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The # 1 Podcast
Jann your podcasts are always so interesting. I know what you say is not to appease anyone, it comes from your heart 🥰 l haven’t missed one as with Caitlin & Jo there, l always like to hear what each of you have to say 💋 💋💋

I really enjoy listening to your show . I enjoy when you and Caitlin and Sarah are speaking and telling stories / input on various topics/items, the guest are great too. Good Canadian content. Thanks ! Enjoying Sarah yoo! Have to connent: Do not recline plane seat! Airlines should stop seats fr doing this! Not enough room for sure now days, People respect others on a plane , its not your home! Thanks Keep it up ladies so so still enjoying the podcast!

Canadian Gem
Jann Arden is the voice we need for the times we are in. Love your music , your novel and your posts. I love the podcast. Big fan .

Absolutely love the humour and honesty Jann and her cohosts provide on a vat of topics. Look forward to Fridays!!! Thank you!

Hormonal deficits
I thought I needed to see the doctor or a therapist- thank you for talking about this subject (Jodie Foster reference). I’m 67, and feel unattached to my children, grandchildren and husband. I know I love them all passionately but my brain has changed and I don’t like it. Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one.

Season 5, Episode 1
I was so looking forward to this episode and was not disappointed in any way shape or form.It was very insightful, I always learn something new from these girls and their special guests. This one was exceptional. Thank you.

#1 Podcast
This is my favourite podcast, the one I look forward to most all week! Love the conversations, especially when opinions differ among the hosts. It’s refreshing to listen to healthy debates. I’m also involved in horse rescue at a volunteer level, so I appreciate Jann’s effort in this area immensely!

Thank you
Two of my favorite hosts together-Jan and Marilyn đź©·đź©·

Best Podcast
I always learn something, feel something and laugh a lot. I never miss a show. Much success to Jann and Caitlin and Sara. I am in Courtenay BC - just waiting for Jann’s live show to start- ver excited! Break a leg Jann♥️ Lu

I just love the honesty and real conversations that Jann and the ladies have. It’s okay to be you, unapologetic, to any norms or societal pressures. These ladies make me feel being happy and content is just being true to myself noone else! Thanks for being yourselves! Xoxo

Caitlain and Conan
I thoroughly enjoy all your podcasts. The three of you are very intelligent ladies and I like to hear your views on anything and everything. With regard to Caitlin loving Conan O'Brien (as I do), I think she should apply to be on his podcast "Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend". I'm sure Caitlin could find a topic to discuss!

Breath of fresh air
Hi girls, love your podcast, if your talking happy or sad or mad, any emotion its still is fun to listen to. You don't dwell on all the bad things happening in the world. You talk about current events for sure but also about your personal lives, you keep it interesting. Looking forward to the ask us answers on patreon.

Breath of Fresh Air
I get quite worked up listening to (too many) political pods so I appreciate this lighter take on current events. And when Jann gets passionate on a topic, of which I always agree, there’s nothing like it.

On the road Clamping
As always excellent episode. We are out here Clamping full time. It’s been 2 months. So much to learn but we are getting better. We have 3 rescue dogs and they have adapted well. Keep up the amazing podcast and nothing wrong with swearing. Happy people. Summer Jams request. Vacation by the Go-Go. Black Coffee in Bed by Squeeze .

Best episode, EVER!
I have listened to every episode of this show and love them all, however, this has been one of the top 5, for sure, if not my very, very favourite!! I am 63 and can so relate to summer romances but I’m here to tell, Jann, my favourite time to start a romance, was a February romance. And in case you don’t believe in “Love at first sight”, that is a thing, too! I lived it and we both felt the same way! Still love him but we never married, as planned. And on another note, the Bee story made my eyes “sweat”! I can just picture that little boy and all the adults, rallying around to help the Bee! Well done, adults! Keep up the great storytelling. You really do not need special guests, unless it’s me….then you have your people call my people, which would be ME! I’m a team of one, married with one beautiful daughter who made me a Gramma 4.5 years ago and I have never been so in love, in my life. We had a sleepover, last weekend and we got to talking and he told me a story about “Why he thinks his “bird” may be too fat”. As a Gramma I had to keep a straight face and discuss this pressing issue with him! Sorry for the long post but it’s 2:30 am, here in the Maritimes and no one is up to converse avec moi. Thank you, ladies, and Jann, I had a Good Mother, too. That’s my favourite song, of you’re. HUGS

