't know why you put us in charge of your stream. Never

in a million years, would I give a 14 year old a key to my business.

He'd be like, guys aren't going out. I'll be back in a big, be good. And then you know, some little things that happen behind the counter. Or, you know, it was so fun though. I remember that being a really fun summer. Do I need to call the RCMP? No, but I do remember making out in the bathroom? That Dairy Queen and I'm so sorry to the boss.

Get hold me that. You were 14 It was like

summer, summer between grade I want to say like nine and 10. Okay, yeah. And it was like my first job where I had to go get like a debit card and a bank account, do other things like it was kind of a big deal. And people going into Dairy Queen in the summer. Like I need a PSA moment for this. Please don't make out as you're in line while I'm taking your ice cream order.

That was years ago. People don't do that anymore. People still

do that your summer romance is blooming. But the person on the other side taking your ice cream order doesn't want to see it. Okay.

I don't like public displays of affection. Don't like it. Don't like any of seeing it.

That's why I said I didn't like Taylor and Travis at her performance last week. And I was waiting for the Swifties to come for me. But it was very, it was like watching mom and dad kiss. I don't know why I just felt like I didn't like seeing the two of them being all like romantique together. And so I'm with you, Jan I'm not a huge PDA person.

Well, she does have, you know, probably 30% of the crowd is under 12. That's always

a little cringy to me. And I also remember Do you guys remember the couple in high school? There was like every grade had one. I

know a couple.

Patty and Kevin. Yeah. And they were always and it was like we get it guys. You're having sex and they were always like making out off in a corner at a dance. Do you know what

I asked her? She said they didn't have sex. She said we never had sex. Really? No. I just said, Oh my God, you know, you're like 1516. She goes Jan never ever had sex. We didn't

really, I could my day. They all were and we all do it. They became like socially like strange, because then at parties, they were always just with each other. And I always just felt it was kind of when you graduate, everyone else is going to be off in school talking about how they like went to all these great parties and had all these great friends and you're like, Well, I was part of the couple for my grade. So all we did was make up our locker. And

I was jealous. I hated the locker makeups. And I was like, why can I be like that?

I was envious too. And then one time against the locker. It was my boyfriend she was making out with at one point. I love my friend Darrell now but back then it was we

were dating someone your friend made out with him right after we broke up like two days later. And I was like, come on, Sarah, if we were friends back then I would have written something mean on her locker for you just saying? Yes, you would have

you magnify that by about 4000 in a small school. No kidding, right when there's very few kids. Yeah, not hide amongst the throngs of 100 200 300 students. Yeah. This is literally in my grade 42 kids that I went to school with from the time I was like, in the third grade, it was the same people. So when people got hooked up, sometimes it was so shocking, that it was just like beyond and then and then there were some people that were literally together from the sixth grade, all the way to graduation. And then what happened after everyone graduated is anybody's guess. But I think there was a lot of very disillusioned people when they graduated. Like this is real life now. Now I wanted to do. Anyway, I want to move on and completely change the topic. And it was something that you talked to me about Caitlyn. And it was a bumblebee that we'll saw. Yeah, and I want to talk about that because there's a lot of grace in the story and it's pretty cool that will is not even to like, And anyways, you tell the story. It's so sweet. So

I got well one of these water tables for our balcony and I had two friends over wills hanging out with us. We're on the balcony and he's showing him his water table and I look over and there's this little part of it that sort of spins back and forth and dumps the water back and forth. And it be had like a, like a fuzzy not a wasp. But a very fuzzy pollinating. Cute Bumblebee was there and it was stuck in a shallow pool of water and I thought, oh, no, this Bumblebee drowned in his water table. I feel terrible. So I dumped the water out of the little pool. And I go inside to get a paper towel thinking maybe I can like help or at least remove it. And my friend screams Oh my god, it's moving. He's like it's alive. And he's like quick get me a knife and like there's a lot of commotion now now we're on like rescue the bee mode. And so will is like all excited like watching this happen and he's like to be the bee. And so we got a knife and I we like buried my friend very gently pushes the bee onto the paper towel. We watch it move. It's a little butter around. Its wings are clearly still jammed. So we're like okay, we move it over to a flower that I have in like a planter. And I run inside decide that I'm gonna get it honey, because I think it's weak. And I don't I've never once Google this but I in my mind these eat honey, and my friends screaming at me being like they make honey they don't eat it like you idiot. I learned I'm right.

They do think food. That's why vegans don't eat honey because you're stealing their fucking food.

