Jan. 17, 2025

The OnlyJanns Episode

Jann, Caitlin, and Sarah invite their beloved Patreon OnlyJanns to join their show live this week with special guest Clairvoyant Kim Dennis!

Jann Arden and her co-hosts welcome special guests Leslie and Cindy (Patreon contest winners), and take questions from their live audience! The conversation flows from personal anecdotes to spiritual insights with Clairvoyant Kim Dennis, who discusses the importance of letting go of negative influences and embracing a positive outlook for the new year. Together they touch on grief, loss, and the connections we share with those who have passed, the impact of natural disasters on the entertainment industry, and the importance of community support in times of crisis.

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Jan. Well, gracious, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you find yourself in this world, I am Jan Arden. This is the Jan Arden podcast, and today, this is a really special day. We are finally able to gather ourselves together, because I'm no longer coughing excessively and having snot run down my nose, and we are doing a makeup of our Patreon only jams extravaganza. Gonza. Gonza, hi everybody. Thanks for joining us. Good morning.

I'm very used to long claps like that. That is my life. I get out of bed in the morning and there's just I hear applause. Listen. We really are thrilled to have you here. We love our listeners. We wanted to do something special. So this is a great way to start season five. We're a couple of episodes in, but, you know, I'm going to throw it over to Caitlin, because we have an agenda today, and we have lots of things that we want to find out about our special guest today. And, yeah, so Caitlin, I'm going to throw it over to you, and let's, let's find out. Let's find out who our contestants are on the gym podcast.

Okay, thanks. Bob Burke, okay, so we have Leslie and Cindy here, two of our beloved only Jans and Leslie, as we can see, is currently outdoors. Yeah, so I'm going to start with her. I want to know Leslie. Where do you live? I

live in Leslieville. Come on, seriously. I mean, I'm in Toronto, and I'm at work right now. I'm on my lunch break, and, yeah, I'm outside at the park where I work, and I'm going to put my skates on soon and stay around. Oh my gosh, this

is fantastic. Okay,

so Leslie has a very cool job confirmed. And Leslie, what would you say? Because, like, Leslieville is sort Toronto is really made up of neighborhoods, yeah. And so I would, I was going to say what's like the coolest or your favorite spot in your city, but let's make it even more specific and say, let what's your favorite cool spot in Leslieville? I think that

whole strip near, like Queen and Carla, like, just the the strip along Queen Street, there's, like, so many little shops and restaurants and cafes and all kinds of stuff. So you can, you know, and it's really changed a lot in the 1014, years that I've lived here. And so I just find that, like, it used to be kind of desolate when I first moved here, but now it's very vibrant. So just to walk along Queen, walk on the sunny side of Queen when it's chilly.

Yeah, amazing. Um, okay. And also, where are you going this year? Are you traveling anywhere? And if you don't have a trip planned, where would you like to go next

month, I am going to Belize

for a week. Oh, wow, yeah. So

it's a fitness so with a group of people, there's a personal trainer, a coach, friend of mine who lives in Vancouver, and he runs these wellness retreats. So it's a week in Belize and a big house right on the beach with 12 other people. And you know, we'll do some fitness and some fun and people to cook for us and all of that. It's going to be fantastic.

That's amazing. Just

make sure you have a beer in each hand, just to make sure the biceps, you know, get an equal workout. Balance it out.

Yes, yes. It's important.

And what would you say? What's one thing that you think people would be surprised to learn about you. Um,

so I retired from, like, full time work about four years right before the pandemic started, unbeknownst to me. Timing, yeah, but in in the past, like, I've run eight marathons. I've done three time Ironman Triathlon, my true race. I rode my bike to Montreal in 2015 what? Yeah, so I'm pretty active.

Okay, yeah, sufficiently surprised you've rode your bike to Montreal, yeah.

And I told you in the chat, Caitlin, I can teach you how to ride a bike. I did that last summer. I taught like 50 people how to ride a bike,

probably like kids, though, right? I

would say half of them were adults and the other half were kids.

Okay, cute. Well, we want Caitlin to learn how to ride a bike this year, and

then one of our show goals, film it and put it online. Yeah, watching Caitlin learn how to ride a bike, she'll she's

going to do it. I know

it now we're talking. Okay, so then, Cindy, where do you live?

First of all, I don't want to follow Leslie, because my life is nowhere. Is interesting. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

What's your favorite cool spot in Winnipeg?

I would probably say the forks. Oh, yeah.

Yeah, what's the works? I don't know. It's just

a big area. It's such tourist attraction, basically, and it has like all kinds of different food so you can try and there's different shops, like artist shops and like local made stuff you can find there. And, yeah,

okay, so we're adding the forks to the hit list for if I ever travel to Winnipeg, are you leaving Winnipeg anytime soon? And if you are, where are you going

to go? I wish I was. But unfortunately, no,

we got two hot spots that we need to hit. And I have personally been to the forks many times. There's tons of walking paths. It's absolutely beautiful. There's so many trees. It's down in this valley by a river. And, yeah, there's, there's a ton going on. It's a beautiful city in the summer. Cindy, yes, but man, do I god damn hate Winnipeg in the winter time i The coldest load out we ever did. I hate anywhere in the wintertime, like when it's 50 below, coldest load out we ever did was in Winnipeg. We were in the Burton Cummings theater. And of course, when the show ends, then all the roadies come in and they have to load the trucks up to go to the next place. It was 54 below. You know, yes, there was wind chill involved, but it was colder in Winnipeg that night than it was on Mars. So I just want to say, Yeah, Winnipeg. Love you in the summer, but screw off in the winter.

So before we jump over to our surprise guest who you may recognize, I just want to give a shout out to a couple people who couldn't be here, if that's okay, yeah, you know Alicia Cheny. She's 46 feeling a bit mesh she was saying over the holiday season, and she loves when we do our podcast. She said it would be the perfect way to combat the mess. So we're doing that here for you today, Alicia. And when you hear the episode, just know that we wish you were here with us. We also have to shout out Jane, a 65 year old mother and grandma to two beautiful boys single for 10 years. She plans on staying that way. Sister Jan loves this long time listener from the child morning show, so she's followed Caitlin over to the podcast. Here, she says the podcast makes her laugh and cry every week. And Cameron. Oh dear Cameron, he got called into work this morning, but he's one of our LGBT I was wondering, was I know I was so excited for Cameron, but luckily, Cameron's going to be a part of the show anyway, because he left us a voice note. Oh, good for later. Yeah. So Jan, over to you special guests. I mean, listen,