My start to the weekend
I start off my weekend by listening to the Jann Arden podcast first thing Saturday morning. Every week is a different theme. It’s informative; it’s personal; it’s funny, and it puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

A Good Listen
Lifetime fan of the incredible Jann Arden. I started listening when Caitlin was on maternity leave. I absolutely love Sarah and think she is an amazing co-host. I like Caitlin very much as well but miss Sarah’s voice on the show as it is much, much less than before. I love listening in on three friends conversations, that is what it feels like to me. Sometimes the show is fun and uplifting and other times it can be very doom and gloom. I am not opposed to those shows, knowledge is power! But because I come to them for an escape from reality (I am aware and very much onboard with all of the humane and animal welfare issues and environmental issues our world is facing), I tend to skip over those episodes. You never know what you’ll get!! Keep shining ladies 🌟

Love listening to you all so much!

Best podcast out there
Wish there were new episodes everyday! Gets me through my commute to work

Friday treat
Love this podcast! Down to earth. I always learn something. Well done.

Vote Nenshi
If Nenshi becomes premier, I just might move back!!!!

I love you guys, you absolutely ROCK !!!!!!!
Hi ladies, I wanted to let you know how much you have helped me over the past 4 years. I was separated at the start of covid and just finalized my divorce in August last year, it's been a struggle the past 4 years. Through it all I have laughed and cried listening to your podcasts. Caitlin, you are so inspirational with how you have come back after loosing Sam and taught us all that we can survive anything. Sarah, so proud of you and your movement with the women in media network, way to go. And Jann, I am going to be 60 in June, I grew up in Edmonton and could relate so well to your other books you wrote. I came to your Edmonton and Penticton concert in 2022 and look so forward to seeing you and Rick in Kelowna in May. Keep up the great work ladies, you have no idea how much you impact our lives as listeners. Keep doing what your doing please, love you all 🥰

Friday 🙌
This podcast is another reason to look forward to Fridays! 🤗

Best Podcast
I always learn something, feel something and laugh a lot. I never miss a show. Much success to Jann and Caitlin and Sara.

Thanks ladies for all the fun!
Just listened to another wonderful podcast by these 3 wonderful gals! So funny and so smart and they chime right in on every subject that is raised. I want to buy myself some merch as a retirement gift, to me, from me! Please let me know when that stock is going to be available. I was hoping to have a tshirt for the wet tshirt contest, here in New Brunswick, but since I’m 63, and gravity is not kind, maybe I could buy a pair of sweats and just wet the front of them….may even win! (My fan base is older too and their eyesight ain’t what it used to be). I used to be able to turn heads. The only way I can do that now, is to take the old fellas to the chiropractor! Carry on, carrying on!

Long time listener
I follow many podcasts but yours was the first one and still one of my favourites. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about what is going on in our world so honestly. Listening to you ladies feels like listening to friends.

Great Content !!
I absolutely love your podcast …smart , funny , honest and real ! I’m getting thru most of them - they are great company on a snow day like today !! 💕

Look forward to Friday!
So much fun listening to you three with all the banter and chatter. Always topical and lots of fun. Jann you are so funny - I've seen you in concert several times and when I found your podcast I subscribed right away! I look forward to listening on Fridays - please don't change the date of the pod drop.

Love the new vibe
I’ve listened from the very first but am truly loving the openness and new unfiltered vibe of the JAPodcast on the Women in Media Network. It’s truly authentic.

Fun, Funny and Insightful
Enjoy the chemistry between Sarah and Jann. It’s like going for coffee with a couple of friends. Love the wide range of topics in any given conversation. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Jann and Sarah. Tam