Oh, interesting. Okay, okay, lessons learned and I knew I was right. So I went and I got it some organic honey and I did little boops of honey all over the flour that we had put it on. And I was like he's eating it and we were like he's alive. And well it's just like to be to be in the water be fly and like be can't like he's just trying to piece together everything that's happening. And then for the next few days, he would just be telling me about the beam. He also had a squirrel steal a cookie from our from him specifically. But it was out of his cookie container in his stroller because the while he was in the stroller. No, we were overplaying Oh, I was gonna say

that would be a bit daunting to have a squirrel like steal a cookie out of your hand. Oh, I

mean, they would the squirrels in these Toronto playgrounds like they know what they're doing. And they are bold. And so they knew that this was an unmanned stroller that usually has some form of snack in it, which is accurate. And so I saw the squirrel and I was like, Oh, look, a squirrel is on your stroller. And then the squirrel went right to his compartment where he has his cookies. And Will was like the cookie and it took his cookie and then ran up a tree. And so between the B and the stroller taking his cookie, there's a lot of stuff that's being discussed right now. But we did save a bumblebee. I feel really good about it.

I think when you can take the time to help something small. Like I always scoop mods off of I have a waterbath barrel here like a rain barrel. And I'm forever scooping something off of there that's moving its wings. I don't know how anybody could walk by that and not do something. And there's something about size you think about how small we are in this universe. I don't know. I will kill a fucking mosquito though. I'm sorry. I will kill them all. There's one god damn there's one on me right now. Just got in right now. Well, I left the door open a little bit for papi I have mosquitoes are terrible right now. But I don't know how anyone could walk by something in peril a bee in particular, when they get really tired, so nailed to the side of my house. And Caitlin, you haven't been here. But when Sarah was here, I don't know if you one of your friends commented on what are those things nailed your house there be rasters. So they're little houses with tubes like 100 little wooden tubes that they can go in where it's dark and cool. And they can rest. And I've also now because we're coming into some hot weather weather. I have little dishes like old tea cup dishes filled with shallow water for bees that they can sit in and get a little drink of water and and leave on. Well, you see stuff like this on Instagram all the time. I'm just saying if you have a yard and you see you're going to see a lot of tired bees in a really big heat set. It says tread water on your deck. Like if you live in the city, put it on a chair or table. Birds will use it. But bees will definitely use it if you have it somewhere. That's just a little and

mosquitoes will also yield outstanding. Well

I don't see a mosquito in a tray of water. I'm seriously don't tell them that Sarah.

Sarah was like well, I don't know about that.

I wanted to tell you too. I feel like my dad felt shamed. We discussed how there was a mouse at the cottage like last season and he had used a sticky trap and then I was like Jan was mad at you for using that sticky trap that's not humane. So this time because we have some things running around in the house and we're not really sure if it's a chipmunk or not. But dad is being humane about everything and he's like tell Jann would ya I don't want a bad

rap if that makes a difference but stick glue traps. Yeah, you're an asshole if your glue trap like if you should know better

yeah, the ones that you can like trap them and then you can remove it and put them back outside. Yes.

Well, the mouse is live here with me the mice, we have an agreement. Yeah, I see them in here once in a while. Not very often. I've been here 1617 years. And I remember others have been a few times where I've been sitting on the tv and I'll see them running for the staircase to go downstairs because they've taken something out of the pantry. And I'm like, we're going to just decide to live together and they're small, they're not dirty. They're not gonna kill me. I don't have a million of them. But both my doors are open right now my patio so someone's gonna sneak in here. I told you about the bird I had in here right? Yeah, that bird on my head didn't help him.

You had these things on your windows for the birds to know it's a window got

them. They have been an absolute lifesaver for me. I forget what the company put those

on a lot of condos now.

How does Poppy do when he sees something realistic, he'll

never catch them. He's never seen a mouse. I've never seen a mouse on the deck. Like I said twice. Twice in 17 years. I've seen a mouse in here and I'll see little turds once in a while. And I'm like, okay, they're in the basement, the LaLiga I've had guests stay here. They're like there's a mouse. I saw it. I'm like, go to bed. It's what do you think is gonna crawl in with you? Yes. It's gonna be in my bed with