she is one of the Jan Arden pods favorite guests. We've had Kim on, I think, three times now, and maybe even more, Kim, you'll have to tell me, because I can never remember. Kim Dennis is an amazing medium. Not only that, she has become a counselor to me of sorts, a mentor to me of sorts. She has been through the deaths of my mom and my dad and my my grandmother and and dogs and Kim, I've always turned to Kim for like, insight and comfort. She just has been there because Kim is able to get messages and converse in her own very unique way with people that have passed over. So Kim, listen, we're going into a new year. There's lots going on. What's the vibe for 2025 what do you what are you feeling like? What are we headed into? I feel like, I know, but God, maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm a sort

of individual for yourself. How you go into the year, how you perceive this year is going to be for you, right? So if you, regardless of what's going on in the world and around you, if you perceive this to be your best year yet, it will be. It will be. So I always say you always when you're wanting to manifest, you always see yourself at the end of the the goal or the end of the year. See it being successful. See you in the relationship you want to be in. See yourself let you know. Spirituality, a lot of people think it's something that you gain. It's about losing stuff. It's about losing relationships that are sucking the life out of you, jobs that are that are taking away from the people that you love, that's none of that stuff is spiritual. You come here. A lot of people think spirituality is something that you gain. You come here as a complete package. You come here with everything you need from the other side to to make the best life possible. And we're all here to make the best life possible. And nobody comes here to have a challenge for your life. Or else we never learn anything. But really, I would say, make your goal this year to let go of people, let go of situations that are not contributing and adding to your life. We all have moments and stuff that's that's life, but if you're hanging on to a job or a relationship or any situation that is sucking the life out of you, that is taking you away from the the people that are that you love and the situations that you love in your life, let go of those. That's the idea of becoming spiritual. Yeah,

my mom cut a little article out of the newspaper many, many years ago, when I was kind of, I didn't have a record deal. I was really floundering. I was living in their basement, like everything seemed to be going wrong. And she brought me this little clip down, Kim, and it said, You. Obstacles create character. That's all it said on this little and I think it was part of somebody's horoscope or something. And my mom hands me this little strip. It looked like a fortune strip. I never forgot that. I wish I still had it. But of course, these things, that's

all you learn is through trial and error. That's absolutely but you said losing things, right? That's why I tell a lot of people, too, to take it to a little bit of a different place. I mean, there is a lot of people who are depressed, people who are depressed, I think, live in the past that they do. They live in the past. They're stuck there. They got a condo there, right? And the only thing you're supposed to do with your past is learn from it, right? And, I mean, I'm not talking about grief, and we all go through different kinds of emotion that's that's life, and you've got to let those emotions flow through you as well, too, the good ones and the negative ones as well, too. When you hold them in, that's how you set yourself up for illness down the road and for lousy relationships and stuff, especially from when, when you come as a as a child,

what's one way people can let go of things though? Kim, because it's easier said than done. I mean, there's things that I should definitely let go of, and I don't. There's, I always say, lose your

heart, because it's hard hanging on to them too, right? So I know it's hard, it's hard, but I think the way to do it is to talk about it, is to process it, to let it go. It is so important to forgive everybody who's wronged you. Right? It is, it is so important I know, and forgiveness is, I know, but hang on. Forgiveness is a tricky word. Forgiveness doesn't mean what somebody did was okay, or that you even have to have them in your life. And a lot of people think that you're letting that person off the hook. No, you're not. You're letting yourself off the hook. Yeah, is what you're doing, and hanging on to the anger or the reason, we're trying to figure out why they did what they did. I just, it's just impossible. From your own life, it's impossible. It was their experience, right? It was and like I say, one thing people really need to get is nobody comes here to have a challenge free life. It's how you deal with those challenges, how you deal with with the negative people in your life and whatever. That's what builds character, and that's how, yeah, yeah, that's why. I mean, with a lot of young people, they so worried about what other people think, right? Oh, the beauty of getting older a little bit is that you just don't care.

Are you a person that can kind of make predictions? Has that ever been part of your wheelhouse insight? I like the word insight.

I'm not great on, like, world predictions and stuff like, because I don't think this is what this gift is about, right? I don't think it's about winning the lottery. I can tell you how to bring money into your life. It's not about figuring out lottery. Yeah, see, that's it. I can tell you how to manifest money in your in your life. But it's not about, you know, me, picking watery numbers or, you know, that kind of stuff, or who's going to win an election or stuff like that. Sometimes I do get a little bit of insight, or whatever. I know, I know I had my experience. It's funny when Mayor Nenshi and Calgary, it was his first election running for mayor, and I had this moment driving on Fourth Street. I was like, I wonder who's gonna win the election, right? And then he walked out of the purple perk cafe, yeah, he did, like, right. Purple

is his thing, Kim, because I kind of, he says it's a combination of red and blue. And that's what he loves, that it's left and the right. Yeah, well, you know

the purple perk. I know that's still there on Fourth Street, but anyways, in Calgary, he walked out on his cell phone. I was like, Oh, that was a little bit, I don't know if that was really prediction, but it was like they answered my question, Kim,

what about something like so, I mean, all eyes are on the LA fires right now. And I mean, if you haven't heard us talk about the LA fires yet, I just want to say last episode we we recorded before her break really, really out of hand. But would you ever have, you know, some sort of idea that something is going to happen like that, like do you ever get sometimes,

sometimes I might get a little premonition that something's going to going to happen worldwide. But I think really, what this gift is is about helping people spiritually, is connecting them with their loved ones, is helping them get on track with their life and to make the best life possible for them. I think that this, what this is, this is about. I know

that Kim, she does readings over the phone. She you don't always have to be sitting there in person, no, and when I was working out this morning, Kim's text was coming through, and she's like, I'm getting some some things happening here. Going into this our event,