me. When my family and I went on vacation one summer to PEI. We had gerbils. And we incorrectly thought that the gerbil we thought the dribbles were of the same sex they were not and then they proceeded to procreate endlessly. And we would give all the durables to a pet store and whatever. While we were away, the mom gerbil gives birth to yet another litter. And we have like a local kid coming in to like feed them and give them water and all this stuff. And at one point, they escaped. They chewed through the plastic at the top of one of the little like gerbil things that they lived in, and they escape, and they get all through the house. And it's like a whole litter of them. And they're in the vents. We have to go around we get back collecting all of the durables. And I think one last half a tail like it was a whole thing. And one was missing finally at the end, and so he like he just you know, bless his heart. I don't know. I thought he was dead. And then we have my family come stay at our house because my uncle is getting married in the city. And my aunt and uncle sleep in the guest bedroom that's in the basement. And little and thankfully, these are my two biggest animal loving aunt and uncle their vets. And we're all upstairs having breakfast and we just hear my aunt scream at the top of her lungs. And it's the gerbil had ran across her hair that scream worthy her bed was in between clearly where it had been living and a giant bag of birdseed that we'd had downstairs and that's what it was living off of was this big giant bag of bird seeds so I mean like pretty impressive little gerbil.

In the saline duck topic change did you guys notice the moment for the skinny pigs?

What the skinny pigs? What do you mean?

It's like a bigger gerbil but it's she was feeding this little thing at one point. guinea pigs thing No.

Oh yeah, yeah,

I think they were skinny pig anything.

Is that what the hell is guinea pig here let me lie no guinea pigs

what is happening?

It is a guinea pig breed. Oh, okay,

so it's a subcategory of guinea pig hairless guinea pig. Okay, that's disgusting. Anyways,

it was in the saline doc just saying

salines and animal lover Janet, something you will come to appreciate when you find the time to watch the I am Celine Dion documentary.

I did watch it but what I cried about the end was it was dedicated to the dog who died the ending bear.

Oh, I noticed that bear post dedicated to bear was already sorted.

I know you didn't see that.

I didn't notice the dedication. I was up probably just trying. I couldn't read.

Yeah, it was forbear. How did you like the documentary? Loved it? Loved it. Number One Number one movie on the calling of the movie, which I guess it is a movie on Amazon. So it has just been a smash hit. It's resonated with people all over the world. And the nice thing is it's brought so much attention to a syndrome or disease or a condition that has been so misunderstood and misdiagnosed for a long time. So good for you. Slean. To do that she participated

in the draft. The NHL Draft I saw that I the whole time. I'm like, I wonder if the medicine got better. Right like where does it pick up from the DoD you participate in an NHL Draft? She like helped announce the drug the Habs Yeah, the Hab signing. Oh, okay. So like that's a lot of stimulation based on what we saw in the doc. So I had questions. You

know what miracles happen? Anything could happen. They make great strides every single day with this stuff. Briefly, I do want to touch on the debate between Well, I know. I'll just I'm gonna hand it over to you, Caitlin, because I don't want to say their names. I'm disappointed in both of them. I know one is much better than the other as far as being ethical, moral, and a good human being a good man. And it's certainly not done. But go ahead.

What like does does that okay, this is my this is my debate that I have internally, about lots to do with politics. When you have a party, that's its own hubris about forcing a candidate down someone's throat, that, you know, the general population that is going to be leaning towards your ideology is not four is not proudly, four, perhaps they're against the other candidate, but that they're not being galvanized behind who you've chosen? Can't you just switch it up? I mean, how hard is that? It's making me crazy to watch everyone. And like, you know, to be fair, Trump did not get called out on a bunch of his lies during the debate. I mean, he just started saying stuff, that was patently untrue. Maybe the moderators should have called them on more of that fine. But just to not see Biden successfully call him out on the things that was wrong, was really disturbing, because anybody at home with Google could have done some of that. And so I think that became dismaying, and I just felt after seeing it like, okay, you've got a convention coming up, you know, if you really want to fight Trump, you're probably not doing it with this guy. So as much as I know that you're voting for one person, yes. And but you're also voting for their administration. So of course, there could be people who are around Biden, who are skilled, who are fabulous. Does he probably have good days and bad? Sure. But, you know, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, I mean, like, we need age limits, not term limits. And I'm not saying this to be ages. I don't think that the ages I'm citing are, like, unreasonable to say, do you want these people in three or four years from now to still be in power? Like I just, it's just bizarre to me. And it's so not reflective of

what it takes out of people to Hey, Caitlin, exactly. The stress, the pressure, the sleepless nights, the schedule must be absolutely grueling. So I couldn't keep up with that schedule. Now mine being at and being Joe or Donald, especially Donald eaten hamburgers every day, like I just, I hope something happens. I hope there's some kind of really huge turn of events coming up.

Well, even like quietly while we were all, you know, choosing for Canada Day, the the immunity ruling,

a sitting president, while doing his official duties cannot be prosecuted for those things. So

no. So how will that change? January 6, how will that change, like his conviction with so many other things like,

I just again, there, maybe we need age limits for presidents, we definitely need term limits for the Supreme Court. And I just there should be no set way in which you can be a leader in perpetuity, like in any way, like whether you're on the Supreme Court or whether you're in charge, whether you're Democrat or Republican or liberal, conservative, whatever. It's just not a great idea. And I am, I've always been worried about the like kind of future of things, just seeing how everyone is politically now more than ever. And I am I did not feel good watching that debate. I really didn't. I always

thought the best of what there is to choose from,

I said that in a tweet, I said 300 million people in United States. And these are the two guys that you're putting forward, I believe I call them knuckleheads. And there's so many skilled, smart, charismatic men and women in the United States that are well educated, they're socialized, they seem to have a true north, they have some decorum. They have a sense of responsibility to their communities, like there's got to be better than what they're putting forward. But both parties are very determined to stay behind their man. And you could blame Canada for that till you look at Pierre pulley of and, and Trudeau Jagmeet saying that are just there's there's leaders that no one is really satisfied with like everyone says over and over and over again, we don't really have an alternative we don't really have anyone to vote for when you're dealing with the lesser of two evils. That's a very hard lesson in democracy that you think you want to vote for the best person, but they're not voting for who's better. They're voting for who's not as shitty. That's that's two very different ways of looking at

it. And I think that it's like it's a weakness within any party to just lean back on saying, hey, are core voters, aren't you just more afraid of what this person being in will look like? It's not a good thing. Yeah, it's not okay. And I think it is political laziness. But it's also it's institutionalized. It's people who have been in power there for a really long time and they're not letting go of it. And it is just not a great look. And it's creating a lot of apathy amongst younger voters because you're looking at someone who is just so far beyond age wise.

Did he seem like AI to you at the beginning he was so like level and like no expression in his voice. I was like, there's no teleprompters in a debate. How was what is happening here? It was like

he's not well, no, it's just not well, it's not the way a normal person speaks. But man, the excuses the way people seem to exonerate both of their behaviors like they, when you have a team of fools around you on both sides that are just propping you up and telling you You did great anyway, it's a joke, the whole thing is a joke. It's a joke up here, we're not much better.

And I know it's not our country, but like, we're so connected to them intrinsically, when it comes to the economy and to you know, sort of world order and just everything. So it does make sense to follow it around these touchpoint periods of time. I can't stay engaged with this all the time, because it really just really bums me out. Case in point. Hey, case in point Hey, you hear from me always. Same with music. Same with my fabulous weekend at Pride. I'm gonna choose to think about that. Yeah, but instead now this is also happening. It is

still a beautiful world. There are a lot of zany things going on. But you know, you can't be caught up in the mire and be slogging around in that muck all the time. I think. Don't feel guilty about having fun and enjoying your friendships and enjoying the nice weather and enjoying nice meals with friends don't get caught up in a gang of, of being there all the time. I'm really careful how I ingest the news here. I didn't watch the whole debate. I watched little clips, bits and pieces. Someone was clever enough and hilarious enough to put the Tick Tock baby filter on a clip of the when they were talking about golfing. Well, you know, I'll carry my own clubs. When they did that little exchange. They had baby faces that really clever AI filter. I was laughing so hard. I get K nightclubs if I wanted to. I could. I could take your clubs and carried them. Sure let's do 18 holes. You'll find it just put Biden and Trump babies out there and they will show up on your thing. And we had some letters. We had some voice notes from people. Sarah, maybe you can tell us about a couple of those and play those as we say goodbye.

Here is a lovely voice note from a transgender man from Edmonton. Hey,

Jann. My name is Gil. I'm a transgender man from Edmonton. I appreciate so much your outspoken support for the LGBTQ community. I'm 68 years old, started my medical transition at age 62. So it's never too late to live your authentic life. I love your podcast. I've been listening for the past three years. I enjoy when you have guests as well. For example, the interview with Lisa Flom stands up for me, which leads me to ask if you would ever be able to get Adrian Arsenault on your show. I have such respect for these female anchors and journalists. Thanks to you three ladies for being so authentic, funny and informative. You bring a smile to my face every week. Happy bride

Antonio. Thanks he left us a voicemail Antonio I'm really sorry to report your voicemail did not come through but I love that you're calling it a voicemail to make Jan feel good about that.