I have three different women message me just about booking or reading, and they're all named Joan. Only people that reached out. And after the first one, I'm like, Yeah, I'm a little bit slow in the morning. And and then a second one, I'm like, oh, and then a third one. I'm like, that's three Jones. My mom's name is Joe. Like, that's odd. And then I was like, Ah. I was like, that's your mom's name, yeah. So that was a sign that your mom was hanging out with me. Yeah? Wait, yeah. And it just, I was like, I was, I didn't get it quite at first, but yeah, I've had the only three people that reached out this morning to to inquire about a rating. We're all named Joan. So, so, I mean, these are signs, right? These are signs. It's just like, that's it anything that just kind of takes you there to 11. I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe in luck either. I think everything happens for a reason. You might not always know what the reason is, but there's a reason behind everything happening. Yeah. Yeah, and I was just like, so your mom was hanging out with me, and I was also picking up, which I think is for Sarah, a really tall, thin older gentleman, so like, my uncle picked up on, that's her uncle who passed, yeah, yeah, Caitlin. I was kind of thinking of a grandpa. You probably have a gramps or grandpa passed, or something. Yeah, I kind of feel, I kind of feel him kind of hanging about as well, too. So, yeah, I think he was a good man, or something like that. Anyways, just said, just loved you very much. But yeah, so I was getting, and sometimes when I'm if you're my first reading of the day, I will get a little bit of stuff before somebody will start hanging around, yeah, and that was your mom's way of me, letting of letting me know that that she was, that she was with you. So and I do see three pets with her. Now, I know you're you've had lots of pets, right? But I do see Jan three pets with your pets with your mom. So yeah, and I know, I know, I know you've had dogs and stuff like that. I mean, did you have an orange cat? Or some? Did you have an orange cat? Did you Okay? Had to be a male because I think most of them are, but I just feel like she's got an orange cat. Most orange

cats are male cats. I

think they are.

This is, this is complete news to me, yeah.

And I know you've had pets and stuff like that, and a dog who kind of looks lovely, but kind of like hair all over the place, almost like, it's almost like Albert Einstein was a dog or something, I don't know. So that's, that's the kind of feeling I get. And I just feel like, like, hair all over. So, yeah. So anyways, I just see three of them kind of lined up. Yeah, I think that was kind of your dad's kind of softer moments. I think a little bit, I don't know, he

never liked pets his whole life. And nobody had a stroke. Sorry, he had a stroke. I just see him, and he had a personality on

his they're on his lap. So, and I kind of get happy as well, too. So, blah, blah, blah. But all pets really, do pets do go to heaven? Animals? Do you know? We know that they have souls because they have personalities, yes, and just like people who cross over, they're young again. They're like puppies and kitties and stuff like that. So I got lots of cool stories about animals who have passed over. Well, my

mom definitely has three dogs with her, because there is Greta Bell and MIDI who would definitely,

yeah, one just looks like they lost

a lot of hair. Like, oh, they weren't indoor dogs. I mean, you could see a dog walk by and a cloud

of hair. What a rescue.

There's two of them were arrested.

Oh, okay, it feels like your dad showed me one that's that is a rescue. That is a rescue. So,

yeah, he had a stroke and he had a personality change, so who knows? Okay, wow. I want to go back for a second, because this is something that I've always kind of pushed up against. And our dear friend Kate bowler could probably weigh in and talk about this. And it is the idea of everything happening for a reason. And I think so much of us living in this modern world, when we see war, when we see famine, when we see, you know, kids getting the flu, and you know, when we see things that are just unthinkable happening such huge losses, when a fire goes through a neighborhood and takes out 2500 homes and burns dogs and animals and and So I think everything happens for a reason. I'm thinking, My God, you know

how I don't always know what the reason is behind it. Yeah,

I know that, but it's a hard premise to kind of accept in my it

is what negative or bad things happen. It is, it is. It's hard to it's like, I don't always understand, you know, why everything is the way it is. I always believe that there's a reason behind everything. I don't know if this helps or not. I don't always know what the reason what the reason is. You know, it's just like sort of the idea that we all come here to learn, right? Which I think is true. Earth is a big school. We're all taking different classes. We're all learning different lessons. No mistakes in life, only lessons. Lessons are repeated till you get them, and learning never ends. And when you can't learn anything more, you're called home. I think that that's how it works. That's why we don't all pass at the same age there. I don't know why babies make all the effort to come here and then cross over. I'm like, Really, that's it? Yeah, or my friend's mom's laying in a nursing home at 98 or whatever, you know. So I don't always know why everything is the

way. Well, none of us do. I don't, but it's also a reaction to

how people, people operate on this planet as well, too. It is. It's just, it's a lot of stuff has to do with people's decisions. That's why we are. I really do believe that we're all connected, that we are, that we're all connected, even if you as a person go from a bad mood to a good mood, I mean, you change the dynamic of the whole of the whole planet, of the whole universe, because we're all we're all connected. So

let's get to some questions,

we'll go to Kimberly's message. Why do mediums talk so fast? The information

comes really quick. It's almost like a power surge. I think, Okay, right? And as I get towards the end of the reading, it starts to slow down. So it's almost like, I think, like they read with their engines or something like that, boom. And often I'll put others like, slow down, slow down. And then I'll, sometimes I'll go back to us, like I had this message before, but I couldn't get it all out. They're very excited to make a connection with their loved ones as well, too. I bet they are. But the information at first, like I said, it's almost like they're like, rev their engines, and it starts coming at me, and near the end of the reading, it starts to slow down. I'm just trying to get it all out. I don't want to miss anything. And if I do miss something, then that's like, oh yeah, I had that. I had that, that thought a little bit ago, but I couldn't get it out. So yeah, Leslie,

do you have a question while you're with us? Because I know you're on your lunch break. I

know I'm just walking back to work. I have to go back in now. Um, both of my parents passed down. Well, one five years ago, the other almost 50 years ago. So 50,

I was going to say who's been gone a long time. I don't know if that's your dad or whatever. He

died in 1977

is there a young fella that would be with him as well, too, or unless he was the young guy that passed? He was only 61 yeah, he was, yeah, so, and I just feel like he's got his dad here with him as well, too. So, yeah, really. So I don't know if your dad kind of had a quick passing, but I kind of feel like maybe there wasn't time to say goodbye. So, so I see the two of them pick up, yeah, yeah. I just no time to say goodbye. So, but I'm sure I'll just say this, because it happens to everybody. He pops into your thoughts, often, pops into your thoughts often. So he said, watch for that. Reoccurring thoughts, memories. I don't know if your mom was sick for a while. Yeah. It just feels like she needed Yeah, it just feels like different than like different than your dad. It just feels like she needed care. So I just You were taking care of her, whatever, yeah, but she just says back and forth, back and forth, back and forth that you were so I think you dreamt about her. Actually,

in our chat, Colleen coined this show the only Jones.