Thank you, Antonio. You and I know this shit man. We know it's going down. But

he does say wondering if Jan would ever make her songs into a musical like Atlantis or if she's been asked to create music for her show or concept album just because she has the storytelling ability humor and timing for comedy.

Thank you. I I would never not consider that you never know what could happen. Sharon

s says I enjoy the conversations you three girls have bulging? Please stop swearing and getting angry at people and calling them eight holes at every level. There's so many other words in the dictionary to use instead of the F bomb. Thank you for your fucking message. Sharon we do love you.

You know what swearing is not bad people that swear live longer that science. One of my fondest memories about my dad is his swearing and the combinations that he would put together like things that you would never think work together.

I wonder if there's current research?

I think they live longer. I think I've read before that they are happier. Yeah,

I'm happy from one week ago in Forbes yeah, here are a few reasons why swearing can be beneficial according to research pain relief. One of the most notable benefits of swearing is the effects the ability to reduce pain sensitivity or the perception of pain emotional regulation, self confidence, managing social rejection, okay, there's

just a few There you go. Sorry we're on the right track girls.

We're really fucking sorry.

You know what's funny, though, is that I when I turned the microphone on i i find it really impossible to swear because of all my years and radio it's good we'll do it for you. But in my real life make no mistake I can you know, I can swear. Yeah, I can swear like a sailor my regular life but between having a son who now repeats everything I say and then being used to being in radio. It's fair. That's fairly swear that often anymore. I'm just I'm not opposed to it. I love a good curse word. Well, I

apologize because the last thing I want to do is offend anybody but I just I always have. I swear I like it. And it's done in good fun. It's not like I'm being malicious and, and there are people who are assholes. Yesterday I was temporary temporarily. I'm not gonna say banned, but I had some thing put on my Instagram page because I commented on on a guy yesterday that had tied a dog to a train track to kill it. I mean, the dog was fried, right? But this asshole, so I called him that in the comments. I'm like, You are a fucking asshole. I got cautioned, and I wasn't allowed to comment on stories for like 24 hours. And I'm thinking you're picking on the wrong person here. Re man time dog to train track. Why don't you fucking get rid of his ass? Yeah, don't make me get my dad's razor.

It's very, like judgy I just don't like telling people sort of like what to say or do about like, you know what I mean? That's how it always feels that

I was telling happened to to do like not tying his dog to the train. Oh, saying

telling you not to swear? Well, I don't love it. I don't love a finger wag overall, because it comes from a place of it feels like inferred moral superiority, which I don't believe is accurate. So that's all I'll say about that. I feel

like I am morally superior much of the time. And I feel like my ethics, my code of conduct my empathy. Yes, I absolutely feel like I am head and shoulders above many, many, many people on this planet. Listen, so I'm doing this for the summer. And I want one thing from you guys that sparked your curiosity gave you joy. You know, one thing this week? Maybe it was the bumblebee Caitlin. I don't know. But Sarah, I'll start with you. Last week, it was a golf game.

It was also a golf game this week. But listen, listen. So my brother in law, my sister's husband. He's never called my phone ever. So he called me on Thursday night. I was already up at the cottage, I thought was an emergency because I've never seen his phone number come up. I'm like, Hello. Do you want to go golfing while we're at the cottage? I was like, Yes, I would love to now here's what's funny. Oh, I didn't have any collared shirts at the cottage. But I do always have my clubs in my trunk because I will make a way to golf if I can. And I said yeah. Could you maybe like ask Joanna my sister to bring up you know, like a collared shirt for me? Does she not pull out of her suitcase? A matching shirt to her husband? With pineapples on it? I don't know if you know what pineapples seem to. There's some symbolism things with pineapples, with like swingers and all sorts of things. So here I am at the golf course. It's my safe

word pineapple.

I'm sorry, what? Upside Down pineapple is apparently is like a symbol of swinging although the root of the symbolism of a pineapple is hospitality. Just so we know. And also cannabis enthusiasts like Pineapple Express, you know, it all makes sense. So

did you wear the shirt?

I wear the fucking shirt. And so at the golf course we're rolling up to pay for our tee time. And these the people behind us they're like, Ah,

how is this out there in the cultural zeitgeist and I am not even aware of can't wait till you look

this up. You're using watertight diapers that hold poo in like you have moved on. Caitlin, you have moved on from the pineapple. But hey, I

went to a party. I went to a very fun pride party on Sunday. So I'll say that that would be the highlight of tell

us something about it.

It was so great. It was beautiful, sunny, hot. I didn't realize though that it had become I've been to this party before and I didn't realize that it has become this big moment for pride that is so heavily traffic that this year there was a dorm Oh, so this year, there was a guest list with a doorman and it was an open request sent out if you have not cleared your guests with me ahead of time do not bring them because like it's too many people. And it's true. It's a ton of people. It is a ton of people. A DJ came in from Miami, there was an alcohol sponsor this year. Wow. Shout out to I think it was called Castle Del Rey, tequila soda. There was a lovely group of employees from the tequila soda company. That was they were asking us brand questions when we would when we would go up and like get a new cam deer

people of the world deal deer straight business people. There's a lot of money in the gay community and I mean a shit ton. So you might want to rethink your prejudices and rethink your judgments. Which a lot of corporations have done but good for you a party that brought you a lot of joy seeing a lot of fun people

there was a gay couple they're celebrating their 30 year anniversary.

Well, that's that's 100 straight years.

That's what I said. I said that's legitimately what I Is that

Jan What's your moment from the week?

Oh my gosh I've had so many finishing my record finishing mixing that was absolutely joyful. Last week I when I spoke to you guys I was in the studio in Toronto universal has a studio called Ada which is at Atlantic, which is where universal is. And it was great. It was just very It always feels so good to to finish something and move on. And I'm getting my hot tub picks today because the breaker went yesterday. It's no fun sitting in just a pool of water with no jets going. So there's a man in my yard right now. And he's going to fix it on

some bubbles with a big straw.

He's sitting beside me splashing water on my face. His name? Is Jaffa dog or I don't know what his name is. It's one of those.

Everyone's Jefford are those Jeff dog names? Am I legally allowed to say that? I've listened to your album? Yes. Oh, okay. I

sent it I sent to these girls, too. So it's it's it's 90s. It's 90s music.

I'm so excited. At first it took me a minute to be like, Am I seeing this correctly? Is this the theme here and it very much was the theme here. There's two sons that

aren't the boxer and boys of summer. So boys have summers 80s. And the and the Simon and Garfunkel boxer is the 70s. So I just had to put them on. I love the versions of them.

Boys of summer is one of my favorite songs of all time. It's so good.

So you've just given away it's a 90s cover record covers record, if anyone wasn't picking up on

this. And we're excited. It's great. I feel very grateful. And universal has been incredibly good to me over these years. I've been with him 32 years. And I believe this is my 16th Studio record. So

last thing, last thing. I played baseball with a man that works at Universal and he told the story of you interrupting the board meeting that was going on when you arrived. I just thought that was hilarious.

Oh lad did last week.

She like there's like Excel spreadsheets on the wall. And I believe you said, Oh, I'm in the wrong place. But I

was gonna say I actually stopped myself. It was one of those moments where the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. So I went in and I just I didn't know the guy. That was one of the guys sitting there and I went hey, is this the auditions for the Vagina Monologues is what I was going to say. But I shot myself. I actually edited myself and I just said, Is this where I leave my demo tape? I think that's what I say.

Oh, you're that's so fun. Anyway,

now I'll let you wrap her up. Thank you for the last again this week.

Well, thanks, guys. I don't know where we got to today's podcast is called Summer lovin. Is it Doug? Or is it Jeff? Don't use your dad. No. Or maybe it's called Don't use your dad's razor. I don't know.

I think we just call it Doug versus Jeff. Or we should call it patch rash. No patch rash might be good. And

one final thing before we go. This is like a bonus bonus edition. So someone tells me I don't know who I was having this conversation with that Gen Z's want to live like it's the 90s they don't want phones. They don't want they want to live like yeah, he lived in the 90s. And we had phones in the 90s.

Yeah, but we didn't have internet phones. Like we didn't have smartphones. So they bringing back flip phones. So I've seen this I've seen Gen Z's out with flip phones. And I just think to myself, you kids are on the right track. Because if I go back to the 90s I would my most complicated problem was like a Tamagotchi. I mean, you my record is going to be a smash

hit with the Gen z's. It absolutely will be we're gonna we're gonna end there. This is the right thing to do. Okay, thank you for listening. You can subscribe. Jann Arden pod is our handle on all the social platforms. And you can listen to us anywhere you want, because we're everywhere. We thank you. You are awesome. We'll see you next time to lead it