I Jones

who's Bentley. Bentley? Bentley, no,

Bentley is my mother's maiden name, but, oh, is

it still okay? All right. Well, she just, I guess she heard the Jonesy thing. I just

heard, yeah, Joan Lee. She's like, I'm here. I'm

just gonna read Jules this question because she wasn't able to figure out how to join. Okay. So her question is, how can we deal with grief? How can we know people are at peace on the other side? Okay, so

grief, the I hope this sounds right, but grief, the kind of the amount of grief, kind of equates to how much you love the person as well, too. Grief is like a healing bomb. You got to process it. It's not, it's not a fun thing, it's not a good part of life. But I always say grief isn't a mental illness. It might feel like you're losing your mind, but it's, it is. It's processing the grief, letting that experience run through you, you know, whether it's crying, whether it's, you know, doing whatever you can to feel like you're closer to that person or whatever. That's the important thing about grief. It doesn't feel good, but it is, do the things that help you. You know, talk about it, cry it through don't hold back your emotions. Feel everything about it. That's how you heal just about anything, whether it's grief of a relationship or somebody passing. You've got it. You've got to work through it. Men have more trouble with that. They always say, statistically, women live longer than men. I think it's because we talk, I do, I do. I think it's because we talk, we do. We get it out, we process our grief, we process our problems and stuff like that. And generally, when a woman tells you her problem, she doesn't want you to fix it, she just wants you to

listen. I'm gonna switch gears a little bit here. There's a whole bunch of people on this podcast today. There's anybody that wants to ask us anything? Please go right ahead.

Hey everybody. You guys, Michelle, you three ladies are amazing. I just joined your podcast just before Christmas. I want to tell you the three ladies that, oh, you're new. I am brand new to dance fans, absolutely, Kim, I think you're amazing. I have a very special medium here in I'm in Winnipeg, very special medium here. My parents did die within nine months of each other. And, yeah, it's been a rough, a rough haul.

I get three, three adults around you, actually, your mom and dad and one grandmother, actually, yes, that's what I'm getting into it. Just, I don't know if you knew one grandmother better or something, or she just lived longer, yeah, for both those things, but I feel like all three of them are kind of lining up beside you. So yeah, and just, oh, they always say that they love you very much. And then there's a younger fellow from a while ago that passed as well. So I don't know if you lost a friend, yeah, or something, yeah, like, go back to your teens or 20s or something like that young, yes. So he's just giving a wave and saying that he's here, that he's here as well, too. So wow, yeah. I don't know if you're working or something like that, or or whatever, but I'm kind of excited about a new venture for you kind of coming this year. So yeah, so I know this to do with work or whatever, and with I'm not the greatest on timelines, but I kind of feel like you might hear something around May or June, just kind of going into the summer as well, too. So yeah, and then, and it feels like towards the end of your either really asking us, I feel like there's a really great trip. So if you're going overseas or something like

that, Michelle, if you need somebody to go with you, we will try and make it.

Ladies will come. No problem.

Michelle, do you have something that you're working on?

I, yeah, there's a lot of stuff on the table right now,

like something huge, meeting, three meetings with somebody in the last little while, yep, right? So, 123, meetings, yes, I do see that. Yeah. This is coming from, this is coming from your mom. And actually, your dad wants you to know he's really proud of you. It's like, I mean, yeah, I don't know. Maybe he didn't tell you that. No different generation, but he just says, or maybe, I don't know if he really understood what you did or whatever, but he just wants you know that he's really proud of you. But if your mom's the one who's telling me it feels like around June ish, or whatever, there's some good news about a project or something that you're working on, well,

around June, if everything holds up the way I have planned, I'm going west, honey. I'm getting out of the winter cold. Manitoba,

thank you so much. We're going to bring in Laura now with

Hello, hello, Laura. I just want to say that it's pretty comforting to hear what you have to say about the afterlife. My parents are elderly, and like the who knows how long they have, but I do worry about them when they leave, and I also appreciate that the dogs come. Yeah, and I worry a lot about my dog. She's young, but I still worry about her. I know Jen said it was the worst day of her life, and she lost her little MIDI. And, well, yeah,

because you love the pet very much, but just don't let the worry get in the way of the dog with you now and enjoying it can take the joy out of just living in the moment right now and with your pet. You know, what I do feel is like a baby around you. No

babies, unless it's my my dog. Ah, no, that's it. I just kind

of feel like somebody lost that was my first thought. So I don't know if one of your parents, or if your parents did, or whatever, but I kind of feel like they lost a baby. Yes, they lost a baby. That that's the first person that I'm picking up on. So I feel like they had a miscarriage or something like that came out really quick. That was a brother for you. So, yes, it was, that's it. He is the first person that I'm picking up on. Yeah. And you know, why him? Why not? Yeah, he just said that he's still your brother yet. And he just said, just want you to know that he loves you very much. So just on, I think part of what you were, what you were inquiring about, he said he'll be waiting there. He just said, as mom and dad, when they do, when they do, cross over. So yeah, I know, like it's tomorrow or whatever. I get a little bit more with your dad if you struggle a little bit more with mobility or something like that. But anyways, your brother, yeah, just given you, just given you a great big hug. So yeah, you do get a grandma here as well, too. Lots of old people today, an old grandma or whatever. So yeah, and usually, the thing is, usually there's somebody who comes for it's usually our moms, if they go before us, because they bring us into this world. So they help us out as well, too. So I don't know. And I get the name Joseph around you as well, too. So I don't know if Joe or Joseph means anything to you or whatever. If not, that could be, that could be, that could be the name that your brother's bringing forward. But, yeah, okay,

there's an old manager I had named Joe. Is

that right? Yeah, as well too. We've got

a few podcast related questions in the in the chat. Let's do them too. We've

got so many people with questions out there. We're just going to try and get to as many as we can.

Jules, who to join, said, Jan and team, would you actually ever do Jan's version of a Bachelorette? Maybe camping with friends for a weekend, bonfire, snacks, music, like guys, I think in other business and companies, it's called a retreat. Should we do a company retreat?

Well, we'd be small, but we'd be mighty.

We have a block of rooms. That's like, you know, like, when you book a wedding somewhere, you get the block of room. I

think, I think it has to be the motor home. Sarah, like, I don't think we can stray, yeah, can't. We can't just stray from the actual what it was. And we have to get outfits at Value Village, and we have to pick out outfits for each other and go for a nice dinner. And it's got to be the motorhome I don't mind driving. I've driven many motorhomes in my life, and I've only hit one rock. That's not bad odds, really.

Let's see what else is coming in here. Everyone's like in I'm coming. I have a podcast retreat idea. Says Mel, Happy New Year from Joanne. Thank you, Joanne. Thanks. Joanne. Typically, January and February are cold hard months in Canada. Any tips to help us get through I think this is directed at any of us.

I mean, for me, I think I just lean into it. Just slow down. Just slow down. I love to just read a book and visit with myself and catch up on a series that I haven't caught up on. You know, When summer comes, we're outside a lot more, obviously, and we're doing things. We're driving more. A lot of people don't like driving that much in the winter, unless they really have to. But yeah, just lean into it. It's time is so fleeting. And as we know, since COVID 567, weeks goes by like that. It is, for the last three or four years. For me, it's been Monday, and then it's been Saturday, it's been Monday, then it's been Saturday. It's like, what the hell happened to the middle of the week? So yeah, don't, don't, don't lament too much time goes by. And just take some time for yourself. For crying out loud,

Cindy, because you're with us. Do you have any questions? I'm just in awe, happy

to be here. How do you get time off? Jan, it seems that you're always on tour. You always have something on the go. So how do you get time for yourself?

I just really slow down when I slow down. I just had my friend here, Nigel, for two weeks, and so I really didn't do anything. We spent a lot of time in Canadian Tire and Walmart. And places that he wanted to go, superstore. I've never bought a grocery at Walmart in my life. He wanted to go. So I picked up a few things at Walmart, things like that. I'm working on a new book, which to me, is time off just to sit and write. But yeah, I've got, I've got lots of time in between things. I really I have a really good balance, and this, to me, is time off like, I know it seems nutty, but I love seeing the girls and talking about things, and I'll tell you what, it keeps us up to date on current affairs, because I'm just like, I want to know what's going on in the world, but yeah, I'm busy when I'm busy, Cindy, and when I'm not busy, I'm not and I'm never hard on myself. I never sit there and going, oh, I need to be doing something. Doing nothing is something. Cindy

your holiday sweater. Show it off. I wore my flip. Mary flip, miss, horny and lit.

Cindy's wins for me,

I know for me,

Cindy has done a couple of portraits for me over the years. She might not know she's done one. I've got one of poppy that's in my bedroom, and it's really, really cute, and I appreciate that. So in case you think that they end up somewhere, they don't. Everything gets collected. And, you know, some a lot of stuffed animals and stuff I end up giving to the RSPCA or but the things like that, it was so cute of poppy. So just know that I received them, and I'm very grateful for you to take all that time. And it's very, very thoughtful of you. Yeah, you're a talented artist. You know, I just when I saw your name, I'm like, I know who Cindy Lowry is, because I look at your name every morning when I get out of bed written on the corner of Poppy's little portrait. But it's, it's in my bedroom, and it's really, really cute, and it so looks like him. So that really is very kind of you.

We're playing with a new segment that we're going to announce soon that will look at Caitlin's eyebrows to see the eyebrows on YouTube this week. But yeah, is there anything celeb that we should be talking about this week, or what's going on? And, oh,

it's a lot of content around the LA fires, honestly, and how that may impact Hollywood.

Talk to us about the benefit concert that is in the works right now, because they're saying there's 100 at least 100 musicians, artists, actors, directors that have lost their homes. Tell me about the Los Angeles fires benefit concert, because that was just announced in the last couple of days. Yeah.

So essentially, what's happening is that Live Nation and AEG are going to partner. Is going to take place at the Intuit dome, which is the home of the LA Clippers, that's where that basketball team plays, and they don't have any information on ticket prices, like how many tickets or the performers yet, but the idea was that they figured there were going to be a lot of artists that would be in town for the Grammy award, so they were going to try to pull from whoever was going to be in town for the Grammys. But now they've discussed the possibility of postponing the Grammys altogether because of what's happening with the LA fires, so that might change a little bit as well. Hey, Caitlin, yes, exactly. And part of this is because, like, do they feel like the you know, the tone is right to do that. It isn't No. And so there's and also too, though, just logistically, many people who've been displaced by the fires are living in hotels, so there's really no available occupancy. And many insurance companies put people up at private home residences, which is also where a lot of people who come into town for the awards day like they're not all just saying that, like the Beverly Hilton or wherever it is, they're staying at private homes as well. So it's, it's a lot of moving parts, but I do hope, I think they're going to do some kind of a benefit, because this is the home of music and entertainment. And I think, yeah, there's going to be a lot of celebrities who want to get behind this because they've been directly impacted. Like, the list of celebrities who've lost homes is

long. They're saying that even though they're going ahead, they're going to be fundraising for relief. Oh, for sure.

For sure. Yeah, I saw that Mandy Moore. I saw a headline actually saying that Mandy Moore and her family lost part of their home in the Palisades, or no, the Altadena fire, and that, um, they were staying with Hilary Duff. And I was like, I just love that headline. As someone who grew like a like a pop girl who grew up in the early 2000s that Mandy Moore is bunking in with Hilary Duff. But that's so cute. Oh, it's

Taylor Taylor Swift donated ten million to me. Yeah, so she's donated ten million I saw that on social media the other day. I think Jamie Lee Curtis and her family have donated a million dollars. So and they're getting, they're getting tons of stuff in Chris Brunton, my road manager, he said he sent seven boxes down to Los Angeles, snail mail filled with clothes, like really good clothes that he had. He said, Listen, I was going to purge my closet anyway. And he found out where they were accepting mail in deliveries, because they are, and there's a bunch of people that have set up, like people in fashion that have set up these, these pop. Up clothing stores with shoes, bags, everything you can imagine, accessories. And people right now can come in. They just need to bring proof of their address, like, obviously, where they lived, yeah. And they're allowed to pick up 10 pieces grass, like, whatever they want to pick up. And you can imagine, in that part of the world there's some beautiful, beautiful clothing, you know, all this designer stuff that people have donated. So it's great seeing Los Angeles come together. Of course, there's turds in every cup of milk once in a while, but people that are gouging, people that are sending their you know, a lot of people are looking for houses to rent in in that area, and some of these houses have gone up like 700% but they are going after them, the the housing, whatever people are, are going after people who have clearly jacked up their prices, trying to take advantage of people who have lost everything so to you, people that are being shitty, Honestly, people that take advantage, people that that loot, that steal, that start gofundmes that have nothing to do with anything that they're just getting a money grab. You're a bunch of assholes. That's just what I want to say about that.

Actually someone, one of our, one of the people in our chat, just said that rain made up from Our Lady peace, elite singer and Chantelle, COVID affected as well. I didn't know that that's, that's terrible.

There's a ton of Canadians, like, on both sides, like helping others. We were talking the other day, strombo is like, taking people into his house in LA and Jesse crookshank, I saw, you know, took off with, like, a car packed and luckily, the kids and everyone's safe. But, you know, this was a voice note I was gonna play on the show today, but Murray's in the chat. So she says, speaking of current events, I left a voice message, and it happened again last night. So I really want your help on this. She wants our advice. I'm a Canadian spending the winter in Arizona twice now, someone has asked me, Are you ready to be an American? I just don't know how to respond without eliciting a response of, Oh, I was just kidding. Don't be so sensitive. What do you think I should say to these people?

Never in a million goddamn years. You know, I don't think you have to beat around the bush. I don't think you have to walk on eggshells. I think you need to look them in the eye, going, how would you like it if we suddenly said, Hey, I think we're gonna scoop up New Hampshire and Washington and Oregon and maybe a couple of the Dakotas, and have a firm hand. We're not We're not little, you know, wallflowers standing there clasping our purses, you know, like you're gonna be the 51st state go, just fuck off and and grow up and just know that you're being completely insensitive, like read the goddamn room, tell them it's inappropriate not having that conversation, and the guy that you elected is a nut cake and good luck. But you know what you'll be tapping on us needing something eventually, probably water, probably lumber, probably all these things. The tariffs are going to be a disaster. I know I swore not to talk about politics on this show, but they are. They're going to be a literal, physical disaster, not so much for us, but for the American people. They don't understand that yet. I don't

think that they really necessarily understand that he is sort of trying to normalize this idea of Canada becoming the 51st state. He's

an absolute moron. He's not only stupid, but when you get lots of groups of stupid people together, really horrible things happen.

And he's just looking to get rich off the fact that, like, he can say he doesn't believe in climate change, all he wants, like my my two cents is that he does know that there will be severe economic fallout from climate change, and so it's going to be pretty arid and dry in a lot of the US in the next few decades. And we're going to be looked to for farming, because our our climate is going to be better for farming, and Greenland's going to melt. And what's underneath all that ice, but it's a lot of minerals, and it's a lot of oil. So as much as he's tossing these things around, and they think it's funny, if there is a reason to it, and it's always just follow the money. And so he is a man who is business minded first. And he says America first, but he means money first. So they just don't know, like, people just don't know the scope of it. And they think it's just like, oh, lol. It's just the same as him saying, like, lock her up. But you're like, he did kind of also mean that. So listen for

one thing, I want to thank our special guest, Kim Dennis, who has been with us today, enlightening us on all the things. Do we need an applause again? Sarah, do we need like, Oh, I'll give you. We're ready for that again.

Hold on. It's coming. Or how about cheering this time? Cheering?

Let's hear cheering. Clairvoyant, Kim. You can find her on Facebook. You can find her on social media. If you want to book a private and personal and mind boggling experience with Kim, I suggest that you do that, because she does have a bit of a waiting list from time to time. It's not always easy getting to speak to her. There's only so many hours in the day. So thank you so much, Kim. You.

So do we want to talk about our, perhaps, our book club?

Well, someone did actually ask about a book club, and I'm trying to scroll up

to find their specific now, I want to, was it Mel? It might have been about,

okay, yeah, somebody. I'm

calling it the Jan pod book bag, by the way, that's what we're gonna call it, because somebody

did ask Jan if you had any book recommendations, or if you had a book club, and I'm assuming they mean if you either had one on, like on the side, or if you had ever, like, participated in one, but what your book recommendations would be, and to that, I say we are going to be starting, of course, Jan's pod book bag, and the first person who chooses the book selection is going to be Jan, so I'm going to tell

you today. I'm not going to tell you it

is today, but I'll tell you right now, is one of the best books that I read last year. It is Britain's book of the year. So if you guys want to do a little bit of sleuthing, I'm going to give you a few little pointers. It is a conflict story. So it's a war story. And the interesting thing is, is it's told by a woman, that's all I'm going to say. You can look it up, but I was captivated. But there's so many books you should see my bedroom. They're just stacked everywhere. And we're going to do a book every month, and, you know, we, we've got stuff planned, and we're going to, we're going to do something like this, to kind of do a review of the book. We're not sure how it's going to work yet, like right now, I'm probably lying to you. Sarah might be looking at me

doing things. Guys, we had an AGM, we had a meeting for the podcast this week to talk through some of the stuff. And I'm really sorry I didn't bring in catering. Guys, I was thinking about that after but yeah, so essentially, you'll see in Patreon, this is the big part. There is a new tier. Okay, of course, we're going to talk about the book we're reading on the podcast and in the Patreon bonus content. But if you want to participate in the actual engaging around the book for the book bag. If you want to be in the book bag book club, there's a $7 tier that we just added to Patreon. And yeah, so you know, will we probably, at some point log on in a similar way, like this, maybe once, once or twice a year? Yes, probably. And do like a year as well. Yep, you're in review of all the books we read and like discuss what our favorites were, for sure, but otherwise, there's going to be a dedicated conversation place for the books that we're reading.

Yeah, and the big roll up with all the like finalized details will happen next week, so we're right on

time. I really do want to discuss the 2025 theme, obviously, is very much part of this particular episode? Yeah, we have talked briefly about cleaning. You know, people have, you know, resolutions that they make. A lot of people like I was talking about Chris purging his closet to send down to the folks in Los Angeles. I'm sort of a constant cleaner, but I just wanted to ask you guys and and please weigh in here. You guys send your comments about cleaning and about doing yearly, like a deep clean, or if it's something that the that the New Year prompts you to do. For me, it's just a constant freaking thing, like it never ends. Like, I don't use the same dish rag twice. I'm constantly mopping. I'm washing my sheets, and I'm down from twice a week. I do them every Sunday. I wash my sheets or change my sheets out. And I think that's pretty good, because I got so much criticism for washing my sheets twice a week that people said you're wasting water. You know, it's not environmentally sound. You know, usually when I walk on your bed, no, nothing was happening. I usually have a quick shower before I go to bed. Anyway, anyway. Thoughts, comments, cleaning. What? What are you? You

and I are one in the same. Okay, you, you and I are the same because I used, we used to clean, and my husband's just like me, so we're lockstep, which doesn't help our our cleaning obsession, but we do clean our we were cleaning our sheets twice a week, and we just moved to once a week, too. And my dad and his girlfriend told us that we were crazy and we thought we were perfectly normal. And then I realized that we are definitely in the anomaly. So you're you're not alone in that. I do that twice a week as well. Talk

to me about the statistics, because you've probably got them there sitting in front of you about cleaning your home. You don't Okay. There was something I've got. Okay, go.

Yeah. So this was a recent survey that was done kind of around the concept of, like, New Year's resolutions and how everyone wants to start their 2025 out on the right foot. And the study found that 70% of respondents believe that a clutter free home is the secret to a successful 2025 and 66% of people believe that starting the new year with a clean home is crucial, and that 83% of them think it sets the tone for their entire year. And this speaks to something that I learned about, and it's around the Lunar New. Year. So that's more commonly known as, like, the Chinese New Year. And there's a lot of things that happen around that time of year, and one of them is that everyone cleans, like, they clean their house out, they clean out all the old cupboards, they go through, reorganize everything. So, Jan, you're kind of on to something that I think a lot of people also try to do. And I try to do the same thing, but I'm always kind of doing that. So, like, it's hard for me to say that I want to do it fresh in 2025 but I will do like, a closet, purge cupboard, purge, all the stuff that I don't normally get around to doing. But, yeah, you

can read that comment. Sarah, I just realized

we could put them up on the screen. This is our first time doing this, guys, so roll with us. It's great.

No, it's fantastic. No, this comment popped up. I want you to read that. It's from saja, and it was okay. I'll read it. My Saturday morning ritual is to watch the Jan Arden podcast on YouTube, then the bonus content while cleaning my entire kitchen. I

personally am someone who listens to podcasts while cleaning. Like I'm like, Oh, if I have to clean, I better do something fun with my brain.

I love this from Mel. I have learned not to go to such extremes anymore. My house is clean, but I live with three men, and it's near impossible to keep up. I try not to hyper focus on it anymore. Good for you freaking Mal. And you know what? I hope they clean their own toilets like I hope they put the seats down. Jewel says I just watched Marie Kondo on Netflix. Very inspiring. The Art of tidying, cleaning helps when less stuff is around. Jules, you're not going to Bucha me on this I love my stuff. Take a look behind me. I've got so much stuff on my bookshelves. I've got so English so

people can see show a little bit.

So Jan is a max knick knacks. Jan is a maximalist. I'm a minimalist. I'm somewhere in the middle, and you are somewhere in the middle, yeah, but you got a lot of stuff, Jan, but you're, you're, you're very segmental, and you can better, like, yeah, maybe,

Joan, you absorb, when you absorb your parents stuff, yeah, you know. And I got rid of 75% of it broke my heart, busted me into a billion pieces, but it was people that I knew. It was friends, there was cookware, glasses, cutlery, rugs, lamps, books, shelves, and then there was 25% of it that came here. And I look around and I see my parents. I mean, if I turn this to here, that little table was my grandmother's. The little porcelain horses were my grandmothers. That big lamp, that crazy ass lamp, is my mom's. I couldn't get rid of it. The drawers are filled with my mom's cards, like greeting cards. My mom had 1500 cards, and I think she just picked them up constantly, thinking, well, that box of 24 Christmas cards is only $2 so I'm gonna buy those. I had so many cards, and those all got given away, but I had to keep some of them because I'm just like, It's my mother's cards. I was so torn. So anyway, yeah, I got a lot of stuff at my house. So Kim, this

is an interesting one. I have a friend who has a schedule for cleaning every day of the week. Wednesdays are baseboards, not me.

Yeah, I just do it all at the time, but I kind of always see it, and it's only been pointed out to me as I've, like, lived with other people or gone on vacation with friends, and they realize that I truly never stopped cleaning. But I also kind of find it relaxing, and I also find it relaxing to watch videos. Relaxing to watch videos about cleaning. Caitlin, come on, draw the line somewhere. I know I like it, though a relax, like a clean, organized home, makes me feel relaxed and like better set up for the day, but I should be more sentimental, like, I think we have to put some pictures and some things out, because I'm pretty bare bones about everything. But, yeah, no, I'm ruthless, and I if I Jan, like, invite me to your house, like, and if you let me clean I will, like, if you let me declutter for you, I will. I don't want

you can hire her my I've had

the same housekeeper for 20 years, and, you know, once in a while, something gets broke. I can't Declutter. Like, I don't even know if I will. I keep thinking, when I get to a certain age, I'm going to give my family and my friends a break. I'm going to box up and get rid of I'm not going to do that. I'm going to kick my clothes. There's gonna be so much shit in here. People aren't gonna know whether crap or squeeze an orange. They're just not gonna know what to do. They're gonna come in, they're gonna say, Oh my God. But in my will, which I always encourage people to have I am selling everything. It's all in a trust. So there's personal things that people will be I will give that to them. Like this painting goes to that person. I'm doing that, but the rest of it, Cynthia, Cindy, you're going to be able to buy an old brazier of mine because it's all going to be sold. It's all, I'm just kidding, but I mean, you started, there's gonna be stuff. Cindy's pictures that she did for me probably will be in the trust sale, because, you know, but I'm not, I'm gonna live for another 30 years, at least. This is what I'm gonna try and do. But all of that money goes into a trust to help animals. So my will is really straightforward. Word Suzanne

in our chat just said the first line of my will is, sorry about the mess that should be the first line of everyone's will, because it is an undertaking for everybody else, like my my husband's grandfather passed away, and it was the pandemic after that, and so we hadn't seen his grandmother in a long time. So we actually surprised her in Edmonton. This was a few years ago before will was born. So we surprised her with his other brother, and she was just thrilled. And we stayed at her house, and we stayed with her for, I think it was three or four nights, and as we were there, she was complaining about the amount of stuff that her late husband had a mask, and how she was living with all of it, and it was very stressful. So I said, like, Please, let me help you, like, organize stuff, because I like doing it. And Kyle's like, please let Caitlin feel useful. So I did. And in the three or four days we were there, I completely reorganized her kitchen. I think that white, yeah. What are you doing tonight? Yeah, I know. I'll come over and do it. And, um, but she, at one point, put her, like, hand on my shoulder, and was like, dear, I think you should stop. I was like, going too far. But I do really, I derive great satisfaction from looking at a room as a mess and organized, and then physically seeing it looks so much more clean and organized once I'm done. Like, it's a rare moment where you're like, oh, this actually looks better than when I started. So I do like that.

Kimberly says Caitlin maximalism is the new trend. And

she's right. She's right. Like it is very much that my friends are interior designers, and they're like, your place is gonna look so dated. I know

Colleen says I clean toilets before and after using them. Colleen, what's happening even at Value Village. Laugh Out Loud, okay, Colleen, listen, I ain't going to be cleaning no toilet like at a I'm not going to be going into the Cineplex movie theater and cleaning a toilet before I pee in it and then cleaning it afterwards. But you know what? God bless you, Colleen. And if more people, if we had you, we would never have those airport toilet room disasters that we always seem to find ourselves in are men as messy as women. That's what I want to know. Do they get into there and just pee all over the

walls? Do they find them cleaner? I find them cleaner the men's bathrooms? No, like I've been into a men's bathroom, well actually, and mostly I that happens when I'm at like a gay bar. So maybe gay men are cleaner. Yes, they are. But I should say, from like having lived with men, I do find them to be cleaner than the women I've lived with, like my roommates and stuff, I found them to be tidier. There

I had this one roommate who left cookies on the counter. Just lone cookie on the counter. Two days later, I'm like, What is this cookie Do you like for you to eat? No, like, when they forgot about like from their stash. And I'd be like, so what are we doing with this cookie? And she'd be like, I don't know. And I'd be like, Well, can you put it somewhere or eat it? Yeah,

if you leave a cookie out, I'm Santa. Like, I'm eating that cookie. Like, do not leave a cookie out around me. Yeah, the women I've lived with have been far messier than the men I've lived with. But yeah, that could just be that my taste in partners means, like, I pick someone who's quite tidy. Oh, Sandy. I used to be a part owner of a fitness center, and women are the worst. I don't get it.

Pauline says I just moved my parents into a new home to them. We threw out and recycled so much of my mom's stuff. We pray she never goes to the local secondhand store and starts over again, which is a problem like a lot of time people's homes get cleaned out, and then they start all over again. I just don't. I can't Declutter. Caitlin, I love you, but I just I have to have I don't. I'm running out of spaces on my wall to hang stuff up.

It's very sweet. I need a little bit more of you in my life, because if I flipped my camera, if I flipped my computer around to see my place, you'd be like, Does anyone live

here? Well, listen, you guys, I know this. We could go on and on here, but we need to wrap a few things up. For one thing we have, we have some messages that we want to listen to, as always, usually at the end of our podcast, we have some voicemails that we always encourage you to leave us. You can go on to the Jarden podcast page. It's very easy. You just click a button and you talk, and you can talk as long as you want. I think, I don't think there's a limit

on it, about two minutes, but

anyway, a couple minutes, two minutes I think,

okay, okay,

well, we'll cut you off. If you run long, we'll just cut you off. But anyway, we do have some of those messages, and we are coming to the end of this wonderful experience. We want to thank everyone for being with us, but let's listen to a few voice notes and see what we got. This

is from Cameron, who was supposed to join us today.

Hey, Jan. Hey, Sarah. Hey, Caitlin, it's Cameron here calling from Vancouver. I'm one of your LGBTQ IA listeners. And Jan, I've been listening to you since all the way back to the very first album, and I remember seeing you on much music back in the. Day and seeing your video for I would die for you. I've always loved you, and thank you for being the soundtrack to my life and to many other LGBT the gay community just loves you here in Vancouver, but you already know that anyway, Caitlin, and Sarah, God, Sarah, I'm so happy that you got that fabulous dog. He looks so sweet and lovely. And Caitlin, oh, my god, your son and all the parenting advice you've been giving because me and my partner were actually in them getting ready to hopefully have a son or a daughter very sometime soon. So anyway, just wonderful and happy new year, and thanks for being the best podcast. I look forward to it every week. Thanks so much. Send you my love from Vancouver. Thank


Wow, that's exciting. Oh, my God, that's so exciting. Cameron, please keep us updated via voice note on your parenting journey. Very,

very exciting.

Here is Kim, I believe.

Hi, Jan Caitlin and Sarah. It's Kim calling from Kelowna. I like Jan. Am a 1962 baby, which means I'm a woman of a certain age who has just listened to the Don't worry about your chins. Episode, podcast, long time listener, first time caller. I have to say, I've never related to anything more in my life. I retired at 59 spent six months in sleep mode, recovering from the stress of my career, and then I literally woke up one day and a switch had flipped, and all the anxieties I've had over my entire adult life seem to have slipped away. Things like, Is my hair okay? Are my eyebrows penciled on correctly? Is my lipstick in place? Never leave the house without your lipstick on or your eyebrows on. My God, what would people think? And it suddenly occurred to me that day that I woke up, nobody was thinking about my eyebrows, just me. I am. Nobody was thinking about my lipstick, just me. Relationships that used to be so difficult, now so easy, because I don't let the triggers trigger me anymore, and I have to tell you, I wish that change had happened 30 years ago, because it's the best thing that ever happened in my life. And ladies, you have this to look forward to when you get through menopause.

I tell them that all the time, true, true, true, true, true. I'm I'm very seldom, hard on myself, and I had to catch myself in that moment. And I think you guys heard that clip that we had on on social media this week, of, why would you talk to someone so fierce and so amazing like that? Like, why would you do that to yourself? So I catch myself once in a while, but I'm not perfect, and I'm not 100% you know, all the time. Yay. Raw me. Everything's great. You know, there's times when I because I'm photographed so much and on television so much, and so it's more than the average person has to see themselves. And for the most part, I'm very good about it. And a lot of times, things that I've done I don't watch, I don't watch stuff that I've acted in. I just don't watch it. I was there on the day, and people will say, Oh, did you watch your thing on heartland? I'm like, No, I don't need to see that. I have a feeling that I'd be very frightened by it. So. But thank you for saying that. And yes, as you get older, comments guys anything. I

mean, that's just that it totally tracks with what we discussed on that episode about the like, the reduction in your estrogen levels coinciding with the reduction in you caring about those types of things anymore. So I really do look forward to that, not the hot flashes

we want to thank you guys so so so much for supporting the only Jans, for being on Patreon, for helping us make this podcast every week. We just love hearing from you. We love knowing what your thoughts are, what you want to talk about, but we were really working on improving what we're already doing is magnificent, but we're always thinking about ways to to just grow bigger and make sure that you guys stay interested, and that the hour that you do spend with us every week, you're entertained and you have some laughs, and you learn something about yourselves, like, like Cindy said to be easier on yourselves, to learn and to, you know, get some skills on how to deal with stress and deal with breaking up with your friends and just shit that goes wrong in life. So we just, we want to cover all the bases. We're not experts at anything, but we're just out there on the planet living life like you guys and I have my two young sidekicks here that keep me humble and always remind me of what time we're recording these things, because I never know if they get a barrage, what time are we going? What time am I on? What they're now calling it Jan Standard Time, which? Jst, yeah. So we're not even on mountain standard time anymore. It's for you. Jst, it's 10am yeah. But anyway, you know, if your friends haven't signed up for Patreon, make sure they do. There's lots of fun things to look forward to. And like we said, the $7 tier, it includes the the book bag and the book club and. Um, just all kinds of new stuff. We're going to make sure we have book giveaways, and we're just going to keep adding on to the value that you guys will get for that. So in the meantime, look after yourselves. So Caitlin green, Sarah Burke, thank you so much. You've been listening to the Jan Arden podcast. We'll see you next